8 research outputs found

    Unmanned aerial vehicle-based mapping of turf-banked solifluction lobe movement and its relation to material, geomorphometric, thermal and vegetation properties

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    Solifluction is one of the most widespread periglacial processes with low annual movement rates in the range of —millimeters to centimeters. Traditional methods to assess solifluction movement usually have low spatial resolution, which hampers our understanding of spatial movement patterns and the factors controlling them. In this study, we (a) test the applicability of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry in comparison to a traditional total station survey to map surface movement of a turf-banked solifluction lobe (TBL) in the Turtmann Valley (Switzerland). We then (b) relate the detected movement patterns to potential geomorphometric, material, thermal and vegetation controls, which we assessed using geomorphic and vegetation mapping, electrical resistivity surveys and temperature loggers. Our results show that (a) UAV-based mapping can detect solifluction movement with high spatial resolution (one point per m2, total > 900 points) and rates and patterns consistent with a total station survey, but requires careful measurement set-up and analysis; and (b) movement rates differ between lobe tread, riser and a ridge feature. Differences can be explained by heterogeneous material, geomorphometric, thermal and vegetation properties of the TBL, which promote different solifluction processes. Our study demonstrates the applicability of UAV-based mapping in solifluction research and improves our understanding of solifluction processes and landform development

    Large-Scale Crustal-Block-Extrusion During Late Alpine Collision

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    The crustal-scale geometry of the European Alps has been explained by a classical subduction-scenario comprising thrust-and-fold-related compressional wedge tectonics and isostatic rebound. However, massive blocks of crystalline basement (External-Crystalline-Massifs) vertically disrupt the upper-crustal wedge. In case of the Aar massif, top basement vertically rises for >12 km and peak metamorphic temperatures increase along an orogen-perpendicular direction from 250°C-450°C over horizontal distances of only <15 km (Innertkirchen-Grimselpass), suggesting exhumation of midcrustal rocks with increasing uplift component along steep vertical shear zones. Here we demonstrate that delamination of European lower crust during lithosphere mantle rollback migrates northward in time. Simultaneously, the Aar massif as giant upper crustal block extrudes by buoyancy forces, while substantial volumes of lower crust accumulate underneath. Buoyancy-driven deformation generates dense networks of steep reverse faults as major structures interconnected by secondary branches with normal fault component, dissecting the entire crust up to the surface. Owing to rollback fading, the component of vertical motion reduces and is replaced by a late stage of orogenic compression as manifest by north-directed thrusting. Buoyancy-driven vertical tectonics and modest late shortening, combined with surface erosion, result in typical topographic and metamorphic gradients, which might represent general indicators for final stages of continent-continent collisions

    Spectral Hole-Burning in Crystalline and Amorphous Organic Solids. Optical Relaxation Processes at Low Temperature

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    The Thyroid Gland

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