118 research outputs found

    JLigand: a graphical tool for the CCP4 template-restraint library

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    The CCP4 template-restraint library defines restraints for biopolymers, their modifications and ligands that are used in macromolecular structure refinement. JLigand is a graphical editor for generating descriptions of new ligands and covalent linkages

    Comparative 3D QSAR study on β1-, β2-, and β3-adrenoceptor agonists

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    A quantitative structure–activity relationship study of tryptamine-based derivatives of β1-, β2-, and β3-adrenoceptor agonists was conducted using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). Correlation coefficients (cross-validated r2) of 0.578, 0.595, and 0.558 were obtained for the three subtypes, respectively, in three different CoMFA models. All three CoMFA models have different steric and electrostatic contributions, implying different requirements inside the binding cavity. The CoMFA coefficient contour plots of the three models and comparisons among these plots provide clues regarding the main chemical features responsible for the biological activity variations and also result in predictions which correlate very well with the observed biological activity. Based on the analysis, a summary regeospecific description of the requirements for improving β-adrenoceptor subtype selectivity is given

    Application of 3D Zernike descriptors to shape-based ligand similarity searching

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    Background: The identification of promising drug leads from a large database of compounds is an important step in the preliminary stages of drug design. Although shape is known to play a key role in the molecular recognition process, its application to virtual screening poses significant hurdles both in terms of the encoding scheme and speed. Results: In this study, we have examined the efficacy of the alignment independent three-dimensional Zernike descriptor (3DZD) for fast shape based similarity searching. Performance of this approach was compared with several other methods including the statistical moments based ultrafast shape recognition scheme (USR) and SIMCOMP, a graph matching algorithm that compares atom environments. Three benchmark datasets are used to thoroughly test the methods in terms of their ability for molecular classification, retrieval rate, and performance under the situation that simulates actual virtual screening tasks over a large pharmaceutical database. The 3DZD performed better than or comparable to the other methods examined, depending on the datasets and evaluation metrics used. Reasons for the success and the failure of the shape based methods for specific cases are investigated. Based on the results for the three datasets, general conclusions are drawn with regard to their efficiency and applicability

    Bound Water at Protein-Protein Interfaces: Partners, Roles and Hydrophobic Bubbles as a Conserved Motif

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    Background There is a great interest in understanding and exploiting protein-protein associations as new routes for treating human disease. However, these associations are difficult to structurally characterize or model although the number of X-ray structures for protein-protein complexes is expanding. One feature of these complexes that has received little attention is the role of water molecules in the interfacial region. Methodology A data set of 4741 water molecules abstracted from 179 high-resolution (≤ 2.30 Å) X-ray crystal structures of protein-protein complexes was analyzed with a suite of modeling tools based on the HINT forcefield and hydrogen-bonding geometry. A metric termed Relevance was used to classify the general roles of the water molecules. Results The water molecules were found to be involved in: a) (bridging) interactions with both proteins (21%), b) favorable interactions with only one protein (53%), and c) no interactions with either protein (26%). This trend is shown to be independent of the crystallographic resolution. Interactions with residue backbones are consistent for all classes and account for 21.5% of all interactions. Interactions with polar residues are significantly more common for the first group and interactions with non-polar residues dominate the last group. Waters interacting with both proteins stabilize on average the proteins\u27 interaction (−0.46 kcal mol−1), but the overall average contribution of a single water to the protein-protein interaction energy is unfavorable (+0.03 kcal mol−1). Analysis of the waters without favorable interactions with either protein suggests that this is a conserved phenomenon: 42% of these waters have SASA ≤ 10 Å2 and are thus largely buried, and 69% of these are within predominantly hydrophobic environments or “hydrophobic bubbles”. Such water molecules may have an important biological purpose in mediating protein-protein interactions