14 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular and autonomic responses after exercise sessions with different intensities and durations

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have reported the phenomenon of post-exercise hypotension. However, the factors that cause this drop in blood pressure after a single exercise session are still unknown. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of aerobic exercise on the acute blood pressure response and to investigate the indicators of autonomic activity after exercise. METHODS: Ten male subjects (aged 25 ± 1 years) underwent four experimental exercise sessions and a control session on a cycle ergometer. The blood pressure and heart rate variability of each subject were measured at rest and at 60 min after the end of the sessions. RESULTS: Post-exercise hypotension was not observed in any experimental sessions (P > 0.05). The index of parasympathetic neural activity, the RMSSD, only remained lower than that during the pre-exercise session after the high-intensity session (&#916; = -19 ± 3.7 for 15-20 min post-exercise). In addition, this value varied significantly (P < 0.05) between the high- and low-intensity sessions (&#916; = -30.7 ± 4.0 for the high intensity session, and &#916; = -9.9 ± 2.5 for the low intensity session). CONCLUSION: The present study did not find a reduction in blood pressure after exercise in normotensive, physically active young adults. However, the measurements of the indicators of autonomic neural activity revealed that in exercise of greater intensity the parasympathetic recovery tends to be slower and that sympathetic withdrawal can apparently compensate for this delay in recovery

    Projeto Exercício e Coração: Uma Década a Serviço da Comunidade

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    Sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for chronic disease development, and consequently regular physical activity can help to prevent and control these diseases. Thus, many public campaigns have been created to motivate people to become active, and many subjects are practicing exercises in public facilities. However, at these sites, physical practice is frequently performed without any professional advice, which increases its cardiovascular risks especially in people with cardiovascular diseases. To deal with this problem, the Exercise and Heart Project was created 10 years ago to prescribe secure physical activity to people who exercise in public facilities without supervision. The project has continuous activities in Fernando Costa park and in the USP University Hospital, and it also participates at public health campaigns. Throughout the years, the project evaluated more than 1,431 persons in the park, gave more than 2,109 stretching class, participated in more than 28 health events, trained more than 150 monitors, and published forty abstracts and nine complete scientific articles based on its data. In conclusion, the Exercise and Heart Project is a community extension activity of the university that takes the academic knowledge to the community, and also integrates extension, teaching and research.O sedentarismo é um fator de risco para as doenças crônicas e, portanto, a prática regular de atividades físicas auxilia na prevenção e combate dessas doenças. Diversas campanhas públicas têm incentivado as pessoas a praticarem exercícios em locais públicos. No entanto, a prática muitas vezes é executada sem a orientação de um profissional, o que pode representar um risco à saúde, principalmente para pessoas com doenças cardiovasculares. Diante dessa problemática, há dez anos, o Projeto Exercício e Coração foi criado para orientar/prescrever a prática segura de atividade física para frequentadores de locais públicos que se exercitam sem supervisão. O projeto atua de forma contínua no parque Fernando Costa e no Hospital Universitário da USP, além de participar de campanhas públicas de saúde. Nesses dez anos, o projeto avaliou mais de 1.431 pessoas no parque, ministrou mais de 2.109 aulas de alongamento, participou de mais de 28 eventos, treinou mais de 150 monitores e publicou quarenta resumos e nove artigos científicos completos relacionados aos seus dados. Assim, o Projeto Exercício e Coração é uma atividade de extensão que tem a preocupação de levar à comunidade os conhecimentos acadêmicos produzidos pela universidade, integrando pesquisa, ensino e extensão

    Acute aerobic session increased anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) in CKD patients / A sessão aeróbica aguda aumentou a citocina anti-inflamatória (IL-10) em pacientes com CKD

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    In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the presence of inflammation is a predictor of mortality. The aerobic exercise has been described to modulate the inflammatory response in general population. However, CKD patients have some limitations to performed aerobic exercise frequently. Thus, the present study evaluated the effect of an acute aerobic exercise session on markers of inflammation in non-dialytic CKD patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 10 stage 3 CKD patients and 10 subjects with normal kidney function performed experimental sessions of aerobic exercise on a cycle ergometer for 45 min, 50% at VO2peak. Before and after the session, blood samples were collected for the analysis of IL-6, TNF-?, IL-10, CRP, NGAL and Cystatin C.  The general linear model (GLM) test were used to evaluated the differences and interaction between group and time and Pearson's correlations were used to evaluate the association between the variables. RESULTS: Interestingly, after an aerobic exercise session, IL-10 levels increased in both group and more prominent in CKD group (p &lt;0.0001). As expected, CKD patients were more inflamed compared to the control group and IL-6 and TNF-? had a positive correlation with Cystatin-C and NGAL, markers of renal failure (p &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSION: In this study, an acute aerobic exercise session was able to increase IL-10 levels in CKD patients, suggesting that acute aerobic exercise may contribute to an anti-inflammatory response. However, it is necessary future studies to evaluate the impact of increased IL-10 and acute aerobic exercise on outcomes in patients with CKD

    Sedentarismo, exercício físico e doenças crônicas

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    A inatividade física é fortemente relacionada à incidência e severidade de um vasto número de doenças crônicas. Assim sendo, o exercício físico torna-se uma das ferramentas terapêuticas mais importantes na promoção de saúde e o profissional de Educação Física, o responsável por sua ampla disseminação. Nesse artigo, discorremos sobre as seguintes questões: Qual o impacto - biológico e socioeconômico - da inatividade física na saúde dos indivíduos?; 2) Qual o impacto da inserção da atividade física vida dos indivíduos?; 3) Qual o papel da profissional de Educação Física na promoção de saúde e quais os desafios que a Educação Física, enquanto ciência ("lato sensu") e profissão, deve enfrentar nas próximas décadas? Tendo como ponto de partida o papel da inatividade física sobre a etiologia das doenças crônicas, pretendemos revelar o imenso potencial do exercício físico como agente terapêutico.Physical inactivity is strongly related to the incidence and severity of a number of chronic diseases. Hence, physical exercise emerges as one of the most important therapeutic tool to health promotion, with the Physical Education professional being the responsible for disseminating it widely. In this manuscript, we will discuss the following questions: 1) What is the social and biological impact of physical inactivity on overall health? 2) What is the impact of physical activity on people's lives? 3) What is the role of the Physical Education professional in the promotion of health and what are the challenges that Physical Education Discipline, as a science ("lato sensu") and profession, will face in the next decades? Having in mind the role of physical inactivity upon the etiology of chronic diseases, we intend to reveal the large potential of physical exercise as a therapeutic agent

    Cardiovascular risk in active, insufficiently active and inactive users of public parks

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2008v10n2p170 Physical activity has been recommended for heart disease prevention and rehabilitation. However, when performed incorrectly, which is more common when practiced without supervision and in public places, the risk of cardiovascular events increases. The objective of this study was to compare cardiovascular risk factors among users of São Paulo´s public parks with differing levels of physical activity – active, insuffi ciently active, and inactive. The evaluation consisted of a questionnaire about cardiovascular diseases, symptoms and risk factors; physical activity practice; and anthropometric and arterial blood pressure measurements. There was no difference between the groups in terms of the prevalence of cardiovascular disease or controllable risk factors. However, inactive people had a higher prevalence of cardiovascular symptoms (35%). With regard to uncontrollable cardiovascular risk factors, there was a higher prevalence of the gender/age factor among active (50%) and insuffi ciently active (45%) subjects, and heredity was more prevalent among inactive people (35%). There was no difference in obesity or blood pressure between the groups. The study also showed that active and insuffi ciently active subjects have a better knowledge of their health status, and a higher prevalence of being prescribed physical activity by physicians. The results demonstrate that most of the people who exercise in public parks are elderly and are at a moderate to high cardiovascular risk from this practice, which suggests that a physical education professional should be present