1,182 research outputs found

    Relationship between Friend virus and an associated lymphatic leukaemia virus.

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    virus into rats (Mirand and Grace, 1962; Dawson, Rose and Fieldsteel, 1966) an

    The dielectric constant of PbTe at 4.2 K and ν~\tilde ν=84.15 cm1^{-1}, 96.97 cm1^{-1}, 103.60 cm1^{-1}

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    The dielectric constant of a PbTe epitaxial layer has been measured by surface wave spectroscopy using an optically pumped far-infrared laser and the technique of attenuated total reflection

    Human HT-29 colon carcinoma cells contain mucarinic M3_3 receptors coupled to phosphoinositide metabolism

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    Five different musearlnie receptor subtypes ean be distinguished by the differenees in their amino aeid sequence, the eoupled signal transduetion system, pharmaeologieal binding properties and aetivation of ionie fluxes. The present study served to eharaeterize the binding profile of musearlnie receptors in human eolon eareinoma eells (HT-29) using seleetive musearlnie antagonists. The affinities of the compounds were eompared with their poteney to inhibit cholinergieally-aetivated phosphoinositide metabolism. Pirenzepine displaced [3^3H]N-methyl-scopolamine binding and inhibited inositolphosphate (IP) release with potencies typieal of those of non-M1_1 receptors. The M3_3 subtype-selective antagonists sila-hexocyelium and hexahydro-sila-difenidol bad high affinity to the musearlnie reeeptors in HT-29 cells (K0 = 3.1 nM and 27 nM, respectively) and inhibited IP release at nanomolar concentrations. The M2_2 receptor antagonists, AF-DX 116 and methoctramine, had low antimusearinic poteneies. Our results demonstrate that HT-29 human colon earcinoma cells contain an apparently pure population of M3_3 receptors. These cells could serve as a model system for further investigations coneerning regulatory and signal transduction mechanisms associated with glandular muscarinic M3_3 receptors

    Genomic architecture of potato resistance to Synchytrium endobioticum disentangled using SSR markers and the 8.3k SolCAP SNP genotyping array

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    BACKGROUND: The soil borne, obligate biotrophic fungus Synchytrium endobioticum causes tumor-like tissue proliferation (wart) in potato tubers and thereby considerable crop damage. Chemical control is not effective and unfriendly to the environment. S. endobioticum is therefore a quarantined pathogen. The emergence of new pathotypes of the fungus aggravate this agricultural problem. The best control of wart disease is the cultivation of resistant varieties. Phenotypic screening for resistant cultivars is however time, labor and material intensive. Breeding for resistance would therefore greatly benefit from diagnostic DNA markers that can be applied early in the breeding cycle. The prerequisite for the development of diagnostic DNA markers is the genetic dissection of the factors that control resistance to S. endobioticum in various genetic backgrounds of potato. RESULTS: Progeny of a cross between a wart resistant and a susceptible tetraploid breeding clone was evaluated for resistance to S. endobioticum pathotypes 1, 2, 6 and 18 most relevant in Europe. The same progeny was genotyped with 195 microsatellite and 8303 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Linkage analysis identified the multi-allelic locus Sen1/RSe-XIa on potato chromosome XI as major factor for resistance to all four S. endobioticum pathotypes. Six additional, independent modifier loci had smaller effects on wart resistance. Combinations of markers linked to Sen1/RSe-XIa resistance alleles with one to two additional markers were sufficient for obtaining high levels of resistance to S. endobioticum pathotypes 1, 2, 6 and 18 in the analyzed genetic background. CONCLUSIONS: Potato resistance to S. endobioticum is oligogenic with one major and several minor resistance loci. It is composed of multiple alleles for resistance and susceptibility that originate from multiple sources. The genetics of resistance to S. endobioticum varies therefore between different genetic backgrounds. The DNA markers described in this paper are the starting point for pedigree based selection of cultivars with high levels of resistance to S. endobioticum pathotypes 1, 2, 6 and 18. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0195-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Исследование спектрально- кинетических характеристик люминофоров переменного состава на основе алюмоиттриевого граната

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    В процессе исследования проводились сбор, обработка и систематизация литературных данных об основных характеристиках, предъявляемых к люминофорам для светодиодов белого свечения, освоена методика измерения спектрально – кинетических характеристик люминофоров, проведен экономический анализ работы, также были определены мероприятия по технике безопасности. В результате исследования были получены экспериментальные результаты спектрально – кинетических характеристик исследуемых люминофоров переменного состава, сделаны выводы о влиянии концентрации спекающей добавки в составе люминофора.Nowadays,YAG:Ce3+ phosphors are the most widely used yellow LED because of its appropriate spectral property. The research of this work is to study the influence of the flux on the morphology of the YAG phosphors particles. As a result, the spectral and kinetic characteristics of the YAG:Ce3+ phosphors of variable composition were obtained

    Identification and reproducibility of diagnostic DNA markers for tuber starch and yield optimization in a novel association mapping population of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    KEY MESSAGE: SNPs in candidate genesPain-1,InvCD141(invertases),SSIV(starch synthase),StCDF1(transcription factor),LapN(leucine aminopeptidase), and cytoplasm type are associated with potato tuber yield, starch content and/or starch yield. ABSTRACT: Tuber yield (TY), starch content (TSC), and starch yield (TSY) are complex characters of high importance for the potato crop in general and for industrial starch production in particular. DNA markers associated with superior alleles of genes that control the natural variation of TY, TSC, and TSY could increase precision and speed of breeding new cultivars optimized for potato starch production. Diagnostic DNA markers are identified by association mapping in populations of tetraploid potato varieties and advanced breeding clones. A novel association mapping population of 282 genotypes including varieties, breeding clones and Andean landraces was assembled and field evaluated in Northern Spain for TY, TSC, TSY, tuber number (TN) and tuber weight (TW). The landraces had lower mean values of TY, TW, TN, and TSY. The population was genotyped for 183 microsatellite alleles, 221 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in fourteen candidate genes and eight known diagnostic markers for TSC and TSY. Association test statistics including kinship and population structure reproduced five known marker–trait associations of candidate genes and discovered new ones, particularly for tuber yield and starch yield. The inclusion of landraces increased the number of detected marker–trait associations. Integration of the present association mapping results with previous QTL linkage mapping studies for TY, TSC, TSY, TW, TN, and tuberization revealed some hot spots of QTL for these traits in the potato genome. The genomic positions of markers linked or associated with QTL for complex tuber traits suggest high multiplicity and genome wide distribution of the underlying genes. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00122-016-2665-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The significance of macrophage polarization subtypes for animal models of tissue fibrosis and human fibrotic diseases.

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    The systemic and organ-specific human fibrotic disorders collectively represent one of the most serious health problems world-wide causing a large proportion of the total world population mortality. The molecular pathways involved in their pathogenesis are complex and despite intensive investigations have not been fully elucidated. Whereas chronic inflammatory cell infiltration is universally present in fibrotic lesions, the central role of monocytes and macrophages as regulators of inflammation and fibrosis has only recently become apparent. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the contribution of monocytes/macrophages to the initiation, establishment, or progression of the fibrotic process remain largely unknown. Several monocyte and macrophage subpopulations have been identified, with certain phenotypes promoting inflammation whereas others display profibrotic effects. Given the unmet need for effective treatments for fibroproliferative diseases and the crucial regulatory role of monocyte/macrophage subpopulations in fibrogenesis, the development of therapeutic strategies that target specific monocyte/macrophage subpopulations has become increasingly attractive. We will provide here an overview of the current understanding of the role of monocyte/macrophage phenotype subpopulations in animal models of tissue fibrosis and in various systemic and organ-specific human fibrotic diseases. Furthermore, we will discuss recent approaches to the design of effective anti-fibrotic therapeutic interventions by targeting the phenotypic differences identified between the various monocyte and macrophage subpopulations

    CD28 between tolerance and autoimmunity: The side effects of animal models [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Regulation of immune responses is critical for ensuring pathogen clearance and for preventing reaction against self-antigens. Failure or breakdown of immunological tolerance results in autoimmunity. CD28 is an important co-stimulatory receptor expressed on T cells that, upon specific ligand binding, delivers signals essential for full T-cell activation and for the development and homeostasis of suppressive regulatory T cells. Many in vivo mouse models have been used for understanding the role of CD28 in the maintenance of immune homeostasis, thus leading to the development of CD28 signaling modulators that have been approved for the treatment of some autoimmune diseases. Despite all of this progress, a deeper understanding of the differences between the mouse and human receptor is required to allow a safe translation of pre-clinical studies in efficient therapies. In this review, we discuss the role of CD28 in tolerance and autoimmunity and the clinical efficacy of drugs that block or enhance CD28 signaling, by highlighting the success and failure of pre-clinical studies, when translated to humans