17 research outputs found

    The relationship of male condoms and withdrawal contraceptive methods with female sexual function and satisfaction: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Men's participation is an important issue in family planning and reproductive health. Coitus interruptus and condom use are two reversible and non-hormonal methods of contraception to engage men in family planning. The present study is aimed to evaluate the relationship of male condom use and withdrawal as contraception with female sexual function and satisfaction.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 215 married women aged 15-45 years in Ahvaz. Necessary data were collected using three demographic, female sexual function index (FSFI), and female sexual satisfaction questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and descriptive and analytical tests (independent t-test and Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients) were used. A P level of less than 0.05 was considered significant.Results: Although there was no significant difference in the areas of sexual desire (p=0.31), sexual arousal (p=0.18), vaginal lubrication (p=0.63), and pain (p=0.06) between two groups, but significant differences were found between the areas of orgasm (p=0.004), sexual satisfaction (p=0.009) and overall sexual function index (p=0.04) in both groups, which were higher in the condoms-used group. There was a significant direct relationship between female sexual function index and satisfaction in the condom method (p=0.001, r=0.48) and the withdrawal method (p=0.001, r=0.38).Conclusions: Female sexual function and satisfaction in the users of male condoms is higher than the withdrawal method of contraception, while significant direct relationship was found between female sexual function and satisfaction in both methods. For a more detailed conclusion on female sexual function and satisfaction of users of these methods, longitudinal studies are suggested to be done by performing follow-up periods before, during and after cessation of method

    Effect of hyoscine-N-butyl bromide rectal suppository on labor progress in primigravid women: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Aim To determine the effects of hyoscine-N-butyl bromide (HBB) rectal suppository on labor progress in primigravid women. Methods A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial was carried out on 130 primigravid women admitted for spontaneous labor. The women were recruited based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomized into the experimental (n = 65) and control group (n = 65). In the beginning of the active phase of labor, 20 mg of HBB rectal suppository was administered to the experimental group, while a placebo suppository was administered to the control group. Cervical dilatation and duration of active phase and second stage of labor were recorded. Results The rate of cervical dilatation was 2.6 cm/h in the experimental and 1.5 cm/h in the control group (P < 0.001). The active phase and the second stage of labor were significantly shorter in the experimental group (P = 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the fetal heart rate, maternal pulse rate, blood pressure, and the APGAR score 1 and 5 minutes after birth. Conclusion Use of HBB rectal suppository in the active management of labor can shorten both the active phase and second stage of labor without significant side-effects

    The comparison of the acupressure and pyridoxine effect on severity of both nausea and vomiting in primigravida women

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    زمینه و هدف:اختلالات دستگاه گوارش به ویژه تهوع و استفراغ، شایع ترین شکایات دوران بارداری می باشند. بررسی های انجام شده نشان داده که در مراقبت های بارداری تقریباً 20 درصد زنان باردار به علت شدت این مشکلات در جستجوی خدمات پزشکی هستند. هدف از این پژوهش مقایسه اثر دو روش درمانی طب فشاری و پیریدوکسین (ویتامینB6 ) بر روی شدت تهوع و استفراغ خانم های باردار نخست زا می باشد. روش بررسی: در یک کارآزمایی بالینی، پژوهشگر با حضور در مراکز بهداشتی - درمانی شهرستان اهواز از میان زنان نخست حامله ای که در زمان انجام پژوهش جهت دریافت خدمات دوران بارداری به مراکز مربوطه مراجعه کرده و دارای تهوع و استفراغ بودند، تعداد 100 نفر بصورت مبتنی بر هدف انتخاب و بطور تصادفی در دو گروه 50 نفره قرار گرفتند. جهت درمان تهوع و استفراغ گروه اول تحت تأثیر طب فشاری با استفاده از نواری بنام سی باند قرار گرفت و گروه دوم روزانه 40 میلی گرم ویتامین B6 دریافت کردند و درمان به مدت 4 روز برای هر دو گروه انجام شد. برای هرکدام از نمونه ها پرسشنامه ای تکمیل و به کلیه افراد برگه هایی جهت ثبت وضعیت روزانه برای مدت 4 روز داده شد و داده های بدست آمده با استفاده از آزمون آماری کای دو، تی تست، من ویتنی و ویل کاکسون تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که استفاده از ویتامینB6 و سی باند باعث کاهش شدت تهوع و دفعات استفراغ می شود (001/0

    Female sexual function in users of combined oral and traditional contraceptive methods

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    Background. Combined oral contraceptive pills containing ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel are the most common contraceptives that are used by women of the reproductive age. Moreover, sexual function is linked to sexual hormones. Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sexual function of hormonal contraceptive (OCP) and non-hormonal contraceptive (traditional or withdrawal) methods in Iranian reproductive-age women referred to healthcare centers. Material and methods. This was a cross-sectional study on 206 married women of the reproductive age (18–45). Ninety-six women used OCP to prevent pregnancy, and 110 women did not use any contraceptives, instead using a traditional (withdrawal) method for at least 6 months before the study. Data on sexual function was collected via the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. The independent t-test was used for statistical purposes. Results. The results showed that there were no significant differences in all domains of sexual function in the two groups, except in the area of sexual arousal (3.87 in OCP users and 4.14 in withdrawal user methods) (p < 0.05). There was an association between the arousal domain and oral contraceptive use, but there was no relation between OCP and other domains of sexual function. Conclusions. The combined oral and withdrawal contraceptive methods have no impact on sexual function, except in the area of sexual arousal

    The relationship of male condoms and withdrawal contraceptive methods with female sexual function and satisfaction: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Mens participation is an important issue in family planning and reproductive health. Coitus interruptus and condom use are two reversible and non-hormonal methods of contraception to engage men in family planning. The present study is aimed to evaluate the relationship of male condom use and withdrawal as contraception with female sexual function and satisfaction. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 215 married women aged 15-45 years in Ahvaz. Necessary data were collected using three demographic, female sexual function index (FSFI), and female sexual satisfaction questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and descriptive and analytical tests (independent t-test and Pearsons and Spearmans correlation coefficients) were used. A P level of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Although there was no significant difference in the areas of sexual desire (p=0.31), sexual arousal (p=0.18), vaginal lubrication (p=0.63), and pain (p=0.06) between two groups, but significant differences were found between the areas of orgasm (p=0.004), sexual satisfaction (p=0.009) and overall sexual function index (p=0.04) in both groups, which were higher in the condoms-used group. There was a significant direct relationship between female sexual function index and satisfaction in the condom method (p=0.001, r=0.48) and the withdrawal method (p=0.001, r=0.38). Conclusions: Female sexual function and satisfaction in the users of male condoms is higher than the withdrawal method of contraception, while significant direct relationship was found between female sexual function and satisfaction in both methods. For a more detailed conclusion on female sexual function and satisfaction of users of these methods, longitudinal studies are suggested to be done by performing follow-up periods before, during and after cessation of method. [Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016; 5(8.000): 2629-2633

    Prevalence and related factors for anorgasmia among reproductive aged women in Hesarak, Iran

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    INTRODUCTION: Orgasmic dysfunction in women is characterized by persistent or recurrent delay in or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase. Research has shown that almost two thirds of women have concerns about their sexual relationship. Sexual dysfunction has many problems for couples; some researchers found that up to 67% of divorces related to sexual disorders. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the prevalence and related factors of anorgasmia among reproductive age Iranian women. METHODS: This study was conducted in 2006-7 in Hesarak, Karaj, Iran. A total of 1200 women were randomly recruited to the study. Sexual satisfaction questions were prepared according to the Enrich Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire. Orgasms were assessed according to the relevant questions in the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 11; Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and independent t-test were used for statistical purposes. RESULTS: This study showed that the prevalence of anorgasmia among Iranian women in Hesarak, Karaj, was 26.3%. There was a significant difference between the anorgasmic and normal orgasm groups regarding the women's age, age at marriage, duration of marriage and education during puberty (p<0.05). Some psychological factors, e.g. anxiety, fatigue, pain, feeling of guilt, anti-masculine feelings and embarrassment in sexual relationships were higher in the anorgasmic group (p<0.001). DISCUSSION: The results of this study showed that the prevalence of anorgasmia in Hesarak is high and most of the anorgasmic women were highly unsatisfied with their sexual relationship compared to the normal orgasm group. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anorgasmia among Iranian women in Hesarak, Karaj, is high and some socio-demographic and psychological factors have a strong relationship with anorgasmia

    Competence of Healthcare Workers in Sexual Health Education for Female Adolescents at Schools

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    Background & aim: Sexual health education is one of the responsibilities of healthcare workers at schools, which can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, substance abuse, sexual violence, and suicidal tendencies. This study aimed to investigate healthcare workers’ competence in sexual health education for female adolescents at schools. Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted on 300 healthcare workers, responsible for sexual health education at schools in 2015. A valid and reliable researcher-made questionnaire was completed by the healthcare workers in order to assess their competence in sexual health education at healthcare centers of Khuzestan, Iran. To assess the competence of the participants (i.e., knowledge, attitude, confidence, and performance), descriptive statistics were calculated for quantitative variables. Also, mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage were calculated for qualitative variables. Pearson’s correlation test was performed to assess the relationship between the subjects’ knowledge, attitude, confidence, and performance. Also, the association between demographic variables and participants’ knowledge, attitude, confidence, and performance was evaluated, using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data were analyzed, using SPSS version 21.0. Results: Knowledge, attitude, and confidence of healthcare workers in sexual health education were desirable. However, the subjects showed a poor performance in teaching students the required skills to control their emotions, instincts, homosexual tendencies, and masturbation. There was a significant correlation between performance, attitude, and confidence, knowledge and attitude, performance and confidence, and confidence, performance, and attitude (

    Comparison of the Effects of Ondansetron and Ginger on Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: A Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Nausea and vomiting are the most common complications of pregnancy. In order to minimize the consumption of chemical drugs and prevent their side effects in pregnant women, this study was conducted with aim to compare the effect of Ondansetron versus Ginger on nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.         Methods: This double-blind clinical trial study was conducted in 2018 on 110 pregnant women with nausea and vomiting in 10-15 weeks of pregnancy who referred to health family clinics of Bandar Mahshahr. Women were randomly assigned to two groups of ginger (n=55) and ondansetron (n=55). The ginger group used 9 tablets of 500 mg consisting of dry ginger powder for three days (once every 8 hours) and the ondansetron group used 9 tablets of 4 mg ondansetron for three days (once every 8 hours). Data collection tool included a demographic questionnaire and a Rhodes index questionnaire which assessed the severity and frequency of nausea and vomiting before entering the intervention and twice a day during the study. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 22(, using Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, and independent t tests. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean score of the Rhodes index in the ginger group decreased from 12.61 ± 3.7 to 5.43 ± 6.23 and in the ondansetron group from 14.5 ± 4.73 to 3.89 ± 3.86 (p<0.001). Therefore, ginger was as effective as ondansetron in reducing the frequency and severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Conclusion: Both ginger and ondansetron are effective in treating nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and the effect of ginger and ondansetron is the same with a very small difference