1,037 research outputs found

    Software Performance Engineering for Cloud Applications – A Survey

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    Cloud computing enables application service providers to lease their computing capabilities for deploying applications depending on user QoS (Quality of Service) requirements.Cloud applications have different composition, configuration and deployment requirements.Quantifying the performance of applications in Cloud computing environments is a challenging task. Software performance engineering(SPE) techniques enable us to assess performance requirements of software applications at the early stages of development. This assessment helps the developers to fine tune their design needs so that the targeted performance goals can be met. In this paper, we try to analyseperformance related issues of cloud applications and identify any SPE techniques currently available for cloud applications

    Studies on spatial pattern of NDVI over Indiaand its relationship with rainfall, air temperature, soil moisture adequacy and ENSO

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    The changes in spatial distribution of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are studied for different seasons in India for the period 1982 to 2000. The inter-annual variability of All India NDVI (AINDVI) has been studied and related to rainfall, air temperature, soil moisture adequacy, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and Nino 3 Sea Surface Temperature (Nino 3 SST) to understand the influence of these variables on vegetal cover. The results show that the NDVI is high during the south-west (June to September) monsoon and retreat (October and November) seasons where in major crop seasons Kharif and Rabi take place over India. The trend of AINDVI is increasing and displayed higher values during La Niña and lower in El Niño episodes. The correlation between rainfall and NDVI of All India is not significant on monthly basis (+0.13) but it is more prominent when the cumulative annual amounts of rainfall are involved (+0.61). NDVI responded very well to the variations of soil moisture adequacy (SAD) which enumerates the strongest correlation (+0.73) of crop performance with NDVI. This significant strong correlation inferred that SAD can be taken as the indicator for the NDVI variations rather rainfall. The linear regression analysis of AINDVI and the ENSO indices revealed the strong impact of sea surface temperatures than SOI on vegetation pattern over India

    Studies on spatial pattern of NDVI over india and its relationship with rainfall, air temperature, soil moisture adequacy and ENSO

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    The changes in spatial distribution of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are studied for different seasons in India for the period 1982 to 2000. The inter-annual variability of All India NDVI (AINDVI) has been studied and related to rainfall, air temperature, soil moisture adequacy, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and Nino 3 Sea Surface Temperature (Nino 3 SST) to understand the influence of these variables on vegetal cover. The results show that the NDVI is high during the south-west (June to September) monsoon and retreat (October and November) seasons where in major crop seasons Kharif and Rabi take place over India. The trend of AINDVI is increasing and displayed higher values during La Niña and lower in El Niño episodes. The correlation between rainfall and NDVI of All India is not significant on monthly basis (+0.13) but it is more prominent when the cumulative annual amounts of rainfall are involved (+0.61). NDVI responded very well to the variations of soil moisture adequacy (SAD) which enumerates the strongest correlation (+0.73) of crop performance with NDVI. This significant strong correlation inferred that SAD can be taken as the indicator for the NDVI variations rather rainfall. The linear regression analysis of AINDVI and the ENSO indices revealed the strong impact of sea surface temperatures than SOI on vegetation pattern over India

    Metastatic breast neuroendocrine tumor from the rectum-a needle in hay stack

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    Neuroendocrine tumors metastazing to the breast are exceedingly rare and account for less than 2% of tumors in the breasts. They are usually initially diagnosed as primary breast carcinoma and the correct treatment is delayed. Accurate preoperative identification of the tumor will result in the avoidance a major surgery including axillary lymphnodal clearance. We here report a case of a metastatic neuroendocrine deposit in the breast following a Laparoscopic Anterior Resection(for neuroendocrine tumor of rectum) and Right Hepatectomy (for synchronous liver metastasis)

    Análisis de tensión de los incisivos centrales superiores tratados endodónticamente con diferentes alturas de férula y tres materiales diferentes de clavija posterior: un análisis de elementos finitos.

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    Indicación del problema: la fractura de los dientes tratados endodónticamente se reduce mediante el uso de un poste con férula, pero el efecto de diferentes configuraciones de férula y materiales de clavija no está claro. Propósito: evaluar el efecto de los casquillos con diferentes configuraciones y alturas sobre el estrés de los dientes tratados endodónticamente restaurados con tres materiales diferentes de postes y tacos. materiales y métodos: quince modelos de incisivos centrales superiores restaurados con porcelana fundida a coronas de metal se obtuvieron con el software Pro Engineer. Los modelos se dividieron en tres grupos, cada uno de los cuales consta de cinco modelos con alturas de casquillo de 0mm, 2mm, 4mm, 2mm con fractura oblicua, 4mm con fractura oblicua. los modelos del grupo GFR fueron restaurados con poste reforzado con fibra de vidrio (GFR) y acumulación de núcleo compuesto, grupo nicr con una aleación de metal de poste fundido personalizado (NiCr) y grupo Zr con poste de zirconia (Zr) y acumulación de núcleo compuesto. se aplicó una carga oblicua de 100N y 150N en un ángulo de 135º a la superficie palatina del diente. se aplicó una carga vertical de 100N y 150N en un ángulo de 90º a la punta incisal del diente. la tensión principal máxima y la tensión de von mises se calcularon para la estructura dental restante y después del vértice utilizando el software de análisis de elementos finitos (FEA). Resultados: el estrés máximo de von falta se observó en el vértice de la publicación (p<0.05). El grupo Zr mostró el mayor estrés medio (6.39Mpa) seguido del grupo NiCr (5.65Mpa). Hubo una diferencia significativa entre la publicación NiCr y Zr para la altura de la férula de 2mm y 4mm, mientras que para la férula de 0mm hubo una diferencia significativa entre los grupos GFR y NiCr (p<0,05), bajo la carga oblicua, la tensión media máxima en las estructuras dentales restantes, mientras que para la carga vertical, se observó en el vértice del poste. En cuanto a las alturas de la férula, hubo diferencias significativas entre la férula uniforme de 0mm-2mm y de 0mm-4mm en el post-apex en el caso de los postes de NiCr (p<0.05), la ausencia de férula dio como resultado un mayor estrés para el grupo NiCr. Conclusión: las cargas más altas que llevaron a la fractura se observaron solo en el vértice del poste; Los postes de zirconia (grupo Zr) tuvieron mayores cargas de fractura, mientras que la ausencia de férula dio como resultado una mayor carga de fractura con postes moldeados personalizados (NiCr de grupo). Los umbrales de fractura fueron altos en la estructura dental restante para todos los sistemas de clavijas, especialmente para la acumulación de núcleos compuestos independientemente de la altura y configuración de la férula. Implicaciones clínicas: la selección adecuada de materiales de postes y tacos en diferentes configuraciones de alturas de férulas asegura el éxito clínico.Statement of problem : fracture of endodontically treated teeth is reduced by the use of a post with ferrule, but the effect of different ferrule configurations and dowel materials is not clear. Purpose: to evaluate the effect of ferrules with different configurations and heights on the stress of endodontically treated teeth restored with three different post and dowel materials. Materials and Methods: fifteen models of maxillary central incisors restored with porcelain fused to metal crowns were obtained using pro engineer software. the models were divided into three groups, each consisting of five models with ferrule heights of 0mm, 2mm, 4mm, 2mm with oblique fracture, 4mm with oblique fracture, the models under group GFR were restored with fiberglass reinforced post (GFR) and composite core build-up, group NiCr with a custom cast post metal alloy (NiCr), and group Zr with zirconia post (Zr) and composite core build-up. an oblique load of 100N and 150N at an angle of 135 degrees was applied to the palatal surface of the tooth, a vertical load of 100N and 150N at an angle of 90 degrees was applied to the incisal tip of the tooth. The maximum principal stress and the von mises stress was calculated for the remaining tooth structure and post apex using the finite element analysis (FEA) software. Results: the maximum von misses stress was observed in the apex of the post (p<0.05). Group Zr showed the highest mean stress (6.39Mpa) followed by group NiCr (5.65Mpa). There was a significant difference between post and between NiCr and Zr post for 2mm and 4mm ferrule height, while for 0mm ferrule there was a significant difference between the GFR and NiCr groups (p<0.05). Under oblique load, the maximum mean stress was observed in remaining tooth structures while for vertical load, it was observed at the apex of the post. Regarding ferrule heights, there were significant differences between 0mm-2mm, and 0mm-4mm uniform ferrule in post apex in the case of NiCr posts (p<0.05). Absence of ferrule resulted in higher stress for the NiCr group. Conclusion: higher loads that led to fracture were observed only at the apex of the post. Zirconia posts (group Zr) had higher fracture loads, whereas absence of ferrule resulted in higher fracture load with custom cast posts (group NiCr). Fracture thresholds were high on the remaining tooth structure for all the dowel systems especially for composite core build up irrespective of ferrule height and configuration. Clinical implications: appropriate selection of post and dowel materials in different configurations of ferrule heights ensures clinical success

    Effectiveness of guided self-help in decreasing expressed emotion in family caregivers of people diagnosed with depression in Thailand: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: High expressed emotion (EE) can extend the duration of illness and precipitate relapse; however, little evidence-based information is available to assist family caregivers of individuals with depression. In the present exploratory study, we examined the effectiveness of a cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based guided self-help (GSH) manual in decreasing EE in caregivers of people with depression, in Thailand. Method: A parallel group randomised controlled trial was conducted, following CONSORT guidelines, with 54 caregivers who were allocated equally to GSH or control group (standard outpatient department support). In addition, both groups were contacted weekly by telephone. EE was assessed, using the Family Questionnaire (FQ), at baseline, post-test (Week 8) and follow-up (Week 12). Results: FQ scores at baseline indicated that both groups had similar, though moderately high level of EE. However, between baseline and post-test EE scores decreased markedly in the intervention group, but in contrast, they increased slightly in the control group. Between post-test and follow-up, little change took place in the EE scores of either group. Overall, the intervention group recipients of GSH showed a significant decrease in EE whereas the control group recipients of standard outpatient department support reported a slight increase in EE. Conclusion: These findings provide preliminary evidence that GSH is beneficial in reducing EE in caregivers, which is advantageous to family members with depression and caregivers. The approach may be used as an adjunct to the limited outpatient department support given to caregivers by mental health professionals and, perhaps, to caregivers who do not attend these departments

    Role of positron emission tomography-computed tomography in bronchial mucoepidermoid carcinomas: a case series and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the tracheobronchial tree is rare. Such tumors usually present with signs and symptoms of bronchial obstruction. Histologically, they can be classified as high-grade or low-grade tumors. Experience of imaging these tumors with <sup>18</sup>fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography (<sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET-CT) is limited. We present three cases of this rare tumor, describe the functional imaging results, and review the available literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Three Caucasian patients, two men (21 and 24 years of age) and one woman (14 years of age), with bronchial masses were evaluated by us. All three patients were symptomatic, and underwent a thorough clinical examination, bronchoscopy and biopsy, plain computed tomography, <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET-CT and <sup>68</sup>Gallium 1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-N<sup>I</sup>,N<sup>II</sup>,N<sup>III</sup>,N<sup>IIII</sup>,- tetra acetic acid (D) - Phel<sup>1</sup>-Tyr<sup>3</sup>-octreotide positron emission tomography-computed tomography (<sup>68</sup>Ga-DOTATOC PET-CT). <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET-CT revealed mild uptake in all three patients, whereas <sup>68</sup>Ga-DOTATOC PET-CT revealed no significant uptake in any patient, making carcinoid tumor unlikely. Results of histopathological examination were consistent with low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma in all patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study reveals that functional imaging may be helpful in the initial investigation of patients with mucoepidermoid carcinoma. <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET-CT may have a prognostic relevance by predicting the histopathologic differentiation of the tumor.</p

    Spectral characterization of mechanically synthesized MoO3-CuO nanocomposite

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    In this work, MoO3-CuO metal oxide composite nanopowders are prepared by simple mechanochemical assisted synthesis technique with the stoichiometric weight ratios of MoO3 and CuO as 2.3:1 and 3.3:1, respectively. The structural and spectroscopic properties of the as-synthesised samples are characterised by XRD, SEM with EDS, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy and TGA/DTA. X-ray diffraction pattern demonstrates the peaks correspond to orthorhombic phase of α-MoO3 and monoclinic phase of β-CuO. The average crystalline sizes of the 2.3:1 and 3.3:1 samples were found to be 16 and 24 nm, respectively, which are supported by Williamson–Hall (W–H) calculations. The correlations between the milling rotational speeds with morphological characteristics are revealed by the SEM images. The fundamental modes of Mo=O and Cu–O were analysed by FT-IR. Raman analysis has provided the qualitative information about the structure of the mixed oxide composite. Thermogravimetry analysis and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) of MoO3-CuO have revealed that the dual phase mixed oxide composite is stable up to 709 °C with a negligible weight loss. Based on the above, it can be inferred that the synthesised mixed lubricous oxide nanocomposite could be used as a solid lubricant at elevated temperatures

    Removal of various contaminants from water by renewable lignocellulose-derived biosorbents: a comprehensive and critical review

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    © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Contaminants in water bodies cause potential health risks for humans and great environmental threats. Therefore, the development and exploration of low-cost, promising adsorbents to remove contaminants from water resources as a sustainable option is one focus of the scientific community. Here, we conducted a critical review regarding the application of pristine and modified/treated biosorbents derived from leaves for the removal of various contaminants. These include potentially toxic cationic and oxyanionic metal ions, radioactive metal ions, rare earth elements, organic cationic and anionic dyes, phosphate, ammonium, and fluoride from water media. Similar to lignocellulose-based biosorbents, leaf-based biosorbents exhibit a low specific surface area and total pore volume but have abundant surface functional groups, high concentrations of light metals, and a high net surface charge density. The maximum adsorption capacity of biosorbents strongly depends on the operation conditions, experiment types, and adsorbate nature. The absorption mechanism of contaminants onto biosorbents is complex; therefore, typical experiments used to identify the primary mechanism of the adsorption of contaminants onto biosorbents were thoroughly discussed. It was concluded that byproduct leaves are renewable, biodegradable, and promising biosorbents which have the potential to be used as a low-cost green alternative to commercial activated carbon for effective removal of various contaminants from the water environment in the real-scale plants