13 research outputs found

    Digestibilidade dos nutrientes e parâmetros ruminais de bovinos de corte alimentados com rações contendo bagaço de cana-de-açúcar obtido pelo método de extração por difusão ou por moagem convencional Digestibility of nutrients and ruminal characteristics in beef cattle fed rations containing sugarcane bagasse obtained by diffusion or conventional milling extraction method

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da utilização do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura (BIN), obtido pelo método de extração do açúcar por difusão (BINdif) ou moagem convencional (BINmoa) como fonte de fibra íntegra, associado ao bagaço tratado sob pressão e vapor (BTPV) sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e os parâmetros ruminais de bovinos de corte. Quatro machos da raça Nelore, não-castrados, com fístulas ruminais e peso vivo médio inicial de 380 kg, foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 4 &#215; 4. Os tratamentos foram compostos das combinações dos bagaços: 5% BINmoa + 45% BTPV; 5% BINdif + 45% BTPV; 10% BINdif + 40% BTPV; 15% BINdif + 35% BTPV. A utilização do BIN obtido por difusão, mesmo no nível mais elevado, não teve efeito sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes (MS, MO, PB, FDN, FDA e EE) da dieta. Entretanto, o fornecimento do bagaço obtido por difusão provocou redução nos consumos de MS, MO, PB e FDN em relação ao bagaço obtido por moagem. A produção total de ácidos graxos voláteis no rúmen, a porcentagem molar dos ácidos acético, propiônico e butírico, a relação acético/propiônico, o pH ruminal e a concentração ruminal de nirogênio amoniacal não diferiram entre os bagaços fornecidos. A utilização do bagaço obtido pelo processo de difusão ou de moagem convencional como fonte de fibra íntegra associado ao bagaço tratado sob pressão e vapor não prejudicou a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e os parâmetros ruminais de bovinos de corte alimentados com rações contendo 50% de concentrado.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding sugarcane bagasse, obtained by extraction of sugar using diffusion (BINdif) or conventional milling (BINmoa) method, as a fiber source associated with bagasse treated under pressure and steam (BTPV) on nutrient digestibility and ruminal characteristics in beef cattle. Four Nellore young bulls (380 kg BW), fitted with ruminal cannula, were assigned to a 4 &#215; 4 Latin Square design. Combination of bagasse in a 50:50 (concentrate:roughage) experimental rations were: 5% BINmoa + 45% BTPV; 5% BINdif + 45% BTPV; 10% BINdif + 40% BTPV; 15% BINdif + 35% BTPV. There was no effect of using BINdif on digestibility of nutrients (DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and EE) of the diets. However, feeding bagasse obtained by diffusion reduced DM, OM and NDF intakes when compared to bagasse obtained by milling. Total production of ruminal volatile fatty acids, molar percentage of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, acetate:propionate ratio, ruminal pH and ammonia nitrogen concentration did not differ among treatments. Feeding sugarcane bagasse obtained by diffusion or conventional milling method, as source of raw fiber, associated with hydrolized bagasse by pressure and steam had no detrimental effect on nutrient digestibility and ruminal characteristics in beef cattle fed diets containing 50% concentrate

    Desvelando a concepção de adolescência/adolescente presente no discurso da Saúde Pública

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    Este artigo é parte de uma Tese de Doutorado*. Trata-se de um trabalho de natureza teórica que, no campo das Ciências Sociais, busca analisar criticamente o conhecimento produzido e utilizado na área da saúde e que vem orientando a prática com adolescentes, de forma hegemônica, desvelando a concepção de adolescência/adolescente presente no discurso da Saúde Pública. Mediante um processo de desconstrução e reconstrução histórica do discurso em estudo, utilizando-se o instrumental de pesquisa em História Social, reconhece-se a concepção adotada, representativa do paradigma médico-biológico/ biomédico, que vem orientando, de forma predominante, a produção do conhecimento e as práticas correspondentes nessa área de atuação.The present paper is part of the PhD dissertation presented and defended in the Faculty of Public Health-USP in 1995. It is a theorical piece of work in the field of Social Sciences. It aims at a critical analysis of the knowledge produced and used in the health area that has hegemonically directed the practice with adolescents uncovering the concept of adolescent/adolescence present in the Public Health discourse. The adopted conception is recognized by means of a historic deconstruction and reconstruction of the discourse under study with the use of the Social History research tools. Such conception represents the biomedical paradigm that has predominantly guided the production of knowledge and corresponding practices in the areas

    Is an Emphasis on Dignity, Honor and Face more an Attribute of Individuals or of Cultural Groups?

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    © 2020 SAGE Publications. This study compares the individual-level and sample-level predictive utility of a measure of the cultural logics of dignity, honor, and face. University students in 29 samples from 24 nations used a simple measure to rate their perceptions of the interpersonal cultural logic characterizing their local culture. The nomological net of these measures was then explored. Key dependent measures included three different facets of independent versus interdependent self-construal, relevant attitudes and values, reported handling of actual interpersonal conflicts, and responses to normative settings. Multilevel analyses revealed both individual- and sample-level effects but the dignity measure showed more individual-level effects, whereas sample-level effects were relatively more important with the face measure. The implications of this contrast are discussed

    Sex Differences in Self-Construal and in Depressive Symptoms: Predictors of Cross-National Variation

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Sex differences in aspects of independent versus interdependent self-construal and depressive symptoms were surveyed among 5,320 students from 24 nations. Men were found to perceive themselves as more self-contained whereas women perceived themselves as more connected to others. No significant sex differences were found on two further dimensions of self-construal, or on a measure of depressive symptoms. Multilevel modeling was used to test the ability of a series of predictors derived from a social identity perspective and from evolutionary theory to moderate sex differences. Contrary to most prior studies of personality, sex differences in self-construal were larger in samples from nations scoring lower on the Gender Gap Index, and the Human Development Index. Sex differences were also greater in nations with higher pathogen prevalence, higher self-reported religiosity, and in nations with high reported avoidance of settings with strong norms. The findings are discussed in terms of the interrelatedness of self-construals and the cultural contexts in which they are elicited and the distinctiveness of student samples

    Sex Differences in Self-Construal and in Depressive Symptoms: Predictors of Cross-National Variation

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    Sex differences in aspects of independent versus interdependent self-construal and depressive symptoms were surveyed among 5,320 students from 24 nations. Men were found to perceive themselves as more self-contained whereas women perceived themselves as more connected to others. No significant sex differences were found on two further dimensions of self-construal, or on a measure of depressive symptoms. Multilevel modeling was used to test the ability of a series of predictors derived from a social identity perspective and from evolutionary theory to moderate sex differences. Contrary to most prior studies of personality, sex differences in self-construal were larger in samples from nations scoring lower on the Gender Gap Index, and the Human Development Index. Sex differences were also greater in nations with higher pathogen prevalence, higher self-reported religiosity, and in nations with high reported avoidance of settings with strong norms. The findings are discussed in terms of the interrelatedness of self-construals and the cultural contexts in which they are elicited and the distinctiveness of student samples. © The Author(s) 2020

    Is an Emphasis on Dignity, Honor and Face more an Attribute of Individuals or of Cultural Groups?

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    This study compares the individual-level and sample-level predictive utility of a measure of the cultural logics of dignity, honor, and face. University students in 29 samples from 24 nations used a simple measure to rate their perceptions of the interpersonal cultural logic characterizing their local culture. The nomological net of these measures was then explored. Key dependent measures included three different facets of independent versus interdependent self-construal, relevant attitudes and values, reported handling of actual interpersonal conflicts, and responses to normative settings. Multilevel analyses revealed both individual- and sample-level effects but the dignity measure showed more individual-level effects, whereas sample-level effects were relatively more important with the face measure. The implications of this contrast are discussed. © 2020 SAGE Publications