29 research outputs found
Objective: The present study aims to characterize exogenous acute poisoning profile among children from zero to twelve years old in a municipality in the North of Paraná and region, treated in the Poison Control Center in 2007. Methods: Data were taken from the notification database of the service. The analyzed variables were age, gender, place of occurrence, distribution of occurrences throughout the months of the year, toxic agents, cause of poisoning, type of exposition and outcome of the event. Results: Out of all occurrences, 91% were classified as accidental. The majority of poisoning cases (59.7%) occurred in the first semester. The main toxic agent (30%) was pharmacologic drugs. The most prevalent type of exposure was oral (70.4%). Children from one to four years old were victims in 63.1% of cases. Conclusions: Unintentional injuries, especially exogenous poisoning, are currently considered a public health problem, thus it is very important of carrying out preventive actions. Neglect and lack of information of parents and relatives contribute significantly to the occurrence of this type of accident that mostly occurs in own home environment. Due to these events, prevention activities should be emphasized and practiced including parents, caregivers and children themselves.Objetivo: Caracterizar el perfil de las intoxicaciones exógenas agudas entre los niños con cero y 12 años de edad atendidos en un centro de control de veneno en una ciudad del norte de Paraná en el año 2007. Métodos: Se recogieron datos en formularios de notificación en la base de datos del servicio. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, espacio de la aparición de la intoxicación, distribución de las intoxicaciones en los meses del año, agentes tóxicos, razón de la intoxicación, las vías de exposición y la evolución de los acontecimientos. Resultados: Del total de las llamadas, 91% fueron clasificados como accidentales. La mayoría de los casos de intoxicación (59,7%) se produjeron en la primera mitad del año. El agente tóxico principal (30%) fue el fármaco. La ruta más común de exposición fue oral (70,4%). Los niños de uno a cuatro años fueron los más afectados, que representan el 63,1% de los casos. Conclusiones: Sabiendo que las lesiones no intencionales, especialmente el envenenamiento exógeno, se consideran actualmente un problema de salud pública, se identifica la importancia de llevar a cabo acciones preventivas. La negligencia y la falta de información de los padres y familiares contribuyen significativamente a la aparición de este tipo de accidente que se produce sobre todo en el propio hogar. Actividades de educación para la salud, incluyendo los padres, los cuidadores y los propios niños deben ser desarrolladas. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil das intoxicações exógenas agudas entre crianças de zero a 12 anos de idade atendidas em um Centro de Controle de Intoxicações em um município do norte do Paraná no ano de 2007. Materiais e métodos: As informações foram coletadas nas fichas de notificação do banco de dados do serviço. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, sexo, local de ocorrências das intoxicações, distribuição das intoxicações nos meses do ano, agentes tóxicos, motivo da intoxicação, vias de exposição e evolução das ocorrências. Resultados: Do total de atendimentos, 91% foram classificados como acidentais. A maioria dos casos de intoxicações (59,7%) ocorreu no primeiro semestre do ano. O principal agente tóxico (30%) foi o medicamento. A via de exposição mais prevalente foi a oral (70,4%). As crianças com idades de um a quatro anos foram as mais acometidas, representando 63,1% dos casos. Conclusões: Sabendo-se que as injúrias não intencionais, em especial as intoxicações exógenas, são atualmente consideradas um problema de saúde pública, observa-se a importância da realização de ações preventivas. A negligência e falta de informações dos pais e familiares contribuem significativamente para a ocorrência desse tipo de acidente que em sua maioria ocorre no próprio ambiente doméstico. Atividades de educação em saúde incluindo pais, cuidadores e as próprias crianças devem ser praticadas
Frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in cervical intraepithelial lesions and the status of cytological p16/Ki-67 dual-staining
Background: Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) is not a disease subject to mandatory reporting in Brazil, and the prevalence rate of this genital infection varies according to the region in which studies are conducted, as well as by the detection technique employed. Ct has been associated with persistence of Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the facilitation of cervical carcinoma development. We evaluated the Chlamydia trachomatis infection and its association with cytology, p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology and cervical intraepithelial lesions status in a screening cohort in Brazil.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 1481 cervical samples from asymptomatic women aged 18 to 64. Samples were collected for liquid-based cytology and Ct detection by polymerase chain reaction. p16/Ki-67 double staining was performed on samples with abnormal cytology. Statistical analysis was by chi-square and likelihood-ratio tests. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were determined.
Results: The frequency of Ct was 15.6% and its presence was not associated with detection of p16/Ki-67 [OR = 1. 35 (0.5-3.4)]. There was also no association between abnormal cervical cytology and Ct-positivity [OR = 1.21 (0.46-3.2)]. Associations were observed between p16/Ki-67 and high-grade lesions detected by cytology and in biopsies [OR = 3.55 (1.50-8.42) and OR = 19.00 (0.6-7.2), respectively].
Conclusions: The asymptomatic women in our study had a high frequency of Ct infection but this was not associated with p16/Ki-67 detection in samples with abnormal cytology. The expression of p16/Ki-67 was highest in women with high-grade CIN (p = 0.003).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A model to reduce traffic, pollution and costs in urban distribution
This paper presents a proposal to help metropolitan areas reduce traffic, pollution and also to cut delivery costs. The use of the collaborative logistics in the networking design for this fine distribution method shall allow the distribution partner to plan and execute deliveries, which will reducing the number of vehicles used in comparison with the regular distribution model (this also allows the use of a clean fleet of small vehicles – like electric minivans). The methodology used to develop the proposal is to simulate two different scenarios, comparing the variables that influence the traffic, the pollution emission and the cost involved with the distribution of goods in urban areas. Further to the variables considered in the study, this new model needs to prove its efficiency at service level. The conclusion of this study will compare those three variables between the regular model, where many different carriers need to reach the retail stores every day, delivering all kinds of products, with the proposed model, where only one carrier will do the deliveries in the urban areas
Evaluating urban transportation quality: measuring transportation activity
This paper describes how, when people think about transportation improvements, they often envision new modes of travel: canals, steamships, railroads, automobiles and air travel. What comes next? Rockets? Lighter-than-air ships? Teleporters? Perhaps these may become more common in the future. But they will not necessarily solve existing transportation problems such as urban traffic congestion, parking costs or traffic crashes. The next major breakthrough to improve transport system quality may simply consist of management strategies that result in more efficient use of existing transport resources. When all impacts are considered, such strategies are often the best solution to transportation problems. The paper first studies the definition and connotation of transportation efficiency and quality. From the viewpoint of different groups participating in urban transportation systems, different system functions and targets required by each group are analyzed. Then the corresponding system targets and evaluation rules required by the administrator are studied. Finally, the authors discuss different methods used to measure urban transportation, the different perspectives they represent, and how the selection of one or another method tends to affect transportation and land use planning decisions
Evaluating Urban Transportation Quality: Measuring Transportation Activity
When people think about transportation improvements they often envision new modes of travel: canals, steamships, railroads, automobiles and air travel. What comes next? Rockets? Lighter-than-air ships? Teleporters? Perhaps these may become more common in the future. But they will not necessarily solve existing transportation problems such as urban traffic congestion, parking costs or traffic crashes. The next major breakthrough to improve transport system quality may simply consist of management strategies that result in more efficient use of existing transport resources. When all impacts are considered, such strategies are often the best solution to transportation problems. This paper first studies the definition and connotation of transportation efficiency and quality. From the viewpoint of different groups participating in urban transportation systems, different system functions and targets required by each group are analysed. Then the corresponding system targets and evaluation rules required by the administrator are studied. Finally we discuss different methods used to measure urban transportation, the different perspectives they represent, and how the selection of one or another method tends to affect transportation and land use planning decisions.967584Glenn, D., (2001) Israel, , http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_WC041, Using Logic Models for Program Development, Cooperative Extension Service, University of FloridaSong, B., Zhang, Y., Bu, G., (1999) Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Optimal Level Value in Fuzzy Optimization Problem, Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering, (5), pp. 100-104Zhou, T., (1997) Efficiency and Supply-side Economics, , Economy and Sciences Publishing Company, Beijin
Planning deliveries from end to beginning: an assessment methodology proposal for big cities in developing countries, with real case application
This paper on delivery planning in large cities in developing countries is from the proceedings of 14th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, which was held in Malta in 2008. The authors stress that delivering cargo in big cities in developing countries is more difficult than in developed countries, primarily because the infrastructure and traffic conditions are worse. They present a case study using the DHL Exel Supply Chain in Sao Paolo, Brazil, then outline a methodology for choosing the best mode of cargo delivery in the urban area of populous cities in developing countries. The authors hypothesize that the best technical option may be to use smaller and lighter vehicles in order to reduce the traffic impact, have more agility, use more environmentally-friendly cleaner fuel, and to achieve easier access to central areas inside commercial centers. However, delivering cargo with a lot of small trucks can be much more expensive than full truck loads using bigger vehicles. The methodology can be used to create a process to choose between the conventional method that favors the agility, short storage and small trucks and the use of cargo consolidation, fewer stops, and larger trucks
Challenges of urban transport problems and city logistics: Sao Paulo city center case
This paper on urban transport problems and city logistics is from the proceedings of 14th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, which was held in Malta in 2008. The authors use Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a case example to illustrate the concepts under discussion. They focus on the emerging concept of city logistics to improve the mobility of cities. At a simple level, global and continental scale logistics systems are organized around airports, seaports, road and rail systems and storage facilities, which all tend to be space extensive. Challenges include the need for growth in logistics systems to support the globalization of production and consumption, and the related spatial and functional restructuring of large scale urban regions. Topics include strategies to limit automobile circulation, prohibition of automobile travel in downtown areas during certain hours, traffic congestion, private automobile ownership, freight needs, infrastructure, decentralization, the benefits of city logistics, and new forms of goods organization
A Model To Reduce Traffic, Pollution And Costs In Urban Distribution
This study aims to present a proposal to help metropolitan areas to reduce traffic, pollution and also cut delivery costs. The use of the collaborative logistics in the networking design for this fine distribution method shall allow the distribution partner to plan and execute the deliveries, reducing the number of vehicles used in comparison with the regular distribution model (this also allows the use of a clean fleet of small vehicles-like electric minivans). The methodology used to develop the proposal is to simulate two different scenarios, comparing the variables that influence the traffic, the pollution emission and the cost involved with the distribution of goods in urban areas. Further to the variables considered in the study, this new model needs to prove its efficiency at service level. The conclusion of this study will compare those three variables between the regular model, where many different carriers need to reach the retail stores every day, delivering all kinds of products, with the proposed model, where only one carrier will do the deliveries in the urban areas.96645654Albrecht, K., (1994) Programando o Futuro (O Trem da Linha Norte), , Makron BooksSP;Bailou, R.H., (1992) Business Logistics Management, , 4 ed, Prentice Hall;Bowersox, D.J., Closs, D.J., (1996) Logistical Management - The Integrated Supply Chain Process, , 1 ed, McGraw-HillCastro, C.M., (1978) A Prática da Pesquisa, , 2a Edição, McGrawHill do Brasil, São PauloChristopher, M., (1997) LogÃstica e Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos - Estratégias para Redução de Custos e Melhoria dos Serviços, , 1 ed. São Paulo, Editora PioneiraChristopher, M., The Agile Supply Chain - Competing in Volatile Markets (2000) Industrial Marketing Management, 29, pp. 37-44Csillag, J.M., (1995) Análise de Valor, , Atlas, SP, 4a EdMentzer, J.T., Bienstock, C., (1998) Sales Forecasting Management, , 1 ed, New York, SagePorter, M., (1996) What is StrategyPorter, M., (1980) Competitive Strategy, , New York, The Free Press;Sharman, G., The Rediscovery of Logistics (1984) Harvard Business Review, , September/OctoberHarmon, P., Evaluating an Organization's Business Process Maturity (2004) Business Process Trend Newsletter, (3). , Volume2Zinn, W., Bowersox, D., Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of Postponement (1988) Journal of Business Logistics, 9 (2), pp. 117-12