43 research outputs found
Kimyasal Rafinasyon Aşamalarının Mısır Yağındaki Bazı Mikro ve Makro Element Içeriği ve Kalite Parametrelerine Etkisi
In this study, it was aimed to determine some element contents and some quality properties and tocompare these parameters at each stage in the chemically refining process of crude corn oil. Color(lovibond tintometer), free fatty acidity, peroxide values and fatty acid compositions were determinedin the samples of corn oil taken from consecutive stages of chemically refining. Also, the content ofelements (Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Mn, Zn, Co, Cr, P, Cu) was analyzed, by using inductivelycoupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively-coupled plasma-optical emissionspectrometry (ICP-OES) after microwave digestion. The color (Lovibond tintometer), free fattyacidity and peroxide values in the chemically refining process varied between 2.7-16, %0.09-2.12,10.95-1.08 mEqO2/kg, respectively. Oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid contents changed between30.486-30.580%, 54.339-54.703% and 0.972-0.993%, respectively, in the chemically refining stages.While no trans fatty acids detected in crude corn oil and after degumming-neutralization step, verylow amount of trans oleic acid (0.040%) and total trans linoleic acid (0.132%) was detected inbleached corn oil. The total trans fatty acid content little more increased in the last stage of thechemically refining. However, total trans fatty acid content of refined corn oil was < 0.3%. It wasclearly seen that Na, Mg, K, P, Ca, Mn, Fe, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu element contents decreased significantlyat the end of the chemically refining process. Although Cd, Co and Zn elements were determined incrude corn oil, these elements were not detected in the refined corn oil. The results obtained showedthat the chemically refining process effected some of the quality properties of corn oil and especiallythe changes in the element contentsBu çalışmada, hammısır yağının kimyasalrafinasyon prosesisürecinde bazı element içerikleri ile bazı kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu parametrelerin her rafinasyon aşamasında karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Kimyasal rafinasyonun aşamalarından alınan mısır yağı örneklerinde renk (lovibond tintometre), serbest yağ asitliği, peroksit değerleri ve yağ asidi bileşimleri tespit edildi. İlave olarak, indüktif eşleşmiş plazma/optik emisyon spektroskopisi (ICP-OES) ve indüktif eşleşmiş plazma/kütle spektroskopisi (ICPMS) cihazlarında element (Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Mn, Zn, Co, Cr, P, Cu) analizleri yapıldı. Kimyasal rafinasyon sürecinde renk (Lovibond tintometer), serbest yağ asitliği ve peroksit değerleri sırasıyla 2.7-16, %0.09-2.12, 1.08-10.95 mEqO2/kg aralığında değişim gösterdi. Oleik, linoleik ve linolenik asit içerikleri kimyasal rafinasyon aşamalarında sırasıyla %30.580-30.486, %54.703-54.164 ve %0.993- 0.972 aralığında değişti. Ham mısır yağında ve gum giderme-nötralizasyon aşamasından sonra trans yağ asidi belirlenemez iken, ağartılmış mısır yağında çok düşük miktarlarda trans oleik asit (%0.040) ve toplam trans linoleik asit (%0.132) tespit edildi. Toplam trans yağ asidi içeriği kimyasal rafinasyonun son aşamasında bir miktar artış gösterdi. Bununla birlikte, toplam trans yağ asidi içeriği %3’ün altında kaldı. Kimyasal rafinasyon işlemi sonunda Na, Mg, K, P, Ca, Mn, Fe, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu element içeriklerinin çok önemli düzeyde azaldığı açık bir şekilde görüldü. Cd, Co ve Zn elementleri ham mısır yağında tespit edilmesine rağmen ise rafine mısır yağında bu elementler tespit edilemedi. Elde edilen sonuçlar kimyasal rafinasyonu prosesinin mısır yağının bazı kalite özelliklerine ve bilhassa element içeriklerine etkili olduğunu gösterdi
Effects of storage and industrial oilseed extraction methods on the quality and stability characteristics of crude sunflower oil (Helianthus annuus L.)
The influence of industrial oilseed extraction methods on the quality and stability of crude sunflower oil (pre-pressed, solvent-extracted, full-pressed and mixed oils) was studied by means of the determination of free fatty acids, peroxide value, color value, iron, phosphorus, total and individual tocopherol contents, their stability against oxidation (Rancimat induction time) and the fatty acid composition with special emphasis on trans fatty acids. In addition, these crude oils were stored for a period of four months at 40 +/- 2 degrees C and analyzed at monthly intervals for free fatty acids, peroxide value, and Rancimat induction time to evaluate their storage stability. The results revealed that the crude sunflower oils obtained by the full-pressed extraction method had worse quality and stability parameters than the crude oils obtained by other extraction methods. Tocopherol content showed a drastic decrease with full-pressed extraction. Also, the crude sunflower oils obtained by the full-pressed extraction presented a higher total trans fatty acid content than the others. On the contrary, the solvent extraction method influenced the phosphorus and iron contents more than the others. The results indicated, however, that pre-pressing the oil appeared to be better than other methods. This study suggests that it is absolutely necessary for the vegetable oil industry to reevaluate the full pressing method as well as the solvent extraction conditions used for sunflowerseeds in order to retain both nutritive value and oxidative stability.Trakya UniversityTrakya University [TUBAP-465]This work was supported by the Trakya University Scientific Research Projects Fund (Project no. TUBAP-465)
An Investigation on the Fatty Acid Compositions of Vegetable Blended Oils
Bu çalışmada, 15 farklı firmadan sağlanan bitkisel karışım sıvı yağlarının kapiler gaz-likit kromatografisi metodu ile belirlenen yağ asiti bileşimleri değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, önemli miktarı C16:0 (%8,89–23,72) ve C18:0 (%2,53–4,39) olmak üzere toplam doymuş yağ asitleri %13,71–27,55 aralığında değişmektedir. Önemli oranı cis C18:2 (%45,75–63,04) ve cis C18:3 (%0,26–7,36) asitlerden oluşan toplam çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri ise %51,25–64,98 aralığında değişmektedir. Örneklerde cis C18:1 oranları %17,28–34,05 arasındadır. Toplam trans yağ asiti (trans C18:1, trans C18:2, trans C18:3) içerikleri %0,0–0,87’dir. Örneklerde C22:1 asit tespit edilmemiştir. Buna karşın, bitkisel karışım sıvı yağ üretiminde ağırlıklı olarak soya yağının kullanımı nedeniyle, 10 farklı firmaya ait örneklerin toplam C18:3 içerikleri %3,5 değerinden yüksek bulunmuştur.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fatty acid compositions of vegetable blended oils. Sample oils were obtained from 15 different companies. The fatty acid compositions were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. According to the analysis results, the total saturated fatty acids ranged from 13.71-27.55% with the C16:0 being 8.89-23.72% and the C18:0 2.53-4.39%. The total polyunsaturated fatty acids ranged from 51.25-64.98% with the cis C18:2 being 45.75-63.04% and the cis C18:3 0.26–7.36%. The cis C18:1 levels ranged from 17.28–34.05%. The ranges of total trans fatty acid contents (trans C18:1, trans C18:2, trans C18:3) were 0.0–0.87%. The C22:1 acid were absent in the sample oils. However, the sample oils produced by 10 different companies showed the total C18:3 content higher than 3.5%. It is clear from the results that the percentage of total C18:3 in the vegetable blended oils are significant because of the use of soybean oils in vegetable blended oil production
A Comparison of Acrylamide Contents of Some Nuts Produced Organically and Conventionally
Acrylamide is a carcinogenic and neurotoxic compound defined as a heat treatment process contaminant. Due to its health concern, acrylamide formation needed to be minimized. The objective of this study is to examine how much acrylamide is contained in dried almonds (Prunus dulcis), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), pistachios (Pistacia vera), peanuts (Arachishypogaea), sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) as well as pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo) that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes. Frequently and regularlyconsumed nuts - comprising 180 samples that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes - were studied with UHPLC-MS/MS approach in Turkey. Substantial disparities were statistically found (P<0.05) between the almond, pistachio, peanut and sunflower seed variations that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes. Conversely, no considerable difference could be found among the variations of hazelnut and pumpkin seeds. It could be observed that the average concentrations of acrylamide in the nuts cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes were 1.68 ng ml(-1) and 266.14 ng ml(-1) in almonds, 7.90 ng ml-1 and 6.68 ng ml(-1) in hazelnuts, 4.86 ng ml(-1) and 9.95 ng ml(-1) in pistachios, 14.09 ng ml(-1) and 36.27 ng ml(-1) in peanuts, 5.96 ng ml(-1) and 4.54 ng ml(-1) in pumpkin seeds correspondingly. The amount of acrylamide was not ascertained in organically-certified sunflower seeds, while in conventional sunflower seeds, the amount was 16.92 ng ml(-1). According to the generally-accepted theory, the production of acrylamide is attributed to the Maillard reaction that takes place during the processing and preparation of high-temperature foods. The data obtained show that consumers should be informed more accurately about the food safety of organic nuts. The effects of organically produced nuts on acrylamide intake from food in daily consumption should also be taken into account. In order to prevent or reduce the formation of acrylamide compounds in organic nuts and to monitor them more effectively, extensive studies should be carried out and food heat treatment methods should be optimized
Manda Sütü Yağı Konjuge Linoleik Yağ Asitleri Kompozisyonlarının Belirlenmesi
Bu araştırmanın amacı, manda sütü yağ asidi bileşiminde bulunan konjuge linoleik asit (KLA) izomer içeriğinin değişimini araştırmaktır. Yağ asitlerinin KLA izomer içeriği, gaz kromatografisi ve Alev İyonizasyon Dedektörü (FID) kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmamızın bulgularına göre; toplam konjuge linoleik asidin (6,06 ± 0,96 mg / g yağ) ortalama içeriği ortalama içeriği Arjantin'deki nehir mavileri için (4,8 mg / g yağ) bildirilen değerlerden daha yüksekti, Kundi ve Nili Ravii manda değerlerine benzerdir. Biyolojik açıdan aktif izomerden biri olan c9-t11 KLA'nın içeriği 5,22 mg/g yağ olarak bulunmuştur ve bu da toplam KLA'nın% 86,13'ünü oluşturmaktadır. Buna karşın, t10-c12 KLA toplam KLA'nın% 3,96'sını temsil ettiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada belirlenen diğer c10-c12 KLA ve t9-t11 KLA izomerleri sırasıyla % 3,16 ve% 6,76 olarak tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this research was to investigate the change of conjugated linoleic (CLA) isomers content in fatty acid composition of buffalo milk. CLA isomer content of the fatty acids was determined using a combination of gas chromatography and Flame Ionization Detector (FID). According to the results, the average content of total conjugated linoleic acid (6,06±0.96 mg/g fat ) was higher than the maximal values generally reported for Argentina buffalo, and similiar to Kundi and Nili Ravii buffalo. The content of c9-t11 CLA which is one of the biologically active isomer, was found as 5,22 mg/g fat, and was 86.13% of the total CLA. Whereas, t10-c12 CLA represented 3,96% of the total CLA. The rest of the CLA isomers was determined as 3,16% and 6,76% for c10-c12 CLA and t9- t11 CLA, respectively
An en masse phenotype and function prediction system for Mus musculus
Background: Individual researchers are struggling to keep up with the accelerating emergence of high-throughput biological data, and to extract information that relates to their specific questions. Integration of accumulated evidence should permit researchers to form fewer - and more accurate - hypotheses for further study through experimentation. Results: Here a method previously used to predict Gene Ontology (GO) terms for Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Tian et al.: Combining guilt-by-association and guilt-by-profiling to predict Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene function. Genome Biol 2008, 9(Suppl 1):S7) is applied to predict GO terms and phenotypes for 21,603 Mus musculus genes, using a diverse collection of integrated data sources (including expression, interaction, and sequence-based data). This combined 'guilt-by-profiling' and 'guilt-by-association' approach optimizes the combination of two inference methodologies. Predictions at all levels of confidence are evaluated by examining genes not used in training, and top predictions are examined manually using available literature and knowledge base resources. Conclusion: We assigned a confidence score to each gene/term combination. The results provided high prediction performance, with nearly every GO term achieving greater than 40% precision at 1% recall. Among the 36 novel predictions for GO terms and 40 for phenotypes that were studied manually, >80% and >40%, respectively, were identified as accurate. We also illustrate that a combination of 'guilt-by-profiling' and 'guilt-by-association' outperforms either approach alone in their application to M. musculus.Molecular and Cellular Biolog
A Resource of Quantitative Functional Annotation for Homo sapiens Genes
The body of human genomic and proteomic evidence continues to grow at ever-increasing rates, while annotation efforts struggle to keep pace. A surprisingly small fraction of human genes have clear, documented associations with specific functions, and new functions continue to be found for characterized genes. Here we assembled an integrated collection of diverse genomic and proteomic data for 21,341 human genes and make quantitative associations of each to 4333 Gene Ontology terms. We combined guilt-by-profiling and guilt-by-association approaches to exploit features unique to the data types. Performance was evaluated by cross-validation, prospective validation, and by manual evaluation with the biological literature. Functional-linkage networks were also constructed, and their utility was demonstrated by identifying candidate genes related to a glioma FLN using a seed network from genome-wide association studies. Our annotations are presented—alongside existing validated annotations—in a publicly accessible and searchable web interface
Combining guilt-by-association and guilt-by-profiling to predict Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene function
BackgroundLearning the function of genes is a major goal of computational genomics. Methods for inferring gene function have typically fallen into two categories: 'guilt-by-profiling', which exploits correlation between function and other gene characteristics; and 'guilt-by-association', which transfers function from one gene to another via biological relationships.ResultsWe have developed a strategy ('Funckenstein') that performs guilt-by-profiling and guilt-by-association and combines the results. Using a benchmark set of functional categories and input data for protein-coding genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Funckenstein was compared with a previous combined strategy. Subsequently, we applied Funckenstein to 2,455 Gene Ontology terms. In the process, we developed 2,455 guilt-by-profiling classifiers based on 8,848 gene characteristics and 12 functional linkage graphs based on 23 biological relationships.ConclusionFunckenstein outperforms a previous combined strategy using a common benchmark dataset. The combination of 'guilt-by-profiling' and 'guilt-by-association' gave significant improvement over the component classifiers, showing the greatest synergy for the most specific functions. Performance was evaluated by cross-validation and by literature examination of the top-scoring novel predictions. These quantitative predictions should help prioritize experimental study of yeast gene functions
Determination of Physicochemical Properties and Oxidative Stability of Rice Bran Oils
Bu çalışmada; stabilizasyon işleminin pirinç kepeği yağının fizikokimyasal özelliklerine ve yağ asidi bileşimine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İki farklı pirinç kepeği çeşidi (Osmancık ve Opela); mikrodalga, etüv ve mikrodalga+etüv olmak üzere 3 farklı yöntemle stabilize edilmiştir. Pirinç kepekleri toplamda dokuz farklı stabilizasyon şartında muamele edilmiştir. Mikrodalga ile stabilizasyonda 600 W 1 dk, 600 W 2 dk, 600 W 3 dk; etüv ile stabilizasyonda 80°C’de 30dk, 100°C’de 30dk, 120°C’de 30dk, etüv ve mikrodalganın birlikte kullanıldığı kombine yöntemde ise 600 W 2dk mikrodalga+80°C’de 30dk etüv; 600 W 2dk mikrodalga+100°C’de 30dk etüv ve 600 W 2dk mikrodalga+120°C’de 30dk etüv uygulaması yapılmıştır. Stabilizasyon işleminden sonra pirinç kepek yağı solvent ekstraksiyon yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen pirinç kepeği yağlarına ait serbest yağ asitliği değeri, peroksit sayısı, yağ asitleri bileşimi, sterol kompozisyonu, iyot sayısı, sabunlaşma sayısı, özgül ağırlık değeri ve kırılma indisi değeri belirlenmiştir. Uygulanan stabilizasyon işlemleri sonucunda pirinç kepeği yağlarının serbest yağ asitliği, peroksit sayısı ve iyot sayısı değerlerinin azaldığı tespit edilmiştir (p0,05). Pirinç kepeği yağında en çok bulunan sterol ?-sitosterol olarak tespit edilmiştir.In this research, it was aimed to determine the effects of stabilization on some physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of rice bran oil. The rice bran samples (Osmancık and Opela) was stabilized under three ways (microwave, drying oven and microwave + drying oven) including nine conditions (drying oven: 80°C 30 min, 100°C 30 min, 120°C 30 min; microwave : 600 W 1 min, 600 W 2 min, 600 W 3 min; microwave + drying oven: 600 W 2 min microwave - 80°C 30 min drying oven, 600 W 2 min microwave - 100°C 30 min drying oven, 600 W 2 min microwave - 120°C 30 min drying oven). The rice bran oil was obtained by solvent extraction technology. The free fatty acids content, peroxide value, iodine number, saponification number, specific gravity, refractive index, fatty acid composition and the sterol composition of rice bran oil samples were determined. The acidity, peroxide value and iodine number of the oil samples were significantly decreased with the stabilization process applied (p0,05). ?-sitosterol was detected as the main sterol in rice bran oil