294 research outputs found

    Méthodes et outils pour l'aide à la conception et à la vérification du rendu graphique des systÚmes interactifs

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    La conception de reprĂ©sentations graphiques dĂ©diĂ©es Ă  des systĂšmes interactifs critiques est complexe. Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons en premier lieu une Ă©tude approfondie des problĂšmes perceptifs spĂ©cifiques aux rendus graphiques au travers de trois Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales. Nous prĂ©sentons ensuite une analyse de l'activitĂ© Ă  laquelle se livrent les concepteurs d'interfaces critiques. À partir de ces analyses, nous proposons une dĂ©marche d'aide Ă  la conception et Ă  la vĂ©rification des rendus graphiques rĂ©pondant aux besoins spĂ©cifiques des concepteurs. Cette dĂ©marche facilite l'exploration visuelle des solutions, ainsi que la mise en rapport de hiĂ©rarchies fonctionnelles avec des hiĂ©rarchies visuelles. Elle supporte une approche de conception itĂ©rative, centrĂ©e utilisateur et visant un accompagnement sur toute la durĂ©e de vie des systĂšmes. Nous proposons pour finir d'instrumenter cette dĂ©marche Ă  l'aide d'outils interactifs, dont nous illustrons l'utilisation au travers d'Ă©tudes de cas liĂ© Ă  l'aĂ©ronautique (ATC).Graphical representations are used in numerous field of activity as a way to convey information from an interactive system to its users. In some of these fields, the representation quality is vital: indeed, if users (like pilots or air-traffic controllers) have a bad perception of information, the consequences can be tragic. Graphical design and specification of such representations are complex because of the great amount and the diversity of graphical parameters to handle, because of the perceptual interactions between these parameters, and because of the need to manage multidisciplinary knowledge. We claim that these difficulties come also from a lack of tools and methods, which could enable a precise specification of graphical needs. The first part of our work deals with three experimental studies aimed at understanding in a deeper way the perceptive problems linked to the graphical rendering of interactive systems. Then, we expose an analysis of how the graphical designers confront critical interfaces design. Based on these analyses, we propose an approach responding to the specific designer's needs for their activity of designing and verifying the graphical rendering. This approach enables an easier visual exploration of solutions and an easier connection between functional and visual hierarchies. This is a user centered design and iterative approach that aims to follow a system during all its lifetime. Finally, we propose interactive tools that support this approach and we illustrate them with case studies

    Conception instrumentée du rendu graphique des interfaces

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    International audienceWe propose to define the activity of graphical rendering design, which aims at maximizing the display quality of the image components. Overlooked in most design methods, this activity is essential for the success of a design project and for the validation of interfaces of critical systems. As such, it is pluri-disciplinary: graphical design (design, infovis), evaluation (experimental psychology), influence from hardware and software technologies (computer science), design methodology (design rationale, maintenance, computer science). In this paper, we detail the activity of graphical rendering design of HMI, by identifying its main dimensions. We also present a tool that instruments it: we describe its main functionalities, as well as the methods allowing to achieve the activity. Finally, we discuss about the benefits of inter disciplinary instrumentation during the design process

    Effets des paramÚtres graphiques sur la perception visuelle : experimentations sur la forme, la surface, l'orientation des objets et la définition des écrans

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    International audienceUser interfaces of critical systems, such as air traffic control displays, use graphical objects to code for an ever increasing amount of information. This evolution brings forth concerns about the detection and identification of the displayed objects, in particular for small size objects. First, graphic properties of the interface should include some knowledge about the interplay between colour, shape and size interactions, and the visual perception. Second, the redesign of any interactive system should take into account the particularities of the evolving software and hardware display technology (pixel size and structure, for example) in order to preserve crucial aspects of the initial visual display. The two experiments described in this paper are aiming towards building a more systematic knowledge of graphic properties interactions per se, and their changes as a function of display technologies. More precisely, we examined the effect of the object size, shape and luminosity, as well as its contrast with the background. Results show that object perception is dependent upon its size, its contrast with the background and the overall luminosity of the background. Furthermore, for small size objects, interactions between pixel luminosities and pixel arrangement greatly influence their perception by the human eye

    Génération et placement de couleurs sur une vue de type métro

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    International audienceThe schematic views for metro maps are used to maximize the transmision of relevant information (lines, metro stops) of network visualization. Automatic generation of metro maps focus primarily on the physical structure of the network, but little on the choice of colors which is an accurate visual discrimination. In this article, we propose to invesigate the generation and placement of colors to be assigned to lines of a network. The first step is to find as many colors as lines of the network. These colors must be perceptually as distant as possible, and available in the vocabulary of colors. The second step is to place these colors so that the closest lines have the more distant color. The positioning of colors is a NP-complete problem, thus we use a meta-heuristic approach to solve it. To validate our method, we apply it to the field of air traffic control with the maps of Flight Routes

    Optimisation et caractĂ©risation d’un extrait de cassis riche en antioxydants utilisable comme complĂ©ment alimentaire et Ă©tude de ses effets sur la vasorelaxation dĂ©pendante de l’endothĂ©lium

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    Parmi les fruits les plus riches en antioxydants figure le cassis (Ribes nigrum) appartenant Ă  la famille desSaxifragacĂ©es. Cet arbrisseau est trĂšs connu pour ses fruits, fortement aromatiques. Il est largement utilisĂ© dansla production industrielle de sirops et de concentrĂ©s, contient des quantitĂ©s trĂšs Ă©levĂ©es en composĂ©s phĂ©noliques,particuliĂšrement des anthocyanes. Les bourgeons et les feuilles de cassis sont Ă©galement utilisĂ©s en tant quecomplĂ©ment alimentaire conseillĂ© comme adaptogĂšne tonique, diurĂ©tique ainsi que dans le traitementd’affections rhumatismales. Un objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d’évaluer le cassis en tant que source d’antioxydantsen comparant diffĂ©rents organes (fruits, feuilles et bourgeons) prĂ©levĂ©s sur diffĂ©rentes variĂ©tĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rentessaisons. Un autre but Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper une procĂ©dure d’extraction permettant l’obtention de hauts rendementsen composĂ©s antioxydants et garantissant la stabilitĂ© de ceux-ci. Enfin, outre la caractĂ©risation de l’extrait, unobjectif Ă©tait aussi de dĂ©montrer certaines de ses activitĂ©s biologiques.Dans un premier temps, le matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal ainsi que la mĂ©thode d’extraction ont Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©s. Les extraits lesplus riches en antioxydants stables ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus Ă  partir de feuilles de cassis lyophilisĂ©es, par extraction dansle mĂ©lange acĂ©tone-eau-acide acĂ©tique (70 :28 :2) .Dans un second temps, nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© ces extraits au niveau de diverses classes de molĂ©culesantioxydantes. Les feuilles et les bourgeons prĂ©sentent un contenu plus Ă©levĂ© en flavonols, en flavanols et encomposĂ©s phĂ©noliques totaux, par rapport aux baies. Par contre, les fruits prĂ©sentent des teneurs plus Ă©levĂ©es enacide ascorbique et en anthocyanes.Dans un troisiĂšme temps, nous avons analysĂ© certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s-santĂ© (la capacitĂ© antioxydante, la capacitĂ©anti-inflammatoire et les propriĂ©tĂ©s vasorelaxantes) des extraits de cassis en utilisant tant des mĂ©thodes in vitroque des modĂšles sur culture de cellules et sur organe isolĂ©. Notre Ă©tude a mis en Ă©vidence, tant au niveauintracellulaire qu’extracellulaire, des propriĂ©tĂ©s de piĂ©geurs de radicaux libres, une activitĂ© inhibitrice de lamyĂ©loperoxydase chez les neutrophiles, ainsi qu’une stimulation de la relaxation des vaisseaux sanguins(production de NO, modulation de l’expression de l’ARNm eNOS dans les cellules endothĂ©liales et mise enĂ©vidence de l’effet relaxant sur organe isolĂ©), et ce, sans prĂ©senter d’effets toxiques.En conclusion, l’extrait de feuilles de cassis obtenu par une extraction au mĂ©lange acĂ©tone-eau-acide acĂ©tiquepossĂšde de nombreuses qualitĂ©s tant au niveau nutritionnel qu’au niveau de la protection santĂ©. Cet extrait, richeen composĂ©s phĂ©noliques et possĂ©dant une haute activitĂ© antioxydante, peut Ă©galement interagir sur l’activitĂ© decertaines enzymes impliquĂ©es dans les processus d’inflammation et de motricitĂ© vasculaire./Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum, family Saxifragaceae) produces fruits with a high antioxidant content. This shrub ismuch known for its strongly aromatic fruits. It is largely used in the industrial production of syrups and ofconcentrates, it contains very high quantities of phenolic compounds, particularly anthocyanins. Blackcurrantbuds and leaves are also used as a food complement for their tonic and diuretic properties, as well as for thetreatment of rheumatic affections. With this plant, we tried to develop, on a laboratory scale, a flavonoid-richextract, stable in time and to show several biological activities.Initially, different plant materials were compared (fruits, leaves, buds, from different cultivars harvested atdifferent times) and the method of extraction were optimized. Lyophilised-leaf extracts obtained with theacetone-water-acetic acid mixture (70: 28: 2) show an excellent yield in antioxidant compounds. These freezedriedextracts have also the advantage of being stable for several months.We characterized these extracts for their content in various classes of antioxidant molecules. The leaves and thebuds yielded extracts containing mainly flavonols, flavanols and total phenolic compounds, as compared toberries. On the other hand, these fruits showed higher contents of ascorbic acid and anthocyanins.In a third part, we analyzed certain health-properties (antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory capacity and theproperties in vasorelaxation process) of the blackcurrant extracts by using in vitro methods as well as cellularand isolated organ models. Our study highlighted the intracellular and the extracellular properties of theblackcurrant extract as radical scavenger. We also showed an inhibition of the myeloperoxydase activity in theactivated neutrophils, and an activation of the vasorelaxation process of the blood-vessels (production of NO,modulation of the expression of ARNm eNOS in the endothelial cells and relaxing effect in isolated organ), andthis, without presenting any toxic effects.In conclusion, the black currant leaf extract obtained through extraction in acetone-water- acetic acid mixture hasmany interesting properties for health-protection. This extract, rich in phenolic compounds and having a highantioxidant activity, can also modulate the activity of several enzymes involved in inflammation or in vascularmotricity

    Firms as adaptive organizations : the case of Australian trading banks

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    The conventional accounting notion of ‘going concern’ — that a firm will continue its business operations in the same manner indefinitely — has underpinned accounting practice for over one hundred years. This idea has provided a rationale for spreading costs over accounting periods and for deferring costs as assets in balance sheets. An alternative idea that is widely regarded as reliable in the literatures of economics and deliberate action is that firms continually adapt to changes in market and economic conditions. That is economic behaviour. The implications of that view of a firm for accounting have been systematically explored by Chambers (1966). While not examining those particular implications, many other accounting theorists have been critical of the conventional accounting idea of \u27going concern\u27 and of its impact on accounting practice. The two notions of ‘going concern’ - as static or adaptive enterprises - are examined by referring to the business operations of the four major Australian trading banks over the period 1983-1991. Banks were selected because they are commonly thought to be particularly ‘conservative’ organizations. The period 1983—1991 was chosen because it covers the era of deregulation of the Australian financial system. The evidence adduced by this study indicates that the Australian trading banks have continually adapted their organizational structures and business operations in the light of changes in technology, markets for financial services, government policies and domestic and global economic conditions. Illustrations of adaptive behaviour by banks ate drawn from their normal operating procedures such as the provision of products and services, loan services, acquisitions, sale of property, non-core banking operations and international banking. It is argued on analytical grounds that the cost basis of accounting does not yield financial statements that provide factual and up-to-date information about the financial capacity of firms to pay their debts and to continue trading generally; that is, to be going concerns. At any time, those financial capacities are determined by the amount of money commanded by a firm, including the money\u27s worth of its assets, and by its level of debt. It is concluded on empirical grounds that the Australian trading banks, at least, are adaptive entities

    An automatic generation of metro-like maps to display flight routes for air traffic controllers: structure and color optimization

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    International audienceAircraft must follow strict Air Traffic Control (ATC) rules. One of these rules is that aircraft have to fly over pre-defined Flight Routes (FR). Current ATC visualizations do not display FRs because they are numerous and run into each other, and thus spoil the visualization. The schematic views for metro maps are used to maximize the transmission of relevant information (lines, metro stops) of network visualization. In this paper, we will focus on two different issues. First, we show how we transposed mathematical constraints used to produce metro maps into the specific field of ATC. The view produced is a context compatible, 2D picture of a schematic maps view for Air Traffic Control. Second, we propose to investigate the generation and placement of colors to be assigned to lines of the network. The first step is to find as many colors as lines of the network. These colors must be perceptually as distinct as possible, and available in the vocabulary of colors. The second step is to solve the NP-complete problem of the optimal assignment of these colors so that close lines have the most perceptively distant color. Finally, we assess the map produced through experimentation to validate its quality

    RNA silencing in the dermatophyte Microsporum canis

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    Dermatomycoses caused by Microsporum canis are frequent in domestic animals and easily transmissible to humans. Several proteases secreted by this fungus were identified as potential virulence factors, but the construction of deficient strains is required to investigate their role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Using target genes encoding two of these proteases, a first evaluation of the utility of RNA-mediated silencing as a reverse genetic tool in dermatophytes was carried out. SUB3 and DPPIV, respectively coding for a subtilisin and a dipeptidyl peptidase, were both down-regulated, by means of two plasmid constructs designed to express an RNA hairpin that corresponds to part of their respective sequence. The degree of attenuation was evaluated by enzymatic assay of the transformants culture supernatants, and by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Enzymatic activities and expression levels varied from less than 5% to 100% of that of control transformants obtained with plasmid without hairpin inserts. Inhibition was globally more efficient for SUB3 than for DPPIV. These results show that RNA silencing can be used for functional genomics in M. canis, and particularly to circumvent the limits and technical difficulties of conventional disruption method

    RNA silencing in the dermatophyte Microsporum canis

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    Dermatomycoses caused by Microsporum canis are frequent in domestic animals and easily transmissible to humans. Several proteases secreted by this fungus were identified as potential virulence factors, but the construction of deficient strains is required to investigate their role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Using target genes encoding two of these proteases, a first evaluation of the utility of RNA-mediated silencing as a reverse genetic tool in dermatophytes was carried out. SUB3 and DPPIV, respectively coding for a subtilisin and a dipeptidyl peptidase, were both down-regulated, by means of two plasmid constructs designed to express an RNA hairpin that corresponds to part of their respective sequence. The degree of attenuation was evaluated by enzymatic assay of the transformants culture supernatants, and by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Enzymatic activities and expression levels varied from less than 5% to 100% of that of control transformants obtained with plasmid without hairpin inserts. Inhibition was globally more efficient for SUB3 than for DPPIV. These results show that RNA silencing can be used for functional genomics in M. canis, and particularly to circumvent the limits and technical difficulties of conventional disruption method

    Building Pathways for Empowering User Toward Prosumer Behaviour. The Design for Experience with the Prosumer Empowerment Concentric Model

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    Acting as prosumers can help the transition towardlow carbon and circular economies. This paper discusses whatcan be defined as “prosumer behaviours” and proposes aninnovative approach that fosters users in adopting dailyvirtuous experiences about energy production andconsumption. Such experiences are based on smart interfacesas they emerge from complex socio-technical systems thatcombined ICT devices, smart grids and user-centred toolscreated to empower users and facilitate the emergence of apositive intelligence. The Prosumer Empowerment Concentric(PEC) Model is presented here as an integrative vision tosupport the emergence of prosumer behaviours andperspectives are outlined via an interregional project thatproposes to experiment the PEC model in households andcitizen energy cooperatives
