337 research outputs found

    Evaluation and development of satellite inferences of convective storm intensity using combined case study analysis and thunderstorm model simulations

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    Major research accomplishments which were achieved during the first year of the grant are summarized. The research concentrated in the following areas: (1) an examination of observational requirements for predicting convective storm development and intensity as suggested by recent numerical experiments; (2) interpretation of recent 3D numerical experiments with regard to the relationship between overshooting tops and surface wind gusts; (3) the development of software for emulating satellite-inferred cloud properties using 3D cloud model predicted data; and (4) the development of a conceptual/semi-quantitative model of eastward propagating, mesoscale convective complexes forming to the lee of the Rocky Mountains

    Ischiopubic Index: A Metric Approach to Estimating Sex in the Pelvic Region

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    An explicit three-dimensional nonhydrostatic numerical simulation of a tropical cyclone

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    A nonhydrostatic numerical simulation of a tropical cyclone is performed with explicit representation of cumulus on a meso-beta scale grid and for a brief period on a meso-gamma scale grid. Individual cumulus plumes are represented by a combination of explicit resolution and a 1.5 level closure predicting turbulent kinetic energy (TKE)

    Solar cell cover glass development Final report

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    High vacuum ion beam sputtering of integral coverslips for solar cell utilizatio

    EnKF assimilation of simulated spaceborne Doppler observations of vertical velocity: impact on the simulation of a supercell thunderstorm and implications for model-based retrievals

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    International audienceRecently, a number of investigations have been made that point to the robust effectiveness of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) in convective-scale data assimilation. These studies have focused on the assimilation of ground-based Doppler radar observations (i.e. radial velocity and reflectivity). The present study differs from these investigations in two important ways. First, in anticipation of future satellite technology, the impact of assimilating spaceborne Doppler-retrieved vertical velocity is examined; second, the potential for the EnKF to provide an alternative to instrument-based microphysical retrievals is investigated. It is shown that the RMS errors of the analyzed fields produced by assimilation of vertical velocity alone are in general better than those obtained in previous studies: in most cases assimilation of vertical velocity alone leads to analyses with small errors (e.g. -1 for velocity components) after only 3 or 4 assimilation cycles. The microphysical fields are notable exceptions, exhibiting lower errors when observations of reflectivity are assimilated together with observations of vertical velocity, likely a result of the closer relationship between reflectivity and the microphysical fields themselves. It is also shown that the spatial distribution of the error estimates improves (i.e. approaches the true errors) as more assimilation cycles are carried out, which could be a significant advantage of EnKF model-based retrievals

    Investigation of macrocyclisation routes to 1,4,7-triazacyclononanes : efficient syntheses from 1,2-ditosylamides

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    Two routes to the synthesis of a cyclohexyl-fused 1,4,7-triazacyclononane involving macrocyclisations of tosamides have been investigated. In the first approach, using a classic Richman-Atkins-type cyclisation of a cyclohexyl-substituted 1,4,7-tritosamide with ethylene glycol ditosylate, afforded the cyclohexyl-fused 1,4,7-triazacyclononane in 5.86% overall yield in four steps. The second, more concise, approach involving the macrocyclisation of trans-cyclohexane-1,2-ditosamide with the tritosyl derivative of diethanolamine initially gave poor yields (< 25%). The well-documented problems with efficiencies in macrocyclisations using 1,2-ditosamides led to the use of a wider range of 1,2-ditosamides including ethane-1,2-ditosamide and propane-1,2-ditosamide. These extended studies led to the development of an efficient macrocyclisation protocol using lithium hydride. This new method afforded 1,4,7-tritosyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononanes in good yield (57-90%) from 1,2-ditosamides in a single step. These efficient methods were then applied to the preparation of a chiral cyclohexyl-fused 1,4,7-tritosyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (65-70%). This key chiral intermediate was then converted into a copper(II) complex following detosylation and N-methylation. The resulting chiral copper(II) complex catalysed the aziridination of styrene but it did so in a racemic fashion

    30 Years on: How the Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis of Schizophrenia Morphed into the Developmental Risk Factor Model of Psychosis

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    At its re-birth 30 years ago, the neurodevelopment hypothesis of schizophrenia focussed on aberrant genes and early neural hazards, but then it grew to include ideas concerning aberrant synaptic pruning in adolescence. The hypothesis had its own stormy development and it endured some difficult teenage years when a resurgence of interest in neurodegeneration threatened its survival. In early adult life, it over-reached itself with some reductionists claiming that schizophrenia was simply a neurodevelopmental disease. However, by age 30, the hypothesis has matured sufficiently to incorporated childhood and adult adversity, urban living and migration, as well as heavy cannabis use, as important risk factors. Thus, it morphed into the developmental risk factor model of psychosis and integrated new evidence concerning dysregulated striatal dopamine as the final step on the pathway linking risk factors to psychotic symptoms

    Теоретичні аспекти та проблеми вивчення давньоруських бібліотек

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    У статті відбито сучасну тенденцію в гуманітарній науці, де відбувається подальша міждисциплінарна інтеграція, спостерігається застосування різних методологічних підходів, які доповнюють та збагачують один одного; інтеграція спеціальних історичних дисциплін, їх поступова трансформація в замкнену галузь знання. У нашому випадку це – історичне бібліотекознавство і його новий напрям, який пропонує автор статті, – бібліотечне пам’яткознавство.В статье отображена современная тенденция в гуманитарной науке, где происходит дальнейшая междисциплинарная интеграция, наблюдается применение различных методологических подходов, которые дополняют и обогащают друг друга: интеграция специальных исторических дисциплин, их постепенная трансформация в замкнутую отрасль знаний. В нашем случае это историческое библиотековедение и его новое направление, которое предлага- ет автор статьи, – библиотечное памятниковедение.The article reflects the modern trends in humanitarian science for further interdisciplinary integration, and the use of different methodological approaches that complement each other, as well as describes an integration of special historical disciplines, and graduate transformation into the sphere of the general knowledge. In our case we look at the historical librarian studies and specifically at the branch offered by the author, – librarian study of monuments

    Children and Families' mental health during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Italy

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    Background: This study aimed to screen a wide range of emotional and behavioural variables emerging during the first COVID-19 pandemic-lockdown in a sample of parents and children, residents in the southern part of Italy, and explore which variables could predict children's wellbeing. We hypothesised that difficulties in adapting routines to pandemic restrictions, parents' emotional wellbeing, and attitude towards the pandemic could influence the children's behavioural attitudes. Methods: 221 parents completed the survey and gave information about 246 children. Ad hoc questionnaires were created and then exploratory reduced in factors. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for parents assessed positive and negative behavioural attitudes in children. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (Italian DASS-21) scored depression, anxiety and stress in parents. Results: Children presented higher emotional distress (Mean difference (Mdiff)=0.6, 95% C.I. 0.2, 0.9, p=0.013) and better prosocial behaviour (Mdiff=0.5, 95% C.I. 0.1, 0.9, p=0.011) than the Italian normative sample. Parents were more depressed than expected in the general population (Mdiff=1.0, 95% C.I. 0.3, 1.6, p=0.005). Having developed a morbid attachment to an adult (B=0.37, 95% CI 0.05, 0.69, p=0.024), a higher parental depression (B=0.1, 95% CI 0.02, 0.18, p=0.014), and children's suffering from nightmares (B=0.35, 95% CI 0.03, 0.67, p=0.032) explained the 31.9% of the total variance in children's emotional distress. Children's anxiety was related to parents' fear of the pandemic effects (r=0.32, p=0.001) and avoiding communicative approach (r=0.24, p=0.011). Conclusion: The first lockdown determined emotional distress and regressive mechanisms in children in the contest of higher parental discomfort, fear of the infection and avoidant communication. Following parents' indications, it could be helpful to provide families with informative and age-appropriate support