42 research outputs found

    Small Business Template

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    This document contains instructions on how to create a template for a small business website using a content management system called Orchard, ecommerce software called Magelia, all running on a Windows Azure cloud instance (or locally/other). Since Orchard is not commonly used, documentation for its setup, which is a custom configuration, is put in a step-by- step manner. Many times the standard is first show how to perform the task first view example then just give the technically spec for further operations of the same type. The documentation for Magelia, however, is already fabricated extensively and will be linked to when needed. The overall object of this documentation is to create and implement a dynamic, easy-to-use site for a small business

    Rent-seeking by politicians in state-owned enterprises

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    Motivation: Notwithstanding the privatization processes, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) continue to play an important role in Poland and other post-socialist countries. Governments declare that privatization is completed and that they do not intend to sell any more enterprises. They justify this by pointing to the national security and strategic sectors in which companies should remain state-owned. Unfortunately, SOEs are used by politicians for economic and personal rent-seeking.Aim: This article aims to discuss the idea of economic rent-seeking by politicians, particularly its impact on SOEs. We claim that politicians, being a group of interest, capture SOEs in order to achieve private gains for themselves and their parties, which compromises economic performance of these companies. We analyze the mechanism of influence that politicians have on SOEs, including the processes related to rotations of managers and boards of directors after winning parliamentary elections. To illustrate this, we analyze the scale of rotations in Polish SOEs in the years 2001–2017. The rotations are presented in absolute terms. Additionally, an index of the average number of changes in a company was estimated.Results: We listed several examples of capturing SOEs by politicians. The number of SOEs in EU countries varies. Most SOEs are located in Germany and France. Among the countries of the post-socialist EU–11, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania have the most SOEs. The average number of rotations in personnel was significantly greater in SOEs than in private companies in Poland. Rotations in SOEs are positively correlated with political elections. The greatest increase in the number of changes in SOEs can be observed in the periods following parliamentary elections, regardless of which political party wins. This means that politicians treat SOEs as well-deserved spoils of victory and take it as their own

    Does Reliability Pay? How Reputation Can Affect Transaction Governance Investments

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    The role of trust in economic exchange is ill-defined. Trust between alliance partners is argued to sometimes be an alternative to costly governance mechanisms and can therefore lead to superior performance. On the other hand, relying on anything but investments to secure credible commitment to deterrence is described as myopic. This paper explores a middle ground where, in the context of a reputation network, governance costs can decline without the strict necessity of intentional trust. Using an experimental approach, we show that reputation effects lead to significant advantages for reliable players in terms of offers to ally and the quality of those offers. These advantages resulted in lower governance costs and better performance

    Individual Time Perspective And Alliance Formation Behavior

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    The impact of time orientation on leaders’ behavior has been largely unexplored in research.  This study examined the role of time perspective in alliance formation.  Using a game, participants formed alliances using information about past behavior.  Findings suggest that participants with future time perspective were more likely to initiate alliances and those with a past-negative perspective were more likely to cooperate.  This finding supports the Theory of Leadership and Time Orientation.&nbsp

    3β-Hy­droxy­lup-20(29)-en-28-yl 1H-imidazole-1-carboxyl­ate

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    The title triterpene, C34H52N2O3, is a C-28 carbamate derivative of betulin prepared in a one-step reaction from the commercially available 1,1′-carbonyl­diimidazole (CDI). All rings are fused trans. The X-ray study shows the retention of the configuration of C-28 with respect to the known chiral centres of the molecule. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are O—H⋯O hydrogen bonded via the hy­droxy group and the carbonyl group of the carbamate function into chains running along the c axis. A quantum-mechanical ab initio Roothaan Hartree–Fock calculation of the equilibrium geometry of the isolated mol­ecule gives values for bond-lengths and valency angles close to the experimental values. The calculations also reproduce the mol­ecular conformation well, with calculated puckering parameters that agree well with the observed values

    Эмпирический анализ влияния избранных факторов на экономический рост

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    W artykule zbadano wpływ wybranych zmiennych: poziomu wydatków rządowych, inflacji, skolaryzacji, bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, innowacji oraz wolności gospodarczej na poziom PKB per capita. Badaniu poddano 59 krajów, które podzielono zgodnie z klasyfikacją Banku Światowego na 4 grupy dochodowe. W celu określenia zależności i wpływu opisanych zmiennych na PKB per capita wykorzystano regresję liniową, test przyczynowości Grangera oraz uogólnioną metodę momentów. Efektem badań jest potwierdzenie postawionej hipotezy, że wybrane zmienne są determinantami wzrostu gospodarczego, co jest zgodne z zaprezentowaną analizą literatury.The article examines the impact of selected variables such as the level of government spending, inflation, school enrollment, FDI, innovation and economic freedom on GDP per capita level. To do so, linear regression, Granger causality test and general method of moments are employed. The research takes into consideration 59 countries, divided into 4 groups accordingly to GNP. The results confirm stated hypothesis, i.e. selected variables determine economic growth, what coincides with the analysis of literature

    Economic freedom and economic performance of developing countries

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    Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest pogłębiona analiza relacji występującej pomiędzy wolnością gospodarczą a efektywnością funkcjonowania gospodarek rozwijających się; w celach porównawczych analizie poddano także kraje wysokorozwinięte (łącznie 115 państw). Analizy prowadzone na podstawie testów przyczynowości w sensie Grangera, oddzielnie dla grupy krajów rozwiniętych i rozwijających się, wykazały, że pomiędzy wolnością gospodarczą a przyjętymi miarami efektywności występuje w obu grupach państw pozytywny oraz statystycznie istotny związek, przy czym jest on silniejszy wśród krajów rozwijających się. Wyniki analiz przeprowadzone dla poszczególnych krajów wykazały jednak znacznie większe zróżnicowanie w zakresie analizowanej relacji.The objective of a paper is to conduct a deep analysis a relation between economic freedom and economic performance of developing as well as develop countries (a total of 115 countries). The conducted analysis – performed separately for panel group comprised of developing and developed countries – confirmed the existence of statistically significant relation in Granger sense between economic freedom and efficiency both for developing and developed countries. The results of the analysis conducted at the level of particular countries proved that the relation between economic freedom and efficiency is much more ambiguous