4 research outputs found

    Powerful switch based on CX1525A thyratron

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    Thyratrons of obsolete types TGI1-2500/50, TGI1-2500/35, TGI1-5000/50 are used in modulators of NSC KIPT of as a switch, their service life has expired. To update the modulator we selected thyratron СХ1525А of company EЕV, which technical parameters met the requirements: switched current 2.3 kA, anode voltage up to 40 kV, pulse frequency up to 300 Hz, pulse duration 5 μs. Thyratron switchboard based on СХ1525А was de-signed and constructed. The results of study the switch operation in mode of active accelerator are reported.В модуляторах ННЦ ХФТИ в качестве коммутатора используются тиратроны типа ТГИ1-2500/50, ТГИ1-2500/35, ТГИ1-5000/50, ресурс которых исчерпан. Для модификации модулятора выбран тиратрон СХ1525А производства фирмы EЕV, по техническим характеристикам удовлетворяющий параметрам: коммутируемый ток 2,3 кA; анодное напряжение до 40 кВ; частота посылок до 300 Гц; длительность импульса 5 мкс. Проведена разработка и изготовление тиратронной стойки на основе СХ1525А. Приведены результаты исследования работы коммутатора в режиме действующего ускорителя.У модуляторах ННЦ ХФТІ в якості комутатора використовуються тиратрони типу ТГІ1-2500/50, ТГІ1-2500/35, ТГИ1-5000/50, ресурс яких було вичерпано. Для модифікації модулятора було вибрано тиратрон СХ1525А виробництва фірми ЕЕV, який по технічним характеристикам відповідає параметрам: комутуємий струм 2,3 кА; анодна напруга до 40 кВ; частота посилок до 300 Гц, тривалість імпульсу 5 мкс. Проведена розробка та виготовлення тиратронної стойки на основі СХ1525А. Приведено результати дослідження роботи комутатора в режимі діючого прискорювача

    Environmental and nutritional impacts of dietary changes in Spain during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    The COVID lockdown has affected food purchases and eating habits. In this regard, this short communication assesses the nutritional and environmental impacts of these changes during the COVID lockdown in Spain, by applying Life Cycle Assessment and an energy- and nutrient-corrected functional unit. Three environmental impacts were studied (Global Warming Potential, Blue Water Footprint and Land Use) and a total of seven weekly diet scenarios were designed: two pre-COVID diets for March and April in 2019 (MAR19, APR19), one COVID diet (COVID) and two alternative diets, one based on the National Dietary Guidelines (NDG) and another one on the Planetary Health Diet (PHD). Results show that the COVID diet had larger energy intake and lower nutritional quality, as well as higher environmental impacts (between 30 and 36%) than the pre-COVID eating patterns. Further research is needed to account for food affordability within this assessment, as well as to analyze how eating patterns will evolve after the COVID lockdown. Finally, the definition of short guidelines for sustainable food behaviors for future possible lockdowns is suggested, as well as the introduction of sustainable indicators within NDGs.The authors are grateful for the funding of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Competitiveness through the CERES-PROCON Project CTM2016-76176 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the KAIROS-BIOCIR Project PID2019-104925RB (AEO/FEDER, UE)