62 research outputs found

    Dielectric Resonators for the Measurements of the Surface Impedance of Superconducting Films

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    Abstract We present the development, realization and setup of dielectric resonators, for the purpose of measuring the surface impedance at microwave frequencies of superconducting thin films. We focus on resonators designed to operate in dc magnetic fields, optimized for the measurements of the variation of the surface impedance with the applied field. Two resonators, operating at 8 and 48 GHz, are presented. We discuss different approaches to the measurement of the resonator parameters, with particular attention to the nonidealities of real setups in a cryogenic environment. Finally, we present some sample measurement of high-Tc and low-Tc superconducting films

    Directional pinning and anisotropy in YBa2Cu3O7-x with BaZrO3 nanorods: intrinsic and nanorods-induced anisotropy

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    We present a study of the anisotropic vortex parameters as obtained from measurements of the microwave complex resistivity in the vortex state with a tilted applied magnetic field in YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films with BaZrO3 nanorods. We present the angular dependence of the vortex viscosity η\eta, the pinning constant k_p and the upper limit for the creep factor \chi_M. We show that the directional effect of the nanorods is absent in \eta, which is dictated by the mass anisotropy \gamma. By contrast, pinning-mediated properties are strongly affected by the nanorods. It is significant that the pinning and creep affected by the nanorods is detectable also at our very high operating frequency, which implies very short-range displacements of the vortices from their equilibrium position.Comment: Proceedings of VORTEX VIII Conference, to be published in Physica

    Anisotropy and directional pinning in YBaCuO with BaZrO3 nanorods

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    Measurements of anisotropic transport properties (dc and high-frequency regime) of driven vortex matter in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} with elongated strong-pinning sites (c-axis aligned, self-assembled BaZrO3_3 nanorods) are used to demonstrate that the effective-mass angular scaling takes place only in intrinsic physical quantities (flux-flow resistivity), and not in pinning-related Labusch parameter and critical currents. Comparison of the dynamics at different time scales shows evidence for a transition of the vortex matter toward a Mott phase, driven by the presence of nanorods. The strong pinning in dc arises partially from a dynamic effect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Applied Physics Letters. With respect to v1: changed title, slightly shortene

    Robustness of the 0−π0 -\pi transition against compositional and structural ageing in S/F/S heterostructures

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    We have studied the temperature induced 0−π0 -\pi thermodynamic transition in Nb/PdNi/Nb Superconductor/Ferromagnetic/Superconductor (SFS) heterostructures by microwave measurements of the superfluid density. We have observed a shift in the transition temperature with the ageing of the heterostructures, suggesting that structural and/or chemical changes took place. Motivated by the electrodynamics findings, we have extensively studied the local structural properties of the samples by means of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) technique, and the compositional profile by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). We found that the samples have indeed changed their properties, in particular for what concerns the interfaces and the composition of the ferromagnetic alloy layer. The structural and compositional data are consistent with the shift of the 0−π0-\pi transition toward the behaviour of heterostructures with different F layers. An important emerging indication to the physics of SFS is the weak relevance of the ideality of the interfaces: even in aged samples, with less-than-ideal interfaces, the temperature-induced 0−π0-\pi transition is still detectable albeit at a different critical F thickness.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. B, http://journals.aps.org/prb

    Microwave properties of Nb/PdNi/Nb trilayers. Observation of flux flow in excess of Bardeen-Stephen theory

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    We combine wideband (1-20 GHz) Corbino disk and dielectric resonator (8.2 GHz) techniques to study the microwave properties in Nb/PdNi/Nb trilayers, grown by UHV dc magnetron sputtering, composed by Nb layers of nominal thickness dSd_S=15 nm, and a ferromagnetic PdNi layer of thickness dFd_F= 1, 2, 8 and 9 nm. We focus on the vortex state. Magnetic fields up to Hc2H_{c2} were applied. The microwave resistivity at fixed H/Hc2H/H_{c2} increases with dFd_F, eventually exceeding the Bardeen Stephen flux flow value.Comment: 6 pages. Submitted to Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis

    Characterisation of dielectric 3D-printing materials at microwave frequencies

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    3D-printer materials are becoming increasingly appealing, especially for high frequency applications. As such, the electromagnetic characterisation of these materials is an important step in evaluating their applicability for new technological devices. We present a measurement method for complex permittivity evaluation based on a dielectric loaded resonator (DR). Comparing the quality factor Q of the DR with a disk-shaped sample placed on a DR base, with Q obtained when the sample is substituted with an air gap, allows a reliable determination of the loss tangent

    Dielectric Resonators for the Measurements of the Surface Impedance of Superconducting Films

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    We present the development, realization and setup of dielectric resonators, for the purpose of measuring the surface impedance at microwave frequencies of superconducting thin films. We focus on resonators designed to operate in dc magnetic fields, optimized for the measurements of the variation of the surface impedance with the applied field. Two resonators, operating at 8 and 48 GHz, are presented. We discuss different approaches to the measurement of the resonator parameters, with particular attention to the nonidealities of real setups in a cryogenic environment. Finally, we present some sample measurement of high-T c and low-T c superconducting films

    A Dielectric Loaded Resonator for the Measurement of the Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Substrates

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    A new configuration of dielectric-loaded resonator (DR), particularly versatile for the complex permittivity measurement of substrates for microwave circuits, even in the presence of back metal plates, is shown here. To test this technique in a wide interval of the values of the complex permittivity, the versatility of 3-D printing is exploited to print samples with different densities, thus artificially changing the effective permittivity in the interval (1.7-3.1) for the real part and (0.02-0.06) for the imaginary part. The designed resonator, tuned at -12 GHz, is experimentally validated by the comparison of measurements obtained on these samples with a split ring resonator (SRR) and standard transmission/reflection waveguide methods. Then, the versatility of the designed resonator is shown in the characterization of FR4-fiberglass and Kapton polyimide samples

    Millimeter-wave study of London penetration depth temperature dependence in Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2 single crystal

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    In-plane surface Ka-band microwave impedance of optimally doped single crystals of the Fe-based superconductor Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2 (Tc= 22.8K) was measured. Sensitive sapphire disk quasi-optical resonator with high-Tc cuprate conducting endplates was developed specially for Fe-pnictide superconductors. It allowed finding temperature variation of London penetration depth in a form of power law, namely \Delta \lambda (T)~ Tn with n = 2.8 from low temperatures up to at least 0.6Tc consisted with radio-frequency measurements. This exponent points towards nodeless state with pairbreaking scattering, which can support one of the extended s-pairing symmetries. The dependence \lambda(T) at low temperatures is well described by one superconducting small-gap (\Delta \cong 0.75 in kTc units, where k is Boltzman coefficient) exponential dependence.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Low Temperature Physics,vol.37, August 201
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