2,218 research outputs found

    How to End a Discussion: Consensus or Hegemony? A Response to Education for Deliberative Democracy and the Aim of Consensus

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    By taking the vantage point of agonistic pluralism, the aim is to enter into dialogue with Samuelsson’s theoretical development of consensus as an educational aim for classroom discussions. The response highlights three points of interest in the deliberative conception of consensus. The first point relates to the problem of exclusion, which Samuelsson clearly framed as something that concerns deliberative theory and agonistic theory. The second point is about the relation between conflict and consensus and the kind of conflict that is compatible with Samuelsson’s idea of consensus. The concluding part of this response is an exploration of how the agonistic concept of hegemony could function as an alternative aim for ending classroom discussions

    Democratic Education and Agonism: Exploring the Critique from Deliberative Theory

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    Due to the current political challenges facing democratic societies, including an apparent presence of populist rhetoric, the question of how political discussions should take place in democratic education is as urgent as ever. In the last two decades, one of the most prominent approaches to this question has been the use of deliberative theory. However, the deliberative approach has been criticized from an agonistic perspective for neglecting the role of emotions in political discussions. Deliberative theorists have in turn responded to this critique and argued that the agonistic approach tends to put too much emphasis on students’ emotions and identities in political discussions. Recently, as a contribution to this debate, the idea of assimilating agonism with deliberation has been suggested as a way of overcoming the differences between agonism and deliberative theory. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the educational debate between agonism and deliberative theory by exploring the deliberative critique from the vantage point of agonism. I claim that the deliberative critique of agonism is unfounded and based on a misreading of Mouffe’s agonistic theory. Furthermore, I argue that the attempt to assimilate agonism with deliberation is not compatible with Mouffe’s agonistic theory

    Evaluation of a thyroid nodule

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files.Hnútar í skjaldkirtli eru algengt vandamál og nýgengi þeirra hefur aukist mikið. Kerfisbundin nálgun við uppvinnslu er nauðsynleg til að greining fáist fljótt en ekki síður til að koma í veg fyrir ofgreiningu og ofmeðhöndlun sjúklinga. Það er mikilvægt að nota hina svokölluðu þrígreiningu, sögu/skoðun, ómun og fínnálarástungu ásamt skjaldvakamælingu (TSH). Ómun af skjaldkirtli er lykilþáttur í uppvinnslu, þar er mikilvægt að áhættuflokka hnúta, það er eftir líkum á krabbameini, og það er einnig mikilvægt við val á hnútum til að stinga, ef þeir eru fleiri en einn. Ómun er einnig hjálpleg við ástungu, sérstaklega í hnútum sem ekki eru þreifanlegir eða eru að hluta vökvafylltir. Kerfisbundið mat á frumusýnunum, flokkuðum eftir til dæmis Bethesda, er nauðsynlegt til að einfalda samskipti meinafræðinga og klínískra lækna. Thyroid nodules are common and their incidence has increased due to various factors. Systematic approach to the work-up of thyroid nodules is necessary to decrease overdiagnosis as well as over treatment. Applying the trifecta of history, physicial examination and high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) as well as fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) with added TSH measurement is important in the work-up. HRUS is a central part in the diagnostic approach, being able to risk classify nodules and selecting nodules for FNAB. Systematic analysis of aspirates is necessary to simplify communication between cytologists and clinicians

    A front tracking scheme for high density-ratio multi-fluid flows

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77168/1/AIAA-1999-3326-834.pd

    Secondary breakup of axisymmetric liquid drops. I. Acceleration by a constant body force

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    The secondary breakup of liquid drops, accelerated by a constant body force, is examined for small density differences between the drops and the surrounding fluid. Two cases are examined in detail: a density ratio close to unity (ρd/ρo = 1.15,(ρd/ρo=1.15, where the Boussinesq approximation is valid) and a density ratio of ten. A finite difference/front tracking numerical technique is used to solve the unsteady Navier–Stokes equations for both the drops and the surrounding fluid. The breakup is controlled by the Eötvös number (Eo), the Ohnesorge number (Oh), and the viscosity and density ratios. If viscous effects are small (small Oh), the Eötvös number is the main controlling parameter. In the Boussinesq limit, as Eo increases the drops break up in a backward facing bag, transient breakup, and a forward facing bag mode. At a density ratio of ten, similar breakup modes are observed, with the exception that the forward facing bag mode is replaced by a shear breakup mode. Similar breakup modes have been seen experimentally for much larger density ratios. Although a backward facing bag is seen at low Oh, where viscous effects are small, comparisons with simulations of inviscid flows show that the bag breakup is a viscous phenomenon, due to boundary layer separation and the formation of a wake. At higher Oh, where viscous effects modify the evolution, the simulations show that the main effect of increasing Oh is to move the boundary between the different breakup modes to higher Eo. The results are summarized by “breakup maps” where the different breakup modes are shown in the Eo–Oh plane for different values of the viscosity and the density ratios. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70912/2/PHFLE6-11-12-3650-1.pd

    The formation of thick borders on an initially stationary fluid sheet

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    The formation of thick borders on an initially stationary two-dimensional fluid sheet surrounded by another fluid is examined by numerical simulations. The process is controlled by the density and the viscosity ratios, and the Ohnesorge number [Oh = μ/(ρdσ)0.5].[Oh=μ/(ρdσ)0.5]. The main focus here is on the variation with Oh. The edge of the sheet is pulled back into the sheet due to the surface tension and a thick blob is formed at the edge. In the limits of high and low Oh, the receding speed of the edge is independent of Oh. Different scaling laws, however, apply for the different limits. The speed scales as V ∼ (σ/ρd)0.5V∼(σ/ρd)0.5 in the low Oh limit as proposed by Taylor [Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 253, 13 (1959)] and as V ∼ σ/μV∼σ/μ in the high Oh limit. For low enough Oh, the edge forms a two-dimensional drop that is connected to the rest of the sheet by a thin neck and capillary waves propagate into the undisturbed sheet. The thickness of the neck reaches an approximately constant value that decreases with Oh, suggesting that the blob may “pinch-off” in the inviscid limit. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71245/2/PHFLE6-11-9-2487-1.pd

    Direct Numerical Simulations of Flows with Phase Change

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    AbstractDirect Numerical Simulations (DNS) of multiphase flows, where every continuum length and time scale are fully resolved, currently allow us to simulate flows of considerable complexity, such as the motion of several hundred bubbles or drops in turbulent flows, for sufficiently long time so that meaningful statistical quantities can be obtained. Additional physical processes such as heat transfer and phase change have also been included, although only for relatively small systems so far. After reviewing briefly recent studies of bubbles in turbulent channel flows, we discuss simulations of flows with phase change, focusing on bubble generation by boiling. The addition of new physics often results in new length and time scales that are shorter and faster than the dominant flow scales. Similarly, very small features such as thin films, filaments, and drops can also arise during coalescence and breakup of fluid blobs. The geometry of these features is usually simple, since surface tension effects are strong and inertia effects are relatively small and in isolation these features are often well described by analytical or semi-analytical models. Recent efforts to embed analytical and semi-analytical models to capture such features, in combination with direct numerical simulations of the rest of the flow, are discussed. We conclude by a short discussion of the use of DNS data for closure laws for model equations for the large scale flow

    Direct numerical simulations of flows with phase change

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76607/1/AIAA-1996-857-548.pd