421 research outputs found

    Consumer Valuation of Fuel Economy in the Australian Automobile Market

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    The marginal value that an Australian consumer places on fuel economy isestimated with a hedonic model of prices of new passenger vehicles purchased in 2014.The hedonic model is estimated with 1,802 observations of all sub-models of 105 chosenmodels that represent 25 makes. Few studies have been focused on this valuation in theAustralian market. This study is also unique in that it accounts for three different types offuel, various vehicle types including hybrids, sports utility vehicles, and sports cars, as wellas new technological attributes that enhance a driver’s experience. The estimatedcoefficient for travel cost in the log-linear specification of the hedonic model, indicates thata one-dollar per 100 kilometer decrease in travel cost increases the marginal willingness topay for a new vehicle 1.69 percent, all else equal. The estimated coefficient for travel costimplies that a marginal consumer would be willing to pay, on average, AUS1,427forthesavingsinfuelcostsfromaoneliterper100kilometerreductioninfuelconsumption.Incomparison,thepresentvalueofdirectlyestimatedsavingsinfuelcostsisAUS 1,427 for thesavings in fuel costs from a one liter per 100 kilometer reduction in fuel consumption. Incomparison, the present value of directly estimated savings in fuel costs is AUS 2,116,given a 1.2 percent discount rate. Thus, the marginal consumer seems to undervalue fueleconomy. The marginal consumer is also willing to pay a 6.45 percent premium for ahybrid vehicle and a 4.84 percent premium for a sports utility vehicle. An owner’s desiresto reduce adverse environmental impacts of a vehicle and acquire status for herenvironmental concerns are motivations that underlie these premia and are separate from adesire to economize on fuel costs

    Das native Tetrazyklin-Repressor-Operator-System zur Kontrolle der Expression von b-Galaktosidase in gene-gun-transfizierten COS1-Zellen, L6-Myoblasten und neonatalen Kardiozyten

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    Ausgangspunkt dieser Doktorarbeit ist die dominant erbliche hypertrophische Kardiomyopathie, eine Herzkrankheit, die mit Funktionseinschränkungen des Myokards und einem relativ hohen Risiko für einen plötzliche Herztod assoziiert ist. Als Ursachen wurden ca. 160 Mutationen in bisher zehn verschiedenen Genen nachgewiesen, die - mit einer möglichen Ausnahme - für Proteine des kardialen Sarkomers kodieren. Am häufigsten betroffen sind das ventrikelspezifische -Myosin (schwere Kette) sowie das kardiale Myosin-Bindungsprotein C. Ein in Bad Nauheim initiiertes Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Wirkungen einer Mikrodeletion im - Myosingen (Deletion des Codons 927, E927) auf die Struktur und Arbeitsweise des Herzens in transgenen Mäusen zu untersuchen. Es ist bei diesem Projekt beabsichtigt, die Expression des mutierten Myosin-Transgens so zu steuern, dass es nicht unkontrolliert dauernd (konstitutiv), sondern zeitlich kontrolliert (induzierbar) im Herzen exprimiert wird. Als Induktionssystem der Wahl ist dabei das bakterielle Tetrazyklinrepressor-System vorgesehen. Dieses besteht aus dem Repressor tetR, einer DNA- Repressor-Bindungssequenz tetO und einem von außen zugeführten Induktor (Tetrazyklin, tet, oder Doxyzyklin, DOX, einem tet-Derivat). Da dieses Regulationssystem vor dem aufwändigen Einsatz an transgenen Mäusen zunächst in vitro an Zellkulturen zu testen war, wurden für die transiente Transfektion von Zellen in Kultur zwei Plasmide (mit jeweils zwei verschiedenen Promotoren, also insgesamt vier Plasmide) hergestellt. Ein Plasmid enthielt den Repressor und das zweite die tetO-Sequenz mit einem nachgeschalteten Reportergen (lacZ für -Galactosidase). Die beiden Promotoren waren der ubiquitäre virale CMV-Promotor (hCMV-Promotor) einerseits und der herz- und mäusespezifische -Myosin-Promotor (-MHC Promotor) andererseits. Getestet wurde die Regulierbarkeit des Reportergens in transient transfizierten COS1-Zellen, L6 Myoblasten sowie an neonatalen Kardiozyten von Ratten. Für die Kotransfektion von jeweils einem Paar der Plasmide (mit dem tetR-Gen, bzw. dem tetO/lacZ-Gen) wurde ein modifiziertes und in dieser Arbeit optimiertes ballistisches System (Gene Gun von BioRad) benutzt. Die Versuchsanordnung bestand aus Anzüchtung der Zellen, Transfektion, Induktion und Nachweis des Reporterenzyms. Mit dem hCMV-Promotor wurde in allen drei getesteten Zelltypen eine von DOX abhängige Expression der -Galaktosidase nachgewiesen. Mit dem -MHC Promotor, der wegen seiner Herzspezifität nur an kardialen Rattenmyozyten getestet werden konnte, waren in der Standardversuchsanordnung (nach DOX Induktion) nur sehr geringe Mengen an - Galaktosidase nachweisbar. Um die Regulierbarkeit des lacZ-Gens eindeutig zu demonstrieren, wurden als Stimulatoren des -MHC Promotors die Hormone Trijodthyronin, Insulin und Dexamethason einzeln und in Kombination verwendet. Die höchste Stimulierung (ca. 5-fach) wurde mit einer Kombination aller drei Hormone erreicht. In dieser Anordnung wurde damit gezeigt, dass das binäre tetR/tetO-System in vitro nach Induktion auch mit dem -MHC Promotor funktioniert. Mit diesem Resultat war - im Prinzip - der Weg für Experimente mit transgenen Mäusen vorgegeben. In Transgen-Linien mit Einzeltransgenen (entweder mit dem tetR-Gen oder dem lacZ-Gen, beide unter Kontrolle des -MHC Promotors, letzteres zusätzlich mit der tetO- Sequenz für den Repressor) wurde die herzspezifische Expression der -Galaktosidase eindeutig nachgewiesen, nicht jedoch die des tet-Repressors. Die Gründe dafür können gegenwärtig nur vermutet werden. Die Zahl der Genkopien könnte unzureichend gewesen sein. Da es sich um ein bakterielles Gen handelt, könnte auch eine ungünstige Codon-Verwendung einer effizienten Expression entgegenstehen. Zur Klärung dieser Umstände sind weitere Versuche (die nicht mehr Gegenstand dieser Doktorarbeit sind) inzwischen initiiert worden. Das hier in Zellkultur getestete Regelsystem wird als tetON-System charakterisiert, bei dem das Transgen, dessen Expression kontrolliert werden soll (jetzt das Gen für -Galktosidase, später ein mutiertes ventrikelspezifisches Myosingen), erst nach Zugabe des Induktors (Doxyzyklin, bei Mäusen im Trinkwasser) aktiviert wird. Damit unterscheidet sich dieses System von vielfach benutzten tetOFF-Systemen. Diese bestehen aus einem hybriden Protein, das aus zwei verschiedenen Struktur/Funktionsdomänen besteht: der tet-Bindungsdomäne des bakteriellen tet-Repressors und einem viralen ubiquitären Transkriptionsaktivator (das Hybridprotein hat die Bezeichnung tTA). Die zu regulierenden Zielgene enthalten die tetO- Sequenz. Bindung von tet an tTA führt zur Dissoziation des tTA/tetO-Komplexes und damit zur Deaktivierung des Zielgens. Entzug von tet erlaubt die Bindung von tTA an den Promotor des Zielgens und ermöglicht damit dessen Transkription. Dieses System, dessen Funktionalität an Modellversuchen nachgewiesen wurde, hat gleichwohl Nachteile. Diese sind erstens auf eine gewisse Toxizität des Transkriptionsaktivators tTA und zweitens auf negative Wirkungen in Verbindung mit der Dauerzufuhr von Tetrazyklin (zur Unterdrückung der Expression des Zielgens) zurückzuführen. Da ein in der Literatur auch beschriebenes tTA-basiertes tetON- System als nicht ausreichend berichtet wird, erscheint der Aufwand für die Herstellung eines einfachen (nicht-viralen) und ggf. genetisch modifizierten tetON-Systems für die Anwendung an Mäusen sinnvoll und notwendig

    The Determinants and Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment

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    This dissertation examines the regional economic effects of foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI is known to have benefits for both national and regional economies. These benefits include an increasing number of higher paying jobs, productivity spillovers for local firms, and elevated economic development (SelectUSA, 2020). Many governments compete to attract large FDI projects, often through the use of controversial incentive packages. Incentives are criticized because it is not clear that they affect the location of FDI and furthermore, whether the benefit of incentives outweigh the costs (Bartik, 2018). In the first paper, I assess the impact of incentives on the location of manufacturing FDI within the United States relative to other fundamental determinants. I find that agglomeration economies are among the most significant location factors. Localization economies have an elasticity of 0.92 while urbanization economies have an elasticity of 1.31. Additionally, I find that the corporate income tax rate has an elasticity of -0.46 while the investment tax credit has an elasticity of 1.56. In the second paper, I test the influence of culture and FDI in Eastern Europe. Culture has long been recognized as an important determinant of business location decisions; however, culture is difficult to disentangle from other factors (Beugelsdijk et al., 2011). In this paper I measure culture through a historical affiliation with the Habsburg Empire. This allows me to employ a regression discontinuity design to explore the effect of culture on the spatial allocation of FDI along the historical empire border. As no other characteristic impacting FDI changes along the border, any observed differences in FDI are interpreted as causal effects of cultural ties on the location of FDI. The results suggest that there are between 0.24 and 0.32 additional investments per 10,000 individuals coming from Habsburg-affiliated countries in the former empire territories of Romania and Serbia today. In the last paper, I examine the effect of FDI in rural counties in the United States. Using a combination of quasi-experimental techniques, I determine the effect of FDI on personal income and employment growth. I find limited evidence on the efficacy of targeting FDI for economic development

    Actin-binding rho activating protein (Abra) is essential for fluid shear stress-induced arteriogenesis

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    OBJECTIVE: Arteriogenesis, the development of a collateral circulation, is important for tissue survival but remains functionally defective because of early normalization of fluid shear stress (FSS). Using a surgical model of chronically elevated FSS we showed that rabbits exhibited normal blood flow reserve after femoral artery ligature (FAL). Inhibition of the Rho pathway by Fasudil completely blocked the beneficial effect of FSS. In a genome-wide gene profiling we identified actin-binding Rho activating protein (Abra), which was highly upregulated in growing collaterals. METHODS AND RESULTS: qRT-PCR and Western blot confirmed highly increased FSS-dependent expression of Abra in growing collaterals. NO blockage by L-NAME abolished FSS-generated Abra expression as well as the whole arteriogenic process. Cell culture studies demonstrated an Abra-triggered proliferation of smooth muscle cells through a mechanism that requires Rho signaling. Local intracollateral adenoviral overexpression of Abra improved collateral conductance by 60% in rabbits compared to the natural response after FAL. In contrast, targeted deletion of Abra in CL57BL/6 mice led to impaired arteriogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: FSS-induced Abra expression during arteriogenesis is triggered by NO and leads to stimulation of collateral growth by smooth muscle cell proliferation

    Beyond Generating Code: Evaluating GPT on a Data Visualization Course

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    This paper presents an empirical evaluation of the performance of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model in Harvard's CS171 data visualization course. While previous studies have focused on GPT's ability to generate code for visualizations, this study goes beyond code generation to evaluate GPT's abilities in various visualization tasks, such as data interpretation, visualization design, visual data exploration, and insight communication. The evaluation utilized GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to complete assignments of CS171, and included a quantitative assessment based on the established course rubrics, a qualitative analysis informed by the feedback of three experienced graders, and an exploratory study of GPT's capabilities in completing border visualization tasks. Findings show that GPT-4 scored 80% on quizzes and homework, and TFs could distinguish between GPT- and human-generated homework with 70% accuracy. The study also demonstrates GPT's potential in completing various visualization tasks, such as data cleanup, interaction with visualizations, and insight communication. The paper concludes by discussing the strengths and limitations of GPT in data visualization, potential avenues for incorporating GPT in broader visualization tasks, and the need to redesign visualization education.Comment: vis short papg

    Quality of life in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients prior to and after pancreas and kidney transplantation in relation to organ function

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    Improvement of the quality of life in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with severe late complications is one of the main goals of pancreas and/or kidney grafting. To assess the influences of these treatment modalities on the different aspects of the quality of life a cross-sectional study in 157 patients was conducted. They were categorized into patients pre-transplant without dialysis (n=29; Group A), pre-transplant under dialysis (n=44; Group B), post-transplant with pancreas and kidney functioning (n=31; Group C), post-transplant with functioning kidney, but insulin therapy (n=29; Group D), post-transplant under dialysis and insulin therapy again (n=15; Group E) and patients after single pancreas transplantation and rejection, with good renal function, but insulin therapy (n=9; Group F). All patients answered a mailed, self-administered questionnaire (217 questions) consisting of a broad spectrum of rehabilitation criteria. The results indicate a better quality of life in Groups C and D as compared to the other groups. In general the scores are highest in C, but without any significant difference to D. Impressive significant differences between C or D and the other groups were found especially in their satisfaction with physical capacity, leisure-time activities or the overall quality of life. The satisfaction with the latter is highest in C (mean±SEM: 4.0±0.2 on a 1 to 5-rating scale; significantly different from A: 3.1±0.1, B: 2.7±0.2 and E: 2.6±0.3; p<0.01), followed by D (3.8±0.2; significantly different from B and E; p<0.01). Group F shows a mean of 3.1±0.4, which is not significantly different from C. The percentages of patients in each group, who are not working: A: 38 %, B: 64 %, C: 74 %, D: 66 %, E: 87 % and F: 78 % indicate that there is no marked improvement in the vocational situation after successful grafting

    Dense 4D nanoscale reconstruction of living brain tissue

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    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of living brain tissue down to an individual synapse level would create opportunities for decoding the dynamics and structure–function relationships of the brain’s complex and dense information processing network; however, this has been hindered by insufficient 3D resolution, inadequate signal-to-noise ratio and prohibitive light burden in optical imaging, whereas electron microscopy is inherently static. Here we solved these challenges by developing an integrated optical/machine-learning technology, LIONESS (live information-optimized nanoscopy enabling saturated segmentation). This leverages optical modifications to stimulated emission depletion microscopy in comprehensively, extracellularly labeled tissue and previous information on sample structure via machine learning to simultaneously achieve isotropic super-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio and compatibility with living tissue. This allows dense deep-learning-based instance segmentation and 3D reconstruction at a synapse level, incorporating molecular, activity and morphodynamic information. LIONESS opens up avenues for studying the dynamic functional (nano-)architecture of living brain tissue

    Midkine Controls Arteriogenesis by Regulating the Bioavailability of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A and the Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 and 3

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    Midkine is a pleiotropic factor, which is involved in angiogenesis. However, its mode of action in this process is still ill defined. The function of midkine in arteriogenesis, the growth of natural bypasses from pre-existing collateral arteries, compensating for the loss of an occluded artery has never been investigated. Arteriogenesis is an inflammatory process, which relies on the proliferation of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. We show that midkine deficiency strikingly interferes with the proliferation of endothelial cells in arteriogenesis, thereby interfering with the process of collateral artery growth. We identified midkine to be responsible for increased plasma levels of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), necessary and sufficient to promote endothelial cell proliferation in growing collaterals. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that leukocyte domiciled midkine mediates increased plasma levels of VEGFA relevant for upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase 1 and 3, necessary for proper endothelial cell proliferation, and that non-leukocyte domiciled midkine additionally improves vasodilation. The data provided on the role of midkine in endothelial proliferation are likely to be relevant for both, the process of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. Moreover, our data might help to estimate the therapeutic effect of clinically applied VEGFA in patients with vascular occlusive diseases