143 research outputs found

    A mineralogical and organic geochemical overview of the effects of Holocene changes in Amazon River flow on three floodplain lakes

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    A synthesis of the impacts of the Amazon River hydrological changes on the sedimentation process of organic matter (OM) in three different floodplain lakes (Santa Ninha, Maracá, and Comprido lakes) is presented in this study. Today the Santa Ninha and Maracá lakes are directly and permanently connected with the main channel of the Amazon River, in contrast to Comprido Lake, which is indirectly and periodically influenced by the Amazon River due to its greater distance from the main channel. All three lake sediment records showed a reduced river inflow due to dry climatic conditions during the early and middle Holocene followed by an increased fluvial input during the wetter late Holocene. In Santa Ninha and Maraca Lakes, the reduced river inflow period was recorded by sediments with a low abundance of smectite (on average ~ 20 wt.%), a clay mineral mainly transported by the fluvial system, high total organic carbon (TOC) contents (on average ~ 8.2 wt.%), and a predominantly acidic soil OM input evidenced by high concentrations (on average 180 µg gTOC- 1) of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGT). During the late Holocene, a higher smectite abundance (on average ~ 43 wt.%) and a lower TOC content (on average ~ 1.4 wt.%) pointed to greater dilution by riverine lithogenic matter. This change was accompanied by a proportional increase in the aquatically produced crenarchaeol, suggesting a higher lake water level. In Comprido Lake, a sedimentation gap occurred during the early and middle Holocene. The wetter late Holocene, since 3000 cal years BP, was characterized by high TOC values (on average ~ 9 wt.%) and a sharp increase in soil OM input as recorded by an increase in branched GDGT concentrations (on average ~ 81 µg gTOC- 1), but the smectite content was low (on average ~ 14%). This combination suggests that the soil OM input to Comprido Lake from the local catchment area became dominant during the wet-climate late Holocene due to the large distance of the lake from the Amazon River main channel. Consequently, our study shows that the sedimentation processes of OM in Amazonian floodplain lakes were strongly influenced by variations in the hydrodynamic regime of the Amazon River during the Holocene. However, the impacts of the variations on the three floodplain lakes were different depending on the distance of each lake from the main channel of the Amazon River

    Origem da planície costeira quaternária entre Guaratiba e Cabo Frio, RJ

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    5. Impacto del cambio climático en la sedimentación y en la acumulación de carbono en los lagos de la Amazonia peruana

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    Los suelos, las aguas y los sedimentos de la cuenca amazónica son importantes compartimentos del ciclo de carbono, el cual se encuentra parcialmente almacenado en los bosques inundables y en los lagos de inundación de la región (20% de la superficie total de la cuenca). Estudiar los procesos de sedimentación lacustres a diferentes escalas espaciales y de tiempo permite mejorar le estimación del balance biogeoquímico del carbono (uno de los gases de efecto Invernadero responsable del cambio climático actual, el CO2). Las tasas de sedimentación en las áreas de inundación dependen de varios factores, como el tipo de agua de los lagos y del tipo de conexión que tienen con los ríos. El análisis en laboratorio de muestras de sedimentos, que mantienen la secuencia de deposición, sirve para determinar las condiciones geológicas, meteorológicas, los cambios en el ecosistema e incluso acciones de origen humano que pueden haber afectado los regímenes de sedimentación y la composición de los sedimentos a lo largo del tiempo.Les sols, les eaux et les sédiments du bassin amazonien sont des compartiments importants du cycle du carbone, qui est partiellement stocké dans les forêts et les lacs inondés dans la région (20% de la superficie totale du bassin). Connaître les processus de sédimentation lacustres à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles permet d'améliorer l'estimation de l'équilibre biogéochimique du carbone (un des gaz responsables du changement climatique actuel, CO2). Les taux de sédimentation dans la plaine inondable dépendent de plusieurs facteurs, y compris le type d'eau des lacs et le type de connexion avec les rivières. Les analyses de laboratoire des échantillons de sédiments, qui maintiennent la séquence de dépôt, sont utilisées pour déterminer les caractéristiques géologiques, les conditions météorologiques, les changements dans l'écosystème et même les actions humaines qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur les régimes de sédimentation et la composition des sédiments au fil du temps.The soils, waters and sediments of the Amazon basin are important compartments of the carbon cycle, which are partially stored in flooded forests and lakes of flooding in the region (20% of the total basin area). The study of lacustrine sedimentation processes at different spatial and temporal scales allows improving the estimation of biogeochemical carbon balance (one of the greenhouse gases responsible for the current climate change, CO2). Sedimentation rates in flood areas depend on several factors, such as the type of water from lakes and the type of connection this water has with rivers. The laboratory analysis of sediment samples, which maintain the deposition sequence, is used to determine geological and meteorological conditions; as well as changes in the ecosystem, even actions arising from humans that may have affected the sedimentation regimes and sediment composition along the time

    2. Cambios climáticos del Holoceno

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    Existe una variabilidad natural del clima. Se debe tanto a factores externos (como el cambio de la órbita de la Tierra) como internos (como erupciones volcánicas o movimientos tectónicos entre otros). Los paleo-climatólogos estudian los cambios del clima del pasado a través de complejos análisis de sedimentos de lagos, de testigos de hielo de los glaciares o también de estalagmitas de las cavernas. Estos registros son como libros donde está escrita la historia del clima de la Tierra. Usando estos marcadores ambientales y gracias a los modelos climáticos a diferentes escalas espaciales y de tiempo, los investigadores buscan discriminar cual es la parte natural del cambio climático actual de la parte debida a la actividad humana y disminuir las incertidumbres en las proyecciones futuras del clima.Il existe une variabilité climatique naturelle. Elle est due aussi bien à des facteurs externes (comme le changement d’orbite de la Terre) qu’internes (comme les éruptions volcaniques ou les mouvements tectoniques entre autres). Les paléo-climatologues étudient les changements du climat du passé en réalisant des analyses complexes de sédiments de lacs, de carottes glaciaires ou encore de stalagmites des grottes. Ces registres sont comme des livres où est écrite l’histoire du climat de la Terre. A partir de ces marqueurs environnementaux et des modelés climatiques à différentes échelles d’espace et de temps, les chercheurs cherchent à connaître quelle part du changement climatique actuel est naturelle et quelle part est liée à l’activité humaine et réduire les incertitudes dans les projections climatiques.There is natural climate variability. It ¡s due to both external factors (such as changes in Earth’s orbit) as well as internal factors (such as volcanic eruptions and tectonic movements among others). Paleoclimatologists study historic climate changes performance by complex analysis of lake sediments, ice cores or stalagmite caves. These records are like books in where the history of Earth’s climate has been written. Thanks to these environmental markers and the climate models at different scales of space and time, researchers seek to differentiate which part of the current climate change is natural and which part is due to human activity, in order to reduce uncertainties in future climate projections