75 research outputs found


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    ÖZ: Şemalar kişilerin yaşamlarının ilk yıllarında edindikleri bilgi, tecrübe ve bir bakıma bilişsel kalıplar olarak ortaya çıkan ve kişilerin tüm yaşam deneyimleri boyunca sergileyecekleri tutum ve davranışları belirleyen unsurlardır. Bireyler henüz dünyayı yeni algılarken kendilerine bakım veren kişi/kişilerin onlara yönelttikleri sözler, davranışlar ya da herhangi bir tutum onların gelecekte ortaya çıkacak kişiliklerini şekillendirebilmektedir. Yaşam eğrisinin başlangıcında insanlar temel ihtiyaçlarından sonra güvenli bir şekilde bağlanma ihtiyacı hissetmeye ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bağlanmaya ilişkin temel ihtiyaçları eksik kalmış ya da hiç oluşmamış kişilerin erişkinlik dönemlerinde doğru ve sağlıklı kişilerarası ilişkiler kurmaları güçleşebilmektedir. Erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar, bireylerin ileriki yaşamlarındaki iletişim becerileri de dahil olmak üzere birçok sosyal ve bilişsel süreci üzerinde etki oluşturabilmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar ile iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş ve cinsiyetlere göre farklılıklarına ilişkin analizler yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla Young şema ölçeği kısa formu kullanılarak katılımcıların erken dönem uyumsuz şemaları tanımlanmış, Ersanlı ve Balcı (1998)’nın oluşturduğu iletişim becerileri ölçeği kullanılarak zihinsel, duygusal ve davranışsal boyutlardaki iletişim becerileri belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta katılımcıların erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar ile iletişim becerileri arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu, şemalar arttıkça iletişim becerilerinin azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu bağlamda kişilerin erken yaşam dönemlerinde edindikleri olumsuz deneyimlerin onların ileriki yaşam süreçlerinde gerçekleştirecekleri kişilerarası ilişkilerine zarar verebileceği ortaya çıkmıştır. ABSTRACT: Schemas are the elements that emerge as the knowledge, experience, and cognitive patterns that people acquire in the first years of their lives and that determine the attitudes and behaviors that people will exhibit throughout their entire life experiences. While individuals are just perceiving the world, the words, behaviors, or any attitude directed to them by the person(s) who care for them can shape their future personalities. At the beginning of the life cycle, people need to feel the need to be securely attached to their basic needs. It may be difficult for people whose basic needs for attachment are missing or not formed at all to establish correct and healthy interpersonal relationships in adulthood. Early maladaptive schemas can have an impact on many social and cognitive processes, including the communication skills of individuals in later life. Within the scope of this study, the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and communication skills was examined and analyzes were made regarding differences according to gender. For this purpose, early maladaptive schemas of the participants were defined using the short form of the Young schema scale, and communication skills in mental, emotional, and behavioral dimensions were determined using the communication skills scale created by Ersanlı and Balcı (1998). As a result, it was determined that there was a negative relationship between the early maladaptive schemas of the participants and their communication skills, and as the schemas increased, their communication skills decreased. In this context, it has been revealed that the negative experiences of people in their early life periods can harm their interpersonal relationships in their later life

    Permafrost meta-omics and climate change

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    Permanently frozen soil, or permafrost, covers a large portion of the Earth's terrestrial surface and represents a unique environment for cold-adapted microorganisms. As permafrost thaws, previously protected organic matter becomes available for microbial degradation. Microbes that decompose soil carbon produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing substantially to climate change. Next-generation sequencing and other -omics technologies offer opportunities to discover the mechanisms by which microbial communities regulate the loss of carbon and the emission of greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost regions. Analysis of nucleic acids and proteins taken directly from permafrost-associated soils has provided new insights into microbial communities and their functions in Arctic environments that are increasingly impacted by climate change. In this article we review current information from various molecular -omics studies on permafrost microbial ecology and explore the relevance of these insights to our current understanding of the dynamics of permafrost loss due to climate change

    Importance of Eosinopenia in COVID-19 Infection

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    Objective: Dynamic changes in the number of eosinophils are observed during the diagnosis and follow-up in coronavirus disease-2019(COVID-19). Our aim was to show the role of the absolute eosinophil count in the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the relationship with diseaseseverity and prognosis.Methods: In this study, 191 patients (130 inpatients, 61 outpatients) diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia with the polymerase chain reactiontest and lung computed tomography; and 22 patients with positive influenza test were included as the control group. All demographic,biochemical data, clinical and radiological characteristics were recorded.Results: The mean eosinophils on first day of the inpatient COVID-19 group were found to be statistically lower than the influenza group andthe ambulatory groups (p=0.001, p=0.0001).Conclusion: A low eosinophil count in complete blood count, can aid in the early diagnosis of infection. Persistent eosinopenia progresseswith disease severity and may help determine the prognosis of the disease

    Metagenomic tools in microbial ecology research

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    Ability to directly sequence DNA from the environment permanently changed microbial ecology. Here, we review the new insights to microbial life gleaned from the applications of metagenomics, as well as the extensive set of analytical tools that facilitate exploration of diversity and function of complex microbial communities. While metagenomics is shaping our understanding of microbial functions in ecosystems via gene-centric and genome-centric methods, annotating functions, metagenome assembly and binning in heterogeneous samples remains challenging. Development of new analysis and sequencing platforms generating high-throughput long-read sequences and functional screening opportunities will aid in harnessing metagenomes to increase our understanding of microbial taxonomy, function, ecology, and evolution in the environment.publishedVersio

    Influences of Hillslope Biogeochemistry on Anaerobic Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in a Tundra Watershed

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    We investigated rates and controls on greenhouse gas (CO2 and CH4) production in two contrasting water‐saturated tundra soils within a permafrost‐affected watershed near Nome, Alaska, United States. Three years of field sample analysis have shown that soil from a fen‐like area in the toeslope of the watershed had higher pH and higher porewater ion concentrations than soil collected from a bog‐like peat plateau at the top of the hillslope. The influence of these contrasting geochemical and topographic environments on CO2 and CH4 production was tested in soil microcosms by incubating both the organic‐ and mineral‐layer soils anaerobically for 55 days. Nitrogen (as NH4Cl) was added to half of the microcosms to test potential effects of N limitation on microbial greenhouse gas production. We found that the organic toeslope soils produced more CO2 and CH4, fueled by higher pH and higher concentrations of water‐extractable organic C (WEOC). Our results also indicate N limitation on CO2 production in the peat plateau soils but not the toeslope soils. Together these results suggest that the weathering and leaching of ions and nutrients from tundra hillslopes can increase the rate of anaerobic soil organic matter decomposition in downslope soils by (1) increasing the pH of soil porewater; (2) providing bioavailable WEOC and fermentation products such as acetate; and (3) relieving microbial N limitation through nutrient runoff. We conclude that the soil geochemistry as mediated by landscape position is an important factor influencing the rate and magnitude of greenhouse gas production in tundra soils

    Disentangling the complexity of permafrost soil by using high resolution profiling of microbial community composition, key functions and respiration rates

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    Thawing permafrost can stimulate microbial activity, leading to faster decomposition of formerly preserved organic matter and CO2 release. Detailed knowledge about the vertical distribution of the responsible microbial community that is changing with increasing soil depth is limited. In this study, we determined the microbial community composition from cores sampled in a high Arctic heath at Svalbard, Norway; spanning from the active layer (AL) into the permafrost layer (PL). A special aim has been on identifying a layer of recently thawed soil, the transition zone (TZ), which might provide new insights into the fate of thawing permafrost. A unique sampling strategy allowed us to observe a diverse and gradually shifting microbial community in the AL, a Bacteroidetes dominated community in the TZ and throughout the PL, a community strongly dominated by a single Actinobacteria family (Intrasporangiaceae). The contrasting abundances of these two taxa caused a community difference of about 60%, just within 3 cm from TZ to PL. We incubated subsamples at about 5°C and measured highest CO2 production rates under aerobic incubations, yet contrasting for five different layers and correlating to the microbial community composition. This high resolution strategy provides new insights on how microbial communities are structured in permafrost and a better understanding of how they respond to thaw.publishedVersio

    Spinal Metastasis as Presenting Feature of Follicular Type Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Objective:Follicular type thyroid carcinoma (FTC) rarely presented with spinal metastasis. We aimed to report such a case and to review the literature.Method:A 45 year old male with L2 metastasis of FTC was reported, and other 26 cases were found in literature. Characteristics of the patients and tumors were evaluated.Results:Total 27 patients were 55.2±15 years of age, and male/female ratio was 12/15. Nineteen patients had paresis of extremities, 9 of them could not mobilize on admission. Total resection of the spinal tumor had been performed in 14 cases and subtotal resection in 5. Radioactive iodine treatment had been added in 20 cases with or without other adjuvant treatment. Twenty-three patients had been followed for 43.7±53.2 months. Only four of them died 214, 66, 36 and 7 months after their presentations. Out of other 19 cases, 13 had been neurologically normal. Type of surgery (total resection versus others) the only factor affecting outcome. In the patients treated with total resection, outcome had been statistically better.Conclusion:Spinal metastasis as initial finding is very rare in the patients with FTC. However, prognosis is quite well with total tumor resection and adjuvant treatment. This cancer type must be kept in mind for differential diagnosis and must be screened in the patients with spinal tumors

    Metagenomic tools in microbial ecology research.

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