27 research outputs found

    Makroanatomska istraživanja kostura vidre (Lutra lutra). III. Osovinski kostur.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the axial skeleton of otters (Lutra lutra). The important features of the skull as observed in this study were as follows: Tympanic bulla was well developed. Zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the supraorbital foramen was absent. Infraorbital foramen was very well developed. Dental formula was 2(I3/3, C1/1, P3/3, M2/2)=36. Mental foramens and the angular process of mandible were present. Vertebral formula was found as C7, Th14, L6, S3, Ca18. The eleventh vertebra of the thoracic vertebra was found as anticlinal vertebra. The accessory processes were caudally located on all lumbal vertebrae. The auricular surface of sacral bone was faced laterally and spinous processes were not fused. Haemal arches were present on ventral surfaces of the caudal ends of the bodies of the third to seventh caudal vertebrae. There were fourteen pairs of ribs. The first nine ribs were sternal, and four ribs were asternal. The last rib was floating. The dorsal half of ribs (os costale) was almost round in shape and the ventral half of ribs was flat in shape. The sternum was cylindrical.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se istraži osovinski kostur vidre (Lutra lutra). Važna obilježja koja su opažena na lubanji su bila: bubnjišni mjehur je bio dobro razvijen, jagodični izdanci i nadočni otvor čeone kosti nisu postojali, dok je podočni otvor bio dobro razvijen. Zubna formula je bila 2 (I 3/3, C 1/1, P 3/3, M 2/2) = 36. Bradeni otvori i kutni izdanak donje čeljusti su razvijeni. Kralježnica je imala ovaj broj kralježaka: C7, Th14, L6, S3 i Ca18. Jedanaesti kralježak grudne kralježnice je antiklinalni. Dodatni izdanci su na svim slabinskim kralješcima bili smješteni kaudalno. Uškasta zglobna površina križne kosti je bila usmjerena lateralno, a njeni trnasti izdanci nisu bili spojeni. Krvožilni lukovi su bili razvijeni na ventralnim površinama trupova trećeg do sedmog repnog kralješka. Bilo je 14 pari rebara. Prvih 9 rebara su bila prava rebra, a 4 su bila lažna rebra. Zadnje rebro je bilo slobodno rebro. Dorzalna polovica koštanih rebara je u presjeku bila gotovo okrugla, a njihova ventralna polovica plosnata. Grudna kost je bila valjkastog presijeka

    Strength of selection pressure is an important parameter contributing to the complexity of antibiotic resistance evolution

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    Revealing the genetic changes responsible for antibiotic resistance can be critical for developing novel antibiotic therapies. However, systematic studies correlating genotype to phenotype in the context of antibiotic resistance have been missing. In order to fill in this gap, we evolved 88 isogenic Escherichia coli populations against 22 antibiotics for 3 weeks. For every drug, two populations were evolved under strong selection and two populations were evolved under mild selection. By quantifying evolved populations' resistances against all 22 drugs, we constructed two separate cross-resistance networks for strongly and mildly selected populations. Subsequently, we sequenced representative colonies isolated from evolved populations for revealing the genetic basis for novel phenotypes. Bacterial populations that evolved resistance against antibiotics under strong selection acquired high levels of cross-resistance against several antibiotics, whereas other bacterial populations evolved under milder selection acquired relatively weaker cross-resistance. In addition, we found that strongly selected strains against aminoglycosides became more susceptible to five other drug classes compared with their wild-type ancestor as a result of a point mutation on TrkH, an ion transporter protein. Our findings suggest that selection strength is an important parameter contributing to the complexity of antibiotic resistance problem and use of high doses of antibiotics to clear infections has the potential to promote increase of cross-resistance in clinics

    Case distribution by cause of death.

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    <p>Case distribution by cause of death.</p

    Socio-demographic characteristics of victims and general risk factors for homicide, by group.

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    <p>ld: not analysed due to limited data; na: not analysed; ns: no significance.</p

    Ratio of living together with victim among perpetrators.

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    <p>Ratio of living together with victim among perpetrators.</p

    The pathology of lethal exposure to the Riot Control Agents: Towards a forensics-based methodology for determining misuse

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    The aim of this is to review deaths associated with the use of Riot Control Agents (RCAs) and to assess how the presenting pathologies is such cases may better inform cause of death conclusions upon autopsy. We also sought to present which additional steps should be added to the Minnesota protocol and the European harmonization of medico-legal autopsy rules in suspected cases of deaths associated with the use of RCAs

    The sensitivity and specificity of the slump and the straight leg raising tests in patients with lumbar disc herniation

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    Background: An accurate and specific diagnosis prevents the recurrences of low back pain and chronic spinal pain. The physical examination is the most useful tool to diagnosis. The examiner must aim to determine the exact tissue that pain arises from to make the specific diagnosis. Lumbar disc herniation is I disease that physical examination, symptoms, and findings on imaging technique do not always correlate with each other. The Straight Leg Raising (SLR) test has been used as the primary test to diagnosis lumbar disc herniations and found to have high correlation with findings on operation since its sensitivity is high in only disc herniations leading to root compression that may eventually need operation. More sensitive test, like the Slump, might be used in herniations in which the SLR is negative. The Slump test is really a variant of the SLR and the Lasegue's tests performed in the seated position and is a progressive series of maneuvers designed to place the sciatic nerve roots under increasing tension. At each step in the procedure, the patient informs the examiner what is being felt and whether radicular pain is produced. As a result, the Slump test applies traction to the nerve roots by incorporating spinal and hip joint flexion into the leg raising and would warn the examiner of the presence of nerve root compression when there is a negative SLR test