1,112 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial DNA from Aspergillus nidulans

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    Quantifying the radiation belt seed population in the 17 March 2013 electron acceleration event

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    Abstract We present phase space density (PSD) observations using data from the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer instrument on the Van Allen Probes for the 17 March 2013 electron acceleration event. We confirm previous results and quantify how PSD gradients depend on the first adiabatic invariant. We find a systematic difference between the lower-energy electrons (1-MeV with a source region within the radiation belts. Our observations show that the source process begins with enhancements to the 10s-100s-keV energy seed population, followed by enhancements to the \u3e1-MeV population and eventually leading to enhancements in the multi-MeV electron population these observations provide the clearest evidence to date of the timing and nature of the radial transport of a 100s keV electron seed population into the heart of the outer belt and subsequent local acceleration of those electrons to higher radiation belt energies. Key Points Quantification of phase space density gradients inside geostationary orbit Clear differences between the source of low energy and relativistic electrons Clear observations of how the acceleration process evolves in energy

    Econometric estimation of Armington import elasticities and their system-wide impact in a regional CGE model of the Illinois economy

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    One of the main concerns associated with the development and use of regional CGE models is the determination of key parameter values, particularly substitution and other price elasticities. A common problem is the lack of appropriate regional data for econometric estimation. Consequently, it is important to identify key parameters that are likely to be important in determining quantitative results and then to prioritize these for estimation where appropriate data are available. In this paper, the focus is on the estimation of the regional trade (import) substitution parameters, which tend to be important in analysis for regional economies (given their openness to trade). Here, commodity import elasticities for the Illinois economy are estimated and tested in a single region CGE model of the Illinois economy. In our econometric estimation, we apply a model that takes account of market size and distance in estimating the substitutability between commodities produced in Illinois and other US states

    On the cause and extent of outer radiation belt losses during the 30 September 2012 dropout event

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    Abstract On 30 September 2012, a flux dropout occurred throughout Earth\u27s outer electron radiation belt during the main phase of a strong geomagnetic storm. Using eight spacecraft from NASA\u27s Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) and Van Allen Probes missions and NOAA\u27s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites constellation, we examined the full extent and timescales of the dropout based on particle energy, equatorial pitch angle, radial distance, and species. We calculated phase space densities of relativistic electrons, in adiabatic invariant coordinates, which revealed that loss processes during the dropout were \u3e 90% effective throughout the majority of the outer belt and the plasmapause played a key role in limiting the spatial extent of the dropout. THEMIS and the Van Allen Probes observed telltale signatures of loss due to magnetopause shadowing and subsequent outward radial transport, including similar loss of energetic ring current ions. However, Van Allen Probes observations suggest that another loss process played a role for multi-MeV electrons at lower L shells (L\u3c ∼4). Key Points Dropout events can encompass the entire outer radiation belt Dropouts can result in \u3e90% losses and be a hard reset on the system Loss at L \u3e ∼4 is dominated by MP shadowing and outward transport

    Evaluating emplacement temperature of a 1000-year sequence of mass flows using paleomagnetism of their deposits at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand

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    Temperature can be an important characteristic used to distinguish primary pyroclastic density currents or block-and-ash flows from other collapses not primarily related to an eruption, and also governs the type and level of hazard presented by these mass flows. We examined several mass-flow deposits within the AD1000-1800 Maero Formation at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand, for field characteristics of hot emplacement - such as the presence of charcoal, baking of soils, or gas-elutriation piping - and conducted a paleomagnetic study of their thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) to determine emplacement temperatures. Results show that the majority of the deposits result from block-and-ash flows emplaced over ~500°C. Some of these deposits were indistinguishable in the field from a re-worked or low-temperature emplaced lahar or landslide deposit, indicating that sedimentary features are not a clear determinant of high emplacement temperature. The high emplacement temperatures suggest that the time between dome emplacement and collapse during this period was usually brief (<30 years), with some events consisting of rapid and repeated growth and collapse of lava domes, possibly within the same prolonged lava effusion episode

    Competing source and loss mechanisms due to wave-particle interactions in Earth’s outer radiation belt during the 30 September to 3 October 2012 geomagnetic storm

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    Abstract Drastic variations of Earth’s outer radiation belt electrons ultimately result from various competing source, loss, and transport processes, to which wave-particle interactions are critically important. Using 15 spacecraft including NASA’s Van Allen Probes, THEMIS, and SAMPEX missions and NOAA’s GOES and POES constellations, we investigated the evolution of the outer belt during the strong geomagnetic storm of 30 September to 3 October 2012. This storm’s main phase dropout exhibited enhanced losses to the atmosphere at L*\u3c 4, where the phase space density (PSD) of multi-MeV electrons dropped by over an order of magnitude in1 MeV electrons and energetic protons, SAMPEX \u3e1 MeV electrons, and ground observations of band-limited Pc1-2 wave activity, we show that this sudden loss was consistent with pitch angle scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the dusk magnetic local time sector at 3\u3c L*\u3c 4. At 4\u3c L*\u3c 5, local acceleration was also active during the main and early recovery phases, when growing peaks in electron PSD were observed by both Van Allen Probes and THEMIS. This acceleration corresponded to the period when IMF Bz was southward, the AE index was \u3e300 nT, and energetic electron injections and whistler-mode chorus waves were observed throughout the inner magnetosphere for \u3e12 h. After this period, Bz turned northward, and injections, chorus activity, and enhancements in PSD ceased. Overall, the outer belt was depleted by this storm. From the unprecedented level of observations available, we show direct evidence of the competitive nature of different wave-particle interactions controlling relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt

    Determining the Shape, Size, and Sources of the Zodiacal Dust Cloud using Polarized Ultraviolet Scattered Sunlight

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    The solar system's Zodiacal Cloud is visible to the unaided eye, yet the origin of its constituent dust particles is not well understood, with a wide range of proposed divisions between sources in the asteroid belt and Jupiter Family comets. The amount of dust contributed by Oort Cloud comets is uncertain. Knowledge of the Zodiacal Cloud's structure and origins would help with NASA's aim of characterizing potentially Earth-like planets around nearby stars, since the exo-Earths must be studied against the light scattered from extrasolar analogs of our cloud. As the only example where the parent bodies can be tracked, our own cloud is critical for learning how planetary system architecture governs the interplanetary dust's distribution. Our cloud has been relatively little-studied in the near-ultraviolet, a wavelength range that is important for identifying potentially-habitable planets since it contains the broad Hartley absorption band of ozone. We show through radiative transfer modeling that our cloud's shape and size at near-UV wavelengths can be measured from Earth orbit by mapping the zodiacal light's flux and linear polarization across the sky. We quantify how well the cloud's geometric and optical properties can be retrieved from a set of simulated disk observations, using a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis. The results demonstrate that observations with sufficient precision, covering a set of fields distributed along the ecliptic and up to the poles, can be used to determine the division between asteroidal, Jupiter Family, and Oort Cloud dust components, primarily via their differing orbital inclination distributions. We find that the observations must be repeated over a time span of several months in order to disentangle the zodiacal light from the Galactic background using the Milky Way's rotation across the sky.Comment: submitted to PAS

    Near-Earth injection of MeV electrons associated with intense dipolarization electric fields: Van Allen Probes observations.

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    Substorms generally inject tens to hundreds of keV electrons, but intense substorm electric fields have been shown to inject MeV electrons as well. An intriguing question is whether such MeVelectron injections can populate the outer radiation belt. Here we present observations of a substorm injection of MeV electrons into the inner magnetosphere. In the premidnight sector at L ∼ 5.5, Van Allen Probes (Radiation Belt Storm Probes)-A observed a large dipolarization electric field (50 mV/m) over ∼40 s and a dispersionless injection of electrons up to ∼3 MeV. Pitch angle observations indicated betatron acceleration of MeV electrons at the dipolarization front. Corresponding signals of MeV electron injection were observed at LANL-GEO, THEMIS-D, and GOES at geosynchronous altitude. Through a series of dipolarizations, the injections increased the MeV electron phase space density by 1 order of magnitude in less than 3 h in the outer radiation belt (L &gt; 4.8). Our observations provide evidence that deep injections can supply significant MeV electrons
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