61 research outputs found

    Воспроизводственные процессы в крупных городах Донецкой области: траектория развития, параметры, причины

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    Сокращение городского населения в Донецкой области, наблюдаемое с начала 90-х годов, порождает ряд проблем городского развития. Это актуализирует потребность рассмотрения причин падения численности населения и выработки соответствующих мер управленческого воздействия. Сравнительный анализ показал, что, несмотря на географическую близость, города Донецкой области не имеют единой воспроизводственной модели.Скорочення міського населення в Донецькій області, що спостерігається з початку 90-х років, породжує ряд проблем міського розвитку. Це актуалізує потребу розгляду причин падіння чисельності населення і розробки відповідних управлінських рішень. Порівняльний аналіз показав, що, незважаючи на географічну близькість, міста Донецької області не мають єдиної відтворювальної моделі.Reduction of urban population in Donetsk region observed since the beginning of 90s generates some problems of city development. It necessitates the consideration of reasons for population reduction and making of the proper measures of administrative influence. A comparative analysis showed that despite a geographical closeness the cities of Donetsk region do not have a single reproduction model

    Diffusion of motor systems energy efficiency measures: an empirical study within Italian manufacturing SMEs

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    AbstractEnergy efficiency is a crucial issue for increased industrial sustainability and competitiveness. In the present study we have conducted an investigation about the diffusion of energy efficiency measures within motor systems, which are responsible of about 74% of all industrial consumption of electric energy in Italy. Starting from a selection of nine measures that range from substitution of equipment to management and maintenance of motor systems, we have also tried to find out the problems (barriers) that firms experience in the implementation of such specific measures, and the drivers they perceive to be more effective to overcome barriers. Results show that maintenance measures are mostly diffused, whilst the substitution of equipment with innovative technologies such as inverters or AFDs is still limited. Moreover, beside economic issues, that are even more critical for smaller enterprises, organizational issues emerge. Additionally, the presence of an energy manager points out a greater relevance of technology barriers and leads the firms to have a better knowledge about interventions and devices, that can be used to enhance the level of energy efficiency of electric motors. Finally, the diffusion of inverters and AFDs is limited to larger motors (mostly between 10 and 100kW), thus tending to disregard the many small motors installed in the production system


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    The industrial energetic efficiency (EE) is recognized as one of the main factors for the reduction of gas emissions that cause the greenhouse effect and for the improvement of the industrial competiveness. Within this context, many papers of the international literature have proposed different indicators of industrial, economic and environmental behavior, so as to promote the EE inside the industries. However, such proposals do not generally check the result of the joint work for more than one indicator in the organizations, making more global analysis more difficult related to EE. This paper aims to check which environmental, economic and industrial practices indicators influence the EE of the industries.  The data have been collected from the framework developed by Trianni et al. (2014), that analysed the main energetic efficiency measures for the technologies: motors, lighting, compressed air and HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). A logistic regression model has been adjusted for understand the relationship the economic, environmental and productive practices behavior on the energetic efficiency. Results suggest that a healthy workplace enables investments in equipment and machinery, allowing the EE inside the industries.

    Analysis of the Most Effective Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Manufacturing Primary Metals, Plastics, and Textiles Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Governments are pursuing a variety of measures to reach common and more efficient environmental and energetic policies: Nonetheless, the effort has shown to be not sufficient, since the objectives stated in the European Union (EU) Directive 2009/28/EC on energy efficiency seem quite distant to be reached. A greater attention has obviously been paid toward the industrial sector, which utilizes a major share of primary energy consumption: Till now several actions have been taken to achieve the energy performance of buildings, but very few are in operations. Nonetheless, in order to be most effective, governments should focus their attention not only on energy intensive large enterprises (LEs) but also on nonenergy intensive small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that represent the majority of the total number of industries, cover a consistent share of the energy consumption of a whole domestic industrial sector, and are usually less efficient than LEs. This paper aims to highlight the most effective energy savings opportunities (ESOs) for reducing energy consumption in industrial operations that have been successfully implemented in a large number of SMEs case studies investigated in North America and Italy, showing a correspondence (in terms of savings and costs) between the two databases. This paper analyzes the ESOs, characterized by best available technologies and practices (BAT/Ps), with a cross-analysis within three manufacturing sectors, i.e., primary metals, plastics, and textiles, and considering different subsizes among SMEs, in order to show commonalities and differences among the sample. The ESOs have been analyzed and ranked according to different criteria of importance, highlighting the most diffused, those having the highest energy savings, and those with the shortest pay-back time. The scope of the elaboration of these criteria is twofold: on one side, it allows to be closer to the entrepreneurial sensibility, guiding entrepreneurs in evaluating a possible investment in energy efficiency; on the other side, it provides important suggestions for a public local authority that, through financial support and/or other policies, aims at diffusing the adoption of BAT/Ps and increasing the sectors' energy efficiency and competitiveness

    Exploring drivers for energy efficiency within small- and medium-sized enterprises: first evidences from Italian manufacturing enterprises

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    reserved2Several studies have investigated the barriers to industrial energy efficiency, but few have focused on the most effective means (drivers) to promote the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices. In this respect, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have been completely overlooked despite interesting consequences for their overall energy consumption and their concurrent low levels of adoption of energy-efficiency measures. Starting from insights garnered from the extant literature on the drivers of industrial energy efficiency, this paper presents an empirical investigation of 71 Italian manufacturing SMEs through a multiple case-study approach. The research highlights the importance of allowances or public financing for energy efficiency interventions, as well as the importance of external pressures such as increases in energy prices and the introduction or increasing of fees on both resources consumed and on emissions of pollutants. Moreover, enterprises look favourably upon energy-efficient technologies which are able to provide long-term benefits, evidence of their willingness to adopt seemingly radical solutions when these are able to improve their long-term competitiveness. Other drivers considered as strategic for increasing energy efficiency are the presence within the company of people with great ambition and entrepreneurial mind and the management sensitivity to the issue. This paper also provides a preliminary analysis of how factors such as firm size, sector, supply chain complexity, and innovation characteristics are or might be able to significantly affect drivers toward the adoption of energy-efficient technologies.Cagno E.; Trianni A.Cagno, Enrico; Trianni, Andre

    Evaluating the barriers to specific industrial energy efficiency measures: an exploratory study in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Industrial energy efficiency has raised to the top of European energy policy agenda, and particular efforts should be placed to tackle the barriers to energy efficiency of small and non-energy intensive industrial users. To enhance the adoption rate of a specific industrial energy efficiency measure, it is crucial to properly evaluate the barriers. Without a proper level of detail e considering both the measure's specificity and the evaluation's perspective e company managers are hampered when making investment decisions, and policymakers are prevented from developing the most effective policies. The paper aims at highlighting that the value of a given intervention-dependent barrier may differ when evaluating it at the company level, by technology area, or with respect to a specific measure. To achieve this objective, an exploratory investigation of Italian small and medium-sized enterprises into the metalworking sector has been performed with respect to selected cross-cutting technologies. Although general barriers appear as most relevant at the company level, large differences appear when considering intervention-dependent barriers by technology area as well as at the energy efficiency measure level. The research presents innovative results, as the literature and policymakers have not accounted so far for how the value of barriers can effectively vary with respect to a single measure, but have only considered barriers at company level. Additionally, the paper highlights that differences can be appreciated when evaluating the intervention-dependent barriers according to some firm characteristics (i.e. size, production complexity, and innovativeness). The study concludes with suggestions for policymakers as well as industrial decision-makers