78 research outputs found

    Beyond Domain Adaptation: Unseen Domain Encapsulation via Universal Non-volume Preserving Models

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    Recognition across domains has recently become an active topic in the research community. However, it has been largely overlooked in the problem of recognition in new unseen domains. Under this condition, the delivered deep network models are unable to be updated, adapted or fine-tuned. Therefore, recent deep learning techniques, such as: domain adaptation, feature transferring, and fine-tuning, cannot be applied. This paper presents a novel Universal Non-volume Preserving approach to the problem of domain generalization in the context of deep learning. The proposed method can be easily incorporated with any other ConvNet framework within an end-to-end deep network design to improve the performance. On digit recognition, we benchmark on four popular digit recognition databases, i.e. MNIST, USPS, SVHN and MNIST-M. The proposed method is also experimented on face recognition on Extended Yale-B, CMU-PIE and CMU-MPIE databases and compared against other the state-of-the-art methods. In the problem of pedestrian detection, we empirically observe that the proposed method learns models that improve performance across a priori unknown data distributions

    A novel antisense RNA regulates at transcriptional level the virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri

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    The virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri encodes an invasion protein crucial for host colonization by pathogenic bacteria. Within the intergenic region virA-icsA, we have discovered a new gene that encodes a non-translated antisense RNA (named RnaG), transcribed in cis on the complementary strand of icsA. In vitro transcription assays show that RnaG promotes premature termination of transcription of icsA mRNA. Transcriptional inhibition is also observed in vivo by monitoring the expression profile in Shigella by real-time polymerase chain reaction and when RnaG is provided in trans. Chemical and enzymatic probing of the leader region of icsA mRNA either free or bound to RnaG indicate that upon hetero-duplex formation an intrinsic terminator, leading to transcription block, is generated on the nascent icsA mRNA. Mutations in the hairpin structure of the proposed terminator impair the RnaG mediated-regulation of icsA transcription. This study represents the first evidence of transcriptional attenuation mechanism caused by a small RNA in Gram-negative bacteria. We also present data on the secondary structure of the antisense region of RnaG. In addition, alternatively silencing icsA and RnaG promoters, we find that transcription from the strong RnaG promoter reduces the activity of the weak convergent icsA promoter through the transcriptional interference regulation

    DyGLIP: A Dynamic Graph Model with Link Prediction for Accurate Multi-Camera Multiple Object Tracking

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    Multi-Camera Multiple Object Tracking (MC-MOT) is a significant computer vision problem due to its emerging applicability in several real-world applications. Despite a large number of existing works, solving the data association problem in any MC-MOT pipeline is arguably one of the most challenging tasks. Developing a robust MC-MOT system, however, is still highly challenging due to many practical issues such as inconsistent lighting conditions, varying object movement patterns, or the trajectory occlusions of the objects between the cameras. To address these problems, this work, therefore, proposes a new Dynamic Graph Model with Link Prediction (DyGLIP) approach to solve the data association task. Compared to existing methods, our new model offers several advantages, including better feature representations and the ability to recover from lost tracks during camera transitions. Moreover, our model works gracefully regardless of the overlapping ratios between the cameras. Experimental results show that we outperform existing MC-MOT algorithms by a large margin on several practical datasets. Notably, our model works favorably on online settings but can be extended to an incremental approach for large-scale datasets.Comment: accepted at CVPR 202

    Study Structure and Properties of Nanocomposite Material Based on Unsaturated Polyester with Clay Modified by Poly(ethylene oxide)

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    In recent years, polymer clay nanocomposites have been attracting considerable interests in polymers science because of their advantages. There are many scientists who researched about this kind of material and demonstrated that when polymer matrix was added to little weight of clay, properties were enhanced considerably. Because clay is a hydrophilic substance so it is difficult to use as filler in polymer matrix having hydrophobic nature, so clay needs to be modified to become compatible with polymer. In this study, poly(ethylene oxide) was used as a new modifier for clay to replace some traditional ionic surfactants such as primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary alkyl ammonium or alkylphosphonium cations having the following disadvantages: disintegrate at high temperature, catalyze polymer degradation, and make nanoproducts colorific, and so forth. In order to evaluate modifying effect of poly(ethylene oxide), modified clay products were characterize d by X-ray spectrum. Then organoclay was used to prepare nanocomposite based on unsaturated polyester. Morphology and properties of nanocomposites were measure d by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, tensile strength, and thermal stability. The results showed that clay galleries changed to intercalated state in the nanocomposites. Properties of nanocomposites were improved a lot when the loading of the organoclay was used at 1ā€‰phr

    The clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam

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    Purpose Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) has not been studied in a Vietnamese population before. The aim of this study was to systematically collect epidemiological information, investigate clinical features and create a clinical database of OI patients in Vietnam for future research and treatment strategy development. Method Participants underwent clinical and physical examinations; also medical records were reviewed. Genealogical information was collected and family membersā€™ phenotypical manifestations recorded. Cases were classified according to the Sillence classification. Results In total, 146 OI patients from 120 families were studied: 46 with OI Type I, 46 with Type III and 54 with Type IV. Almost patients had skeletal deformations. One hundred and forty-two had a history of fractures, 117 blue sclera, 89 dentinogenesis imperfecta and 26 hearing loss. The total number of fractures was 1,932. Thirty-four patients had intra-uterine fractures and nine had perinatal fractures. Surgery was performed 163 times in 58 patients; 100 osteosyntheses and 63 osteotomies. Bisphosphonate treatment was used in 37 patients. The number of affected individuals and predominance of severe forms of OI indicate that the disease is under diagnosed in Vietnam, especially in cases without a family history or with mild form of OI. Deformities appeared in all patients with different severity and localisation, affecting mostly the lower limbs. OI medical and surgical treatment rates are low and in most cases surgery was performed due to fractures. Conclusions Compared to previous studies, our results indicate a lower OI prevalence and greater severity of symptoms in the Vietnamese population when compared with other areas. Further investigation, improved diagnosis and treatment are needed to increase the patientsā€™ quality of life

    A novel antisense RNA regulates at transcriptional level the virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri

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    The virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri encodes an invasion protein crucial for host colonization by pathogenic bacteria. Within the intergenic region virA-icsA, we have discovered a new gene that encodes a non-translated antisense RNA (named RnaG), transcribed in cis on the complementary strand of icsA. In vitro transcription assays show that RnaG promotes premature termination of transcription of icsA mRNA. Transcriptional inhibition is also observed in vivo by monitoring the expression profile in Shigella by real-time polymerase chain reaction and when RnaG is provided in trans. Chemical and enzymatic probing of the leader region of icsA mRNA either free or bound to RnaG indicate that upon hetero-duplex formation an intrinsic terminator, leading to transcription block, is generated on the nascent icsA mRNA. Mutations in the hairpin structure of the proposed terminator impair the RnaG mediated-regulation of icsA transcription. This study represents the first evidence of transcriptional attenuation mechanism caused by a small RNA in Gram-negative bacteria. We also present data on the secondary structure of the antisense region of RnaG. In addition, alternatively silencing icsA and RnaG promoters, we find that transcription from the strong RnaG promoter reduces the activity of the weak convergent icsA promoter through the transcriptional interference regulation
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