33 research outputs found
O uso de monensina sódica e probióticos para o controle de acidose ruminal subaguda em ovinos
O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar um protocolo para a indução de acidose ruminal subaguda (SARA) (Experimento 1) e testar a eficácia do probiótico Saccharomyces cerevisiae ou monensina na prevenção da queda do pH do fluido ruminal em ovinos (Experimento 2). No Experimento 1, seis ovelhas foram mantidas em jejum por dois dias e, em seguida, alimentadas basicamente com concentrado durante quatro dias. Nesse protocolo as ovelhas mantiveram o pH do fluido ruminal abaixo de 6,0 por 75 horas consecutivas. No Experimento 2, 18 ovelhas foram distribuídas em três grupos: controle (GC, n = 6), monensina (GM, n = 6) e o grupo probiótico (GP, n = 6). SARA foi induzida de acordo com o Experimento 1. PG apresentaram valores de pH mais baixos (5,7 ± 0,1) do que o GC (6,0 ± 0,1) (P = 0,05), enquanto GM (5,7 ± 0,1) foi semelhante durante a indução de SARA. A indução SARA reduziu a população de protozoários no rúmen (P < 0,05) e aumentou a concentração de cloreto no líquido ruminal (P < 0,01). Durante a SARA observou-se aumento das concentrações séricas de fósforo (P < 0,01), AST (P < 0,01) e GGT (P < 0,01), mas reduziu a de LDH (P < 0,01). Em conclusão, o protocolo utilizado para a indução de SARA foi capaz de manter o pH do rúmen entre 5,5-6,0 por períodos superiores a 48 horas. No entanto, a suplementação com monensina e probióticos não foi eficaz na prevenção das alterações nos parâmetros ruminais e séricos durante SARA.The aim of this work was to validate a protocol for induction of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) (Experiment 1) and test the efficiency of probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae or monensin to avoid pH ruminal drops in sheep (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, six ewes were fasted for two days and then fed most with concentrate during four days. Ewes in this protocol had ruminal fluid pH below 6.0 and kept it for 75 consecutive hours. In Experiment 2, 18 sheep were distributed into three groups: Control (CG, n = 6), monensin (MG, n = 6) and probiotic group (PG, n = 6). SARA was induced according Experiment 1. PG had lower pH (5.7 ± 0.1) than CG (6.0 ± 0.1) (P = 0.05), while MG (5.7 ± 0.1) was similar to both during SARA induction. SARA induction reduced ruminal protozoa population (P < 0.05) and increased chloride concentrations in ruminal fluid (P < 0.01). In serum, SARA increased concentrations of phosphorus (P < 0.01), AST (P < 0.01) and GGT (P < 0.01), but reduced LDH (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the protocol used for SARA induction was able to maintain ruminal pH between 5.5-6.0 for more than 48 hours. However, monensin and probiotics supplementation was not effective in preventing changes in ruminal and serum parameters during SARA
Moraxella bovis: influência das características genotípicas e fenotípicas no controle da ceratoconjuntivite infecciosa bovina
A Ceratoconjuntivite Infecciosa Bovina (CIB) continua sendo a mais importante enfermidade ocular dos bovinos da região do MERCOSUL. O agente etiológico da CIB, a bactéria Moraxella bovis, apresenta diferenças genéticas que determinam variações antigênicas e de susceptibilidade aos fármacos, que dificultam seu controle. São discutidos, neste trabalho, resultados de estudos moleculares, antigênicos e de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos realizados com cepas isoladas durante os últimos vinte anos na região e comparados com os de outras regiões
Probióticos em avicultura
Durante os últimos anos, o incremento de toxinfecções alimentares em humanos pela ingestão de produtos avícolas contaminados com bactérias, sugeriu que produtos oriundos de aves portadoras dessas bactérias podem veiculá-las ao consumidor, provocando doenças entéricas em humanos. Essas observações e a restrição, por parte do mercado consumidor, ao uso de antimicrobianos na produção animal, aumentaram o interesse mundial pelos probióticos e, conseqüentemente, o número de pesquisas realizadas. Esta revisão mostra os avanços e a situação em que se encontram os probióticos em relação à indústria avícola
Bioremediation of Parboiled Rice Effluent Supplemented with Biodiesel-Derived Glycerol Using Pichia pastoris X-33
This paper describes the use of Pichia pastoris X-33 as a bioremediator to reduce the chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and phosphorus (P-PO43−), after culture in parboiled rice effluent supplemented with p.a. glycerol or a glycerol by-product of the biodiesel industry. The greatest reduction in the COD (55%), TKN (45%), and P-PO43− (52%) of the effluent was observed in cultures of P. pastoris X-33 supplemented with 15 g ·L−1 of biodiesel-derived glycerol. Furthermore, the overall biomass yield was 2.1 g ·L−1. These data suggest that biodiesel-derived glycerol is an efficient carbon source for the bioremediation of parboiled rice effluent and biomass production
Effects of different litter depths on environmental parameters and growth performance of growing finishing pigs
Deep litter systems represent low cost alternatives to raise growing-finishing pigs, reducing slurry accumulation, although pig’s thermal comfort may be negatively affected by
the heat produced inside the litter. This study compared environmental and performance parameters for growingfinishing pigs raised on deep litter systems having distinct depths and on solid floor. The experiment was conducted in a region
of temperate climate of Brazil, comparing three treatments: litter having rice husk 0.5m (T1); and 0.25m deep (T2); and solid concrete floor (T3). The first litter was used in two lots and
replaced by a second litter used in other two lots, during 52 weeks. Each lot included five pigs in a 7m2 pen, from 60 to 145d of age. Environmental parameters were determined at weekly
intervals, including: atmospheric temperature; relative humidity; temperature at the center of the pen, in the surface(TSF); and at half of the depth (THD), only for T1 and T2. Feed consumption and weight of pigs were measured every four weeks. Atmospheric temperature and relative humidity
were not influenced by the treatments (P>0.05). Mean TSF was 22.8 ± 3.6oC, being lower for T3 (P0.05). TSF was higher for new than for
used litters (P<0.001) and for the first than for the second litter (P=0.03), apparently increasing in lots raised during termophilic phases. Mean THD was 33.8±10.8oC, being higher for T1 than for T2 (P<0.05). THD was also higher for new than
for used litters (P0.05). Despite the potential unfavorable
thermal comfort under high temperatures, deep litter systems can be used to raise pigs in the growing-finishing phases due to the absence of negative effects for growth performance