17 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effect of Cyproterone acetate/Ethinyl-estradiol treatments with Metformin combined Cyproterone acetate/Ethinyl-estradiol treatments on oxidant status in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Amaç:Polikistik over sendromu reprodüktif dönemdeki kadınlarda en sık rastlanan endokrinolojik hastalıklardan biridir. Polikistik overlere neden olan mekanizmanın altta yatan insülin direnci olduğu pek çok yayında bildirilmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı polikistik over sendromlu hastalarda oksidatif ve antioksidatif durumu değerlendirmek ve Siproteron Asetat+Etinil Östradiol tedavisinin yanına eklenecek olan metformin tedavisinin oksidatif ve antioksidatif stres göstergeleri üzerine olan etkisini incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalına başvuran polikistik over sendromu tanısı almış 30 hasta ve 20 sağlıklı kontrol grubu çalışmaya alındı.PKOS tanılı hastalar iki gruba ayrıldı. Bulgular:PKOS hastalarında kontrol gruba göre oksidatif stres göstergelerinde yükseklik mevcuttu. İnsulin direnci olan grup ile insülin direnci olmayan grup arasında oksidatif stres göstergeleri arasında fark saptanmadı. Bu iki gruba dört ay sonra tekrar inceleme yapıldı ve tedavi ile oksidatif stres göstergelerinde azalma hem metformin+oral kontraseptif hem de oral kontraseptif gruplarında gözlendi. Sonuç:Siproteron asetat + etinil östradiol tedavisinin yanına metformin eklenmesinin oksidatif stres göstergelerinde ek bir düzelme yapmadığı görüldü.Ancak çalışmamızda metformin tedavisi ile insulin direncinde gerilemenin olmaması ve kilo kaybının görülmemesi üzerine metformin tedavinin etkileri net değerlendirilememiş olup, uzun dönem etkileri değerlendirmek için yeni çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Objective: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most commonly seen endocrinopathy that affects the women of reproductive age. Several studies have reported that insulin resistance is the main underlying cause of PCOS. We aimed to determine oxidant and antioxidant status in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and evaluate the effect of metformin added to cyproterone acetate/ethinyl-estradiol treatments on oxidant and antioxidant status. Materials and Methods: 30 women with PCOS and 20 healthy controls enrolled in the study who admitted to İnternal Medicine Department of Pamukkale University Hospital. Women with PCOS divided into two groups. Results: An increase in oxidant status was found in women with PCOS compared to controls. There was no difference in oxidant status between the PCOS groups with or without insülin resistance. The difference in oxidative stres parameters were evaluated after 4 months. Oxidative stres parameters were decreased both in metformin+oral contraceptives and oral contraceptives treatments groups. Conclusions: There was no effect of metformin on oxidant status when added to Cyproterone Acetate/Ethinyl-Estradiol treatment.With metformin treatment ,we did not see decrease in insulin resistance and weight loss , in order to see the long term effects of metformin in PCOS women further investigations are warrante

    Prolidase activity and oxidative stress in patients with breast carcinoma A prospective randomized case-controlled study

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    INTRODUCTION: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of malign diseases. Prolidase is a member of the matrix metalloproteinase family, plays a major role in collagen metabolism, cell growth, and matrix remodeling. Elevated serum prolidase activity have beendemonstrated in several types of carcinoma. The aim of this study is to investigate the serum prolidase activity, total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and to evaluate their relationship with tumor stage, lymph node metastasis, and tumor size in patients with breast carcinoma

    MDR1 single nucleotide polymorphism C3435T in Turkish patients with non-small-cell lung cancer

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    We assessed whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MDR1 gene C3435T predicted the outcome of platinum-based chemotherapies and survival in our non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. A total of 79 non-small cell lung cancer patients were enrolled to study. We determined the MDR1 C3435T single nucleotide gene polymorphisms. Median age was 60. years: 91.7% male, 8.9% female. We found that CC, CT, TT genotype and T, C allele frequencies in lung cancer patients as 24.1%, 62%, 13.9% and 44.3%, 55.7%, respectively. Patients with CT genotype had a higher response rate (11.4%) than the other genotypes. However, this difference is not statistically significant (. p=. 0.743). Cox regression analysis for overall survival showed that ECOG PS status 0 (HR PS 1 vs. 0, 5.68 . p=. 0.002; HR of PS 2 vs. 0 is 21.579, . p=. 0.001; HR of PS 3 vs. 0 is 35.35, . p=. 0.001), stage ≤. II (HR of stage III vs. I. +. II is 17.77; . p=. 0.016, HR of stage IV vs. I. +. II is 26.97, . p=. 0.006), and albumin level ≥. 3. g/dl (HR of albumin <. 3. g/dl vs. ≥. 3. g/dl is 2.46, . p=. 0.044) were the most important prognostic factors (also, time to progression was related to these factors). There was no significant association between the genotypes and clinicopathologic parameters; however, good performance status, early stage and ≥. 3. g/dl albumin level were found to be the most important prognostic factors for overall survival and progression-free survival. © 2012 Elsevier B.V