18 research outputs found

    Using Customer Emotional Experience from E-Commerce for Generating Natural Language Evaluation and Advice Reports on Game Products

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    Investigating customer emotional experience using natural language processing (NLP) is an example of a way to obtain product insight. However, it relies on interpreting and representing the results understandably. Currently, the results of NLP are presented in numerical or graphical form, and human experts still need to provide an explanation in natural language. It is desirable to develop a computational system that can automatically transform NLP results into a descriptive report in natural language. The goal of this study was to develop a computational linguistic description method to generate evaluation and advice reports on game products. This study used NLP to extract emotional experiences (emotions and sentiments) from e-commerce customer reviews in the form of numerical information. This paper also presents a linguistic description method to generate evaluation and advice reports, adopting the Granular Linguistic Model of a Phenomenon (GLMP) method for analyzing the results of the NLP method. The test result showed that the proposed method could successfully generate evaluation and advice reports assessing the quality of 5 game products based on the emotional experience of customers

    ADADA 2016 14TH international Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design Association - Perception of impossible figures focusing on inconsistent rectangles

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    Impossible figures are known to be motifs of the Dutch artist M. C. Escher's lithographs. However, impossible figures cannot be strictly defined geometrically because they are mental images of solid objects. In other words, viewers perceive two-dimensional (2D) drawings as three-dimensional (3D) structures, although these structures cannot be realized in 3D space. Regardless of the mental images, viewers’ differing perceptions of impossible figures have not been sufficiently researched; thus, we performed two experiments to address this gap. In the first experiment, the participants observed each sample figure individually in random order and then stated whether, according to them, it was an impossible or possible figure. Approximately half the participants labeled some sample figures as possible figures in spite of them being impossible geometrically. The results indicated that perceptions of impossible figures differ according to the individual and the figures themselves. We also obtained widely differing results between four inconsistent rectangles that had the external contours of possible rectangles. To address this variability, we focused on the inconsistent rectangles in the second experiment. The four rectangles were sub-classified into 28 categories, and the participants were asked whether each of the 28 figures was impossible or possible, similar to the procedure followed in the first experiment. The sub-classified rectangles were broken down into polygons to analyze the results. Finally, we extracted an element that led to participants' perception of possible figures and two elements that led to their perception of impossible figures

    A Study of Digital Media Art Utilizing 2D Animation

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    This study is about the combination of PM technology and traditional animation. PM technology is Projection Mapping technology. Is from a combination of two words, Projection and Mapping. By using PM technology, to create a more excellent experience of vision or other senses than the traditional animation. This work is about produced by using PM technology, projecting the animation film on different objects (such as glass, buildings, trees, etc.) by using PM technology, to represent the changes of seasons. Although the same content, when projected on different objects, the visual effects are also different. Though the different visual effects, the viewer can get different visual experiences. To complete the study, I made some tests under various conditions: the first step, I projected the animation film on a small cube. The second step, I made tests on different regions of Kyushu University campus. By analyzing of the results of the tests, to make the future works more systematic

    Sidestep and sneak peek: spatial actions in augmented reality games

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    We propose a novel concept of game, which allows players to experience tangible interaction with the virtual world of digital games by mixing motorized scenery (object support) with dynamically generated spatial augmented reality. A specific hardware, which includes a turntable platform, on where players can setup customized polygonal shaped scenery to play the game projected onto its surfaces, and a single, or a pair, of focus free laser pico-projectors pointed toward the platform is proposed as a game console able to run this experiment. The turntable platform orientation is synchronized with the game play in a way the physical object rotates aligned with the projected virtual reality in relation to the player’s fixed perspective. By designing 3-dimensional animations, which are rendered and projected in accordance with the surface orientations, we were able to enhance the illusion of depth toward these planar structures during the game play. The use of spatial augmented reality is justified by exploiting the characteristics of projected 2-dimensional light onto 3- dimensional objects in order to extend the game possibilities. As an example, the number and orientation of polygons found on the support can be directly associated with the complexity of the game universe, affecting the game difficulty, scale and game play. In this paper we discuss about spatial actions, which are actions players can perform at object support creases. When synchronized with motor movements, these actions extend the sense of volume in relation to the game avatars providing a tangible connection between players and digital content

    Kokyu: a non-contact sensing system with a scalable sphere for visualization breathing

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    “禅”(Zen) is known as Japanese traditional meditation. It has recently drawn the attention of people working at Silicon Valley’s companies like Google. We have designed a novel interface to breath visualization, based on the Zen concept, by creating a scalable sphere, which change its size according to one’s breathing. This artwork: “孤球”(KOKYU: A Solitary Sphere) is composed of such a traditional meditative structure, the most advanced technology at the present day. It helps people to experience Zen meditation through a deeper spiritual feeling by looking at oneself. In other words, it allows people to feel as if they are having a conversation with themselves. Thus, getting closer to the purpose of Zen: searching for the truth of who we are. Demonstration video at YouTube: (https://youtu.be/srTeGo3buME

    Breathing shelter—Relieve citizen pressure with the breath control

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    In this paper, we propose an interactive breathing shelter which could regulate the breath of city and its dwellers by influencing their breath speed to relieve their stress. An interactive urban shelter expresses the relationship between city and its dwellers through the action of breathing. In Schrödinger's book What is Life?, he originally stated that 'what an organism feeds upon is negative entropy' and that 'the essence of metabolism, in its survival period successfully ridding themselves of organisms, must have all the entropy.’ Cities increase in entropy due to pollution, traffic jams and information overload and so on. Meanwhile, these issues prompt stress in citizens. Breathing is the simplest way to counter the increase of entropy – people are noticeably relaxed and find it easier to concentrate after deep breathing. This city shelter thus aims to transform anxiety to relief – you breathe the city and the city also breathes back at you, in a mutual beneficial connectio

    Practice of Open Sharing at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]

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    Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] (herein after "YCAM") is an art center focused on media technology. It produces artwork incorporating media technology, develops media technology, archives related information, and provides education. YCAM has open shared its achievements from some of its projects. “Open share” means to publish an achievement so that a third party can utilize it freely within a certain extent. In this paper, introduction of open sharing at YCAM and the practice of implementing open sharing will be described and discussed


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    目次 総論 第1章 研究の目的 第2章 コンピュータによるデザイン支援 第3章 HCI(Human Computer Ineraction) 第4章 考察 第5章 結論 謝辞 参考文献Made available in DSpace on 2006-04-17T04:57:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 O004.pdf: 10149090 bytes, checksum: a5a4c2e6b833353131da70731736182a (MD5) license.txt: 3736 bytes, checksum: 614d80e49a5a996df2598816a3d20516 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997-11コンピュータは情報環境に外在化した情報内容を、ユーザの選択的な求めに応じて可視化・表示することで、ユーザと情報内容の対話を可能にしたメディアであるといわれている。  CRD(Computer Related Design)は、このようなメディア的機能を備えた製品と情報内容を計画・具体化するために、ハードウェア、ソフトウェアの両面から問題をとらえて解決するデザインである。すなわち設計・生産の自動化を目的として導入されたCAD/CAMシステムに対応して、3次元形状データを作成し、有効に活用してハードウェアをデザインする方法と、情報処理機能を備えた製品ソフトウェアのデザインを行うものである。  本論文はCRDの領域で実験的研究を行い、デザインプロセスを考察することでCRDの領域におけるデザイン諸要素を抽出・分類し、デザイン諸要素の問題解決を図るデザイン作業を構造化することでCRDのデザイン方法を求めたものである。  本論文の構成は5章からなり、第1章総論では本研究の全般について述べた。  第2章は「コンピュータによるデザイン支援」に関する研究である。  CAID(Computer Aided lndustrial Design)のデザイン方法では、3次元形状データ作成を中核としたデータの利用・展開方法として図形データや画像データの利用による技術文書作成や、多面体データの利用による3次元CGのレンダリングやアニメーションおよびNCデータの利用によるモックアップの自動加工方法を明らかにした。  CGによるデザインシュミレーションでは3次元形状データをデザインの創造段階に適用する具体的方法として、3次元CGを利用して可変的に形状と属性を変化させて表示させる方法を明らかにした。  CAIDのインターフェースデザイン開発では、デザイナにとって困難とされる3次元CADによる形状データ作成を容易にするためのインターフェースのデザイン開発方法として、工業デザイナが3次元形状を作成する思考プロセスを考察し、モデル化を図り、形状を容易に作成する操作フローと必要なコマンドを導きだし、3次元CADシステムのインターフェースデザインに適用した。  以上のように3次元形状データの有効な活用によるデザイン作業の高度化と効率化、およびデザイン作業で使用する3次元CADシステムのインターフェースデザインについてデザイン方法を求めたものである。  第3章は情報内容の構成と情報環境に外在化した情報内容を検索して表示する機能を備えた製品、すなわちユーザが情報内容を利用する際のメディア(Retrieval Media )製品デザインを対象とした「HCI(Human Computer lnteraction)のデザイン」に関する研究である。  空間映像による仮想空間とユーザのインタラクションでは、ユーザの移動経路モデル(パスモデル)を空間のデザインに取り入れることで、写実的である実写映像による空間の表示方法にユーザの求めに応じて映像を表示するような情報内容に選択的表示機能を与える方法を明らかにした。  カーナビゲーションシステムの操作性評価では、HCIのデザインにおいて、ユーザが機器を操作する際の認知的問題を抽出することで、操作性を良くするためのデザイン指標を明らかにした。  以上のようにメディア製品を介してユーザが接する画像情報空間のデザインと、メディア製品のソフトウェアデザインについてデザイン方法を明らかにしたものである。  第4章考察では、「コンピュータによるデザイン支援」と「HCIのデザイン」のデザインプロセスを考察することでCRDの領域におけるデザイン諸要素の抽出・分類を行い、デザイン諸要素の問題解決を図るデザイン作業を構造化した。  メディア(Retrieval Media)製品は、人間(Human)が情報環境(Infomation Environment)を利用する際に使われるもので、コンピュータによる情報処理機能を備え、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア両面で構成されている。デザイン諸要素としては、人間の認知的要素、メディア製品の機能的要素、情報環境の構成要素が、人間を中心とした階層構造をなしている。  第5章結論では、デザイン諸要素の問題を抽出して解決を図るCRDの一方法としてHIERM(Human lnformation Environment Retrieval Media)法を提唱した。 CRDにおけるHIERM法ではハードウェアデザインに関して、デザインを支援するための方法として3次元形状データ作成を中核とし、仮説生成?制作?検証からなる創造的なプロセスにおいてデータを利用・展開するスター型のデザイン方法を明らかにした。ソフトウェアデザインではユーザがメディア製品を操作する際の行動が十分理解できていないことから、ソフトウェアの動作モデルであるプロトタイプを作成することで仮説生成?制作を行ない、プロトタイプをユーザがテストすることで検証し、仮説モデルとユーザのメンタルモデルの一致を図る方法を明らかにした。  HIERM法は人間(H)と情報環境(IE)の間に介在するメディア(RM)をデザインするための方法であり、CRDのデザインプロセスで最も重要な創造の段階において、仮説生成-制作-検証を繰り返すことで、製品のソフトウェアとハードウェアを改善するデザイン方法であると確信する

    Opinion Mining for User Generated Design By Social Networking Service and Japanese Manga

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    The growth of Social Networking Service (SNS) has created a new potential in marketing. While users communicate and interact via SNS, the list of their conversation, which is called casual data can be used to determine their needs or aspirations. SNS can be very useful for product/service developers, especially when developing new ideas or simply evaluating the feasibility of their existing products/services. Furthermore, SNS provides a unique system that enables expressive and two-way communication between its users. SNS is known for its effectiveness in delivering fresh news and information, thus it can be used as promotional media. Although several online services that utilize SNS and casual data have been provided, the purpose of those services is still unclear and ineffective. In those services, users were only asked for their opinions without receiving sufficient feedbacks. Therefore, to solve these problems we propose an innovative way of utilizing SNS and casual data in designing user generated design. In our proposed system, users can directly contribute to the product/service development process in an interesting way. We designed an online service, which allows users to posts manga that describes their original idea. While contributing to the product/service development, they can also benefit from expressing their hobbies and receiving feedbacks from other users

    Interactive neural network – Differential evolution framework for haptic feedback retrieval system

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    We propose a haptic database retrieval system based on user’s perception and media converter that translates it into a physical haptic feedback. We have developed a three-dimensional psychological space that expresses human perception haptic stimuli by using semantic differential pairs. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm searches and retrieves haptic stimuli within a haptic physical feature space. Moreover, Neural Networks (NN) maps the searched physical feature vectors into the psychological space. The distance between the mapped positions and target position in the psychological space is used for the GA search, and when the distance becomes less than the threshold value, the retrieval search ends. In this study, we have conducted a preliminary experiment to construct psychological space and the NN part of the proposed system. The result of the preliminary experiment and the configuration of the NN will be discussed in detail