447 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle excitations in frustrated antiferromagnets

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    We have computed the quasiparticle wave function corresponding to a hole injected in a triangular antiferromagnet. We have taken into account multi-magnon contributions within the self consistent Born approximation. We have found qualitative differences, under sign reversal of the integral transfer t, regarding the multi-magnon components and the own existence of the quasiparticle excitations. Such differences are due to the subtle interplay between magnon-assisted and free hopping mechanisms. We conclude that the conventional quasiparticle picture can be broken by geometrical frustration without invoking spin liquid phases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, presented at " At the Frontiers of the condensed Matter II, Buenos Aires. June, 2004 ". To be published in Physica

    On the Presence of Thermal SZ Induced Signal in the First Year WMAP Temperature Maps

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    Using available optical and X-ray catalogues of clusters and superclusters of galaxies, we build templates of tSZ emission as they should be detected by the WMAP experiment. We compute the cross-correlation of our templates with WMAP temperature maps, and interpret our results separately for clusters and for superclusters of galaxies. For clusters of galaxies, we claim 2-5 σ\sigma detections in our templates built from BCS Ebeling et al. (1998), NORAS (Boehringer et al. 2000) and de Grandi et al. (1999) catalogues. In these templates, the typical cluster temperature decrements in WMAP maps are around 15-35 μ\muK in the RJ range (no beam deconvolution applied). Several tests probing the possible influence of foregrounds in our analyses demonstrate that our results are robust against galactic contamination. On supercluster scales, we detect a diffuse component in the V & W WMAP bands which cannot be generated by superclusters in our catalogues (Einasto et al. 1994, 1997), and which is not present in the clean map of Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton (2003). Using this clean map, our analyses yield, for Einasto's supercluster catalogues, the following upper limit for the comptonization parameter associated to supercluster scales: y_{SC} < 2.18 \time s 10^{-8} at the 95% confidence limit.Comment: MNRAS accepted. New section and minor changes include

    Effects of semiclassical spiral fluctuations on hole dynamics

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    We investigate the dynamics of a single hole coupled to the spiral fluctuations related to the magnetic ground states of the antiferromagnetic J_1-J_2-J_3 Heisenberg model on a square lattice. Using exact diagonalization on finite size clusters and the self consistent Born approximation in the thermodynamic limit we find, as a general feature, a strong reduction of the quasiparticle weight along the spiral phases of the magnetic phase diagram. For an important region of the Brillouin Zone the hole spectral functions are completely incoherent, whereas at low energies the spectral weight is redistributed on several irregular peaks. We find a characteristic value of the spiral pitch, Q=(0.7,0.7)\pi, for which the available phase space for hole scattering is maximum. We argue that this behavior is due to the non trivial interference of the magnon assisted and the free hopping mechanism for hole motion, characteristic of a hole coupled to semiclassical spiral fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spectral formation in a radiative shock: application to anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters

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    In the fallback disk model for the persistent emission of Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), the hard X-ray emission arises from bulk- and thermal Comptonization of bremsstrahlung photons, which are generated in the accretion column. The relatively low X-ray luminosity of these sources implies a moderate transverse optical depth to electron scattering, with photons executing a small number of shock crossings before escaping sideways. We explore the range of spectral shapes that can be obtained with this model and characterize the most important parameter dependencies. We use a Monte Carlo code to study the crisscrossing of photons in a radiative shock in an accretion column and compute the resulting spectrum. As expected, high-energy power-law X-ray spectra are produced in radiative shocks with photon-number spectral index larger than or about 0.5. We find that the required transverse optical depth is between 1 and 7. Such spectra are observed in low-luminosity X-ray pulsars. We demonstrate here with a simple model that Compton upscattering in the radiative shock in the accretion column can produce hard X-ray spectra similar to those seen in the persistent and transient emission of AXPs and SGRs. In particular, one can obtain a high-energy power-law spectrum, with photon-number spectral index ~ 1 and a cutoff at 100 - 200 keV, with a transverse Thomson optical depth of ~ 5, which is shown to be typical in AXPs/SGRs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Small-Angle Scattering of X-Rays from Extragalactic Sources by Dust in Intervening Galaxies

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    Gamma-ray bursts are now known to be a cosmological population of objects, which are often accompanied by X-ray and optical afterglows. The total energy emitted in the afterglow can be similar to the energy radiated in the gamma-ray burst itself. If a galaxy containing a large column density of dust is near the line of sight to a gamma-ray burst, small-angle scattering of the X-rays due to diffraction by the dust grains will give rise to an X-ray echo of the afterglow. A measurement of the angular size of the echo at a certain time after the afterglow is observed yields a combination of the angular diameter distances to the scattering galaxy and the gamma-ray burst that can be used to constrain cosmological models in the same way as a time delay in a gravitational lens. The scattering galaxy will generally cause gravitational lensing as well, and this should modify the shape of the X-ray echo from a circular ring. The main difficulty in detecting this phenomenon is the very low flux expected for the echo. The flux can be increased when the gamma-ray burst is highly magnified by gravitational lensing, or when the deflecting galaxy is at low redshift. X-ray echos of continuous (but variable) sources, such as quasars, may also be detectable with high-resolution instruments and would allow similar measurements.Comment: To be published in Ap

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Radio-Selected Galaxy Overdensity at z=1.11

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    We report the discovery of a galaxy overdensity at z=1.11 associated with the z=1.110 high-redshift radio galaxy MG0442+0202. The group, CL0442+0202, was found in a near-infrared survey of z>1 radio galaxies undertaken to identify spatially-coincident regions with a high density of objects red in I-K' color, typical of z>1 elliptical galaxies. Spectroscopic observations from the Keck telescope reveal five galaxies within 35" of MG0442+0202 at 1.10<z<1.11. These member galaxies have broad-band colors and optical spectra consistent with passively-evolving elliptical galaxies formed at high redshift. A 45ks Chandra X-Ray Observatory observation detects the radio galaxy and four point sources within 15" of the radio galaxy, corresponding to a surface density two orders of magnitude higher than average for X-ray sources at these flux levels, S(0.5-2keV) > 5e-16 erg/cm2/s. One of these point sources is identified with a radio-quiet, typeII quasar at z=1.863, akin to sources recently reported in deep Chandra surveys. The limit on an extended hot intracluster medium in the Chandra data is S(1-6keV) < 1.9e-15 erg/cm2/s (3-sigma, 30" radius aperture). Though the X-ray observations do not confirm the existence of a massive, bound cluster at z>1, the success of the optical/near-infrared targeting of early-type systems near the radio galaxy validates searches using radio galaxies as beacons for high-redshift large-scale structure. We interpret CL0442+0202 to be a massive cluster in the process of formation.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Classical Antiferromagnetism in Kinetically Frustrated Electronic Models

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    We study the infinite U Hubbard model with one hole doped away half-filling, in triangular and square lattices with frustrated hoppings that invalidate Nagaoka's theorem, by means of the density matrix renormalization group. We find that these kinetically frustrated models have antiferromagnetic ground states with classical local magnetization in the thermodynamic limit. We identify the mechanism of this kinetic antiferromagnetism with the release of the kinetic energy frustration as the hole moves in the established antiferromagnetic background. This release can occurs in two different ways: by a non-trivial spin-Berry phase acquired by the hole or by the effective vanishing of the hopping amplitude along the frustrating loops.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figures, with Supplementary Material. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    A test of the bosonic spinon theory for the triangular antiferromagnet spectrum

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    We compute the dynamical structure factor of the spin-1/2 triangular Heisenberg model using the mean field Schwinger boson theory. We find that a reconstructed dispersion, resulting from a non trivial redistribution of the spectral weight, agrees quite well with the spin excitation spectrum recently found with series expansions. In particular, we recover the strong renormalization with respect to linear spin wave theory along with the appearance of roton-like minima. Furthermore, near the roton-like minima the contribution of the two spinon continuum to the static structure factor is about 40 % of the total weight. By computing the density-density dynamical structure factor, we identify an unphysical weak signal of the spin excitation spectrum with the relaxation of the local constraint of the Schwinger bosons at the mean field level. Based on the accurate description obtained for the static and dynamic ground state properties, we argue that the bosonic spinon theory should be considered seriously as a valid alternative to interpret the physics of the triangular Heisenberg model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, extended version including: a table with ground state energy and magnetization; and the density-density dynamical structure factor. Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter