16 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Low-Temperature Dislocation Motion in High-Entropy Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi Alloy

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    An analysis of the processes of plastic deformation and acoustic relaxation in a high-entropy alloy Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi was carried out. The following have been established: dominant dislocation defects; types of barriers that prevent the movement of dislocations; mechanisms of thermally activated movement of various elements of dislocation lines through barriers at room and low temperatures. Based on modern dislocation theory, quantitative estimates have been obtained for the most important characteristics of dislocations and their interaction with barriers

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High-Entropy Alloy Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14 Processed by High-Pressure Torsion at 77 K and 300 K

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    In this work, the mechanical characteristics of high-entropy alloy Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14 with low-stacking fault energy processed by cryogenic and room temperature high-pressure torsion (HPT) were studied. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses were performed to identify the phase and microstructure variation and the mechanical properties characterized by Vickers hardness measurements and tensile testing. Cryogenic HPT was found to result in a lower mechanical strength of alloy Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14 than room temperature HPT. Microstructure analysis by SEM and TEM was conducted to shed light on the microstructural changes in the alloy Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14 caused by HPT processing. Electron microscopy data provided evidence of a deformation-induced phase transformation in the alloy processed by cryogenic HPT. Unusual softening phenomena induced by cryogenic HPT were characterized by analyzing the dislocation density as determined from X-Ray diffraction peak broadening.11Ysciescopu

    Russian-British Cultural Dialogue: Russian music in the UK - British music in Russia: a collection based on materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 10-11 (Moscow, GII), November 6-7 (UK, Uclan) 2019.

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    The collection is based on the materials of the international scientific conference "Russian-British Cultural Dialogue: Russian Music in the UK - British Music in Russia", timed to coincide with the "cross" Year of Music of Russia and Great Britain. The materials cover a wide range of topics and issues, united by an understanding of the creative relationships and interactions of Russia and Great Britain in the field of music and its interaction with other arts. The content of the collection allows to open new facets in the interweaving of musical cultures of the two countries, to publish previously unknown facts and materials from the history of the Russian-British cultural dialogue, to re-evaluate its results. The collection is addressed to specialists in the history of music, performance, cultural researchers, art university teachers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in music, art and cultural history

    Mechanical Properties & Fractography of Amorphous Metallic Alloys Ribbons and Bulk Compacts at Low Temperatures

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    A number of low temperature features are revealed: nonmonotonic temperature and anomalous strain-rate dependence of the strength, correlation between the concentration dependence of the strength with the atomic short-range order and some thermodynamic characteristics of the alloys, nonuniform microhardness from layer to layer in the bulk of the ribbon. Amorphous metal alloys (AMA’s) have some peculiar properties making them interesting in terms of both physics and application. This chapter is a brief review of the results of investigations of the mechanical properties of AMA’s (ribbons and bulk compacts) in relation to their structure at temperatures between 1. 5 and 300 K. The structure of alloys was varied in various ways: by changing the concentrations of the component elements; by preannealing at above room temperature; by using various deformation rates; by varying the stressed state of the material near a propagating crack in amorphous ribbons; by varying the state of the surface of the ribbons

    Mechanisms of low temperature dislocation motion in high-entropy Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi alloy

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    An analysis of the processes of plastic deformation and acoustic relaxation in a high-entropy alloy Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi was carried out. The following have been established: dominant dislocation defects; types of barriers that prevent the movement of dislocations; mechanisms of thermally activated movement of various elements of dislocation lines through barriers at room and low temperatures. Based on modern dislocation theory, quantitative estimates have been obtained for the most important characteristics of dislocations and their interaction with barriers