16 research outputs found

    Splice variants of DOMINO control Drosophila circadian behavior and pacemaker neuron maintenance.

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    Circadian clocks control daily rhythms in behavior and physiology. In Drosophila, the small ventral lateral neurons (sLNvs) expressing PIGMENT DISPERSING FACTOR (PDF) are the master pacemaker neurons generating locomotor rhythms. Despite the importance of sLNvs and PDF in circadian behavior, little is known about factors that control sLNvs maintenance and PDF accumulation. Here, we identify the Drosophila SWI2/SNF2 protein DOMINO (DOM) as a key regulator of circadian behavior. Depletion of DOM in circadian neurons eliminates morning anticipatory activity under light dark cycle and impairs behavioral rhythmicity in constant darkness. Interestingly, the two major splice variants of DOM, DOM-A and DOM-B have distinct circadian functions. DOM-A depletion mainly leads to arrhythmic behavior, while DOM-B knockdown lengthens circadian period without affecting the circadian rhythmicity. Both DOM-A and DOM-B bind to the promoter regions of key pacemaker genes period and timeless, and regulate their protein expression. However, we identify that only DOM-A is required for the maintenance of sLNvs and transcription of pdf. Lastly, constitutive activation of PDF-receptor signaling rescued the arrhythmia and period lengthening of DOM downregulation. Taken together, our findings reveal that two splice variants of DOM play distinct roles in circadian rhythms through regulating abundance of pacemaker proteins and sLNvs maintenance

    Sequencing of Tuta absoluta genome to develop SNP genotyping assays for species identification

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    Tuta absoluta is one of the most devastating pests of fresh market and processing tomatoes. Native to South America, its detection was confined to that continent until 2006 when it was identified in Spain. It has now spread to almost every continent, threatening countries whose economies rely heavily on tomatoes. This insect causes damage to all developmental stages of its host plant, leading to crop losses as high as 80–100%. Although T. absoluta has yet to be found in the USA and China, which makes up a large portion of the tomato production in the world, computer models project a high likelihood of invasion. To halt the continued spread of T. absoluta and limit economic loss associated with tomato supply chain, it is necessary to develop accurate and efficient methods to identify T. absoluta and strengthen surveillance programs. Current identification of T. absoluta relies on examination of morphology and assessment of host plant damage, which are difficult to differentiate from that of native tomato pests. To address this need, we sequenced the genomes of T. absoluta and two closely related Gelechiidae, Keiferia lycopersicella and Phthorimaea operculella, and developed a bioinformatic pipeline to design a panel of 21-SNP markers for species identification. The accuracy of the SNP panel was validated in a multiplex format using the iPLEX chemistry of Agena MassARRAY system. Finally, the new T. absoluta genomic resources we generated can be leveraged to study T. absoluta biology and develop species-specific management strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ingestion of genetically modified yeast symbiont reduces fitness of an insect pest via RNA interference.

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    RNA interference has had major advances as a developing tool for pest management. In laboratory experiments, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is often administered to the insect by genetic modification of the crop, or synthesized in vitro and topically applied to the crop. Here, we engineered genetically modified yeast that express dsRNA targeting y-Tubulin in Drosophila suzukii. Our design takes advantage of the symbiotic interactions between Drosophila, yeast, and fruit crops. Yeast is naturally found growing on the surface of fruit crops, constitutes a major component of the Drosophila microbiome, and is highly attractive to Drosophila. Thus, this naturally attractive yeast biopesticide can deliver dsRNA to an insect pest without the need for genetic crop modification. We demonstrate that this biopesticide decreases larval survivorship, and reduces locomotor activity and reproductive fitness in adults, which are indicative of general health decline. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that yeast can be used to deliver dsRNA to an insect pest

    Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Two Actinorhizal Plants and the Legume Medicagotruncatula Supports the Homology of Root Nodule Symbioses and Is Congruent With a Two-Step Process of Evolution in the Nitrogen-Fixing Clade of Angiosperms

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    Root nodule symbiosis (RNS) is a symbiotic interaction established between angiosperm hosts and nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria in specialized organs called root nodules. The host plants provide photosynthate and the microsymbionts supply fixed nitrogen. The origin of RNS represents a major evolutionary event in the angiosperms, and understanding the genetic underpinnings of this event is of major economic and agricultural importance. Plants that engage in RNS are restricted to a single angiosperm clade known as the nitrogen-fixing clade (NFC), yet occur in multiple lineages scattered within the NFC. It has been postulated that RNS evolved in two steps: a gain-of-predisposition event occurring at the base of the NFC, followed by a gain-of-function event in each host plant lineage. Here, we first explore the premise that RNS has evolved from a single common background, and then we explore whether a two-step process better explains the evolutionary origin of RNS than either a single-step process, or multiple origins. We assembled the transcriptomes of root and nodule of two actinorhizal plants, Ceanothusthyrsiflorus and Datiscaglomerata. Together with the corresponding published transcriptomes of the model legume Medicagotruncatula, the gene expression patterns in roots and nodules were compared across the three lineages. We found that orthologs of many genes essential for RNS in the model legumes are expressed in all three lineages, and that the overall nodule gene expression patterns were more similar to each other than expected by random chance, a finding that supports a common evolutionary background for RNS shared by the three lineages. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses suggested that a substantial portion of the genes experiencing selection pressure changes at the base of the NFC also experienced additional changes at the base of each host plant lineage. Our results (1) support the occurrence of an event that led to RNS at the base of the NFC, and (2) suggest a subsequent change in each lineage, most consistent with a two-step origin of RNS. Among several conserved functions identified, strigolactone-related genes were down-regulated in nodules of all three species, suggesting a shared function similar to that shown for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses.</p

    Non-migratory monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus (L.), retain developmental plasticity and a navigational mechanism associated with migration

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    Monarch butterflies are best known from their migratory North American range, although many resident, year-round breeding populations are established throughout the world. Here, we evaluate two non-exclusive hypotheses for the loss of migration in resident monarch populations: (1) absence of cues that trigger migration; and (2) loss of sensory, neural or physiological systems required for migration. To evaluate the first hypothesis, we exposed resident monarchs from Queensland, Australia to decreasing larval photoperiod and observed reproductive development in resulting females to assess their propensity to show reduced reproductive development, a precursor for long-distance migration. To address the second hypothesis, we measured antennal circadian clock gene expression, a crucial element of the monarch's ability to orientate directionally, in a resident and a migratory population. We found that Australian resident monarchs show reduced reproductive development in response to decreasing photoperiod, consistent with the 'loss of cues' hypothesis. We found no differences in antennal clock gene expression between migratory and resident populations, inconsistent with the 'loss of mechanism' hypothesis. Together, these data indicate that even after hundreds of generations of non-migration, monarchs retain two crucial elements of their migratory repertoire: developmental plasticity associated with decreasing photoperiod and antennal circadian rhythms necessary for directional orientation