141 research outputs found

    Chemicals Migrating from Food Contact Materials: European Regulations, Characterization and Human Exposure (An Overview)

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    Food contact materials have high societal importance due to their influence on food quality and safety. In the food chain production, food matrix may interfere with many types of materials, particularly with food packaging. During the last decades, the concerns related to food packaging (especially plastics) and the migration of chemicals from food contact materials increased significantly, being affected by the nature and complexity of the food, the contact time and temperature, the type of food packaging material and the molecular size of the migrators. Some of these migrators are toxic and/or have endocrine disrupting activity. This overview reveals recent data (since 2015) about food contact materials as a source of food chemical contamination, their compliance in Europe, the analytical characterization of chemicals migrating from food contact materials as well the human exposure to such chemicals. There are mentioned the most recent scientific articles and experimental data on these topics, available from official, public reports or web sources. The major point in defining shortcomings in the current food contact risk assessment mechanism and legislation is that safety of food contact materials is currently less guaranteed due to different risk assessment, authorization processes across the Europe and their problematic enforcement

    Implementación de la metodología VDC en la gestión de compatibilización gráfica y modelamiento de un proyecto hotelero

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    El presente informe técnico tiene como finalidad servir de sustento para optar el Título Profesional de Ingeniero Civil por Experiencia Profesional Calificada, cumpliendo así con todos los requisitos establecidos en el Reglamento de Titulación por Experiencia Profesional Calificada de la Oficina de Grados y Títulos de la Facultad de Ingeniería. En el informe se dará a conocer la metodología y plan de trabajo empleado para la implementación del VDC en el desarrollo de la Gestión de Compatibilización Gráfica y Modelamiento5 de un proyecto de edificación destinado al rubro hotelero, realizado en el segundo semestre del 2020, así como las conclusiones y recomendaciones producto del aprendizaje adquirido


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    Abstract. Through all the immediate and long-term consequences of estrogenic deprivation, menopause is an important public health issue with social, personal and economic impact. If immediate menopausal symptoms are sometimes noisy, the long-term, insidious consequences, especially cardiovascular and bone, are of major importance. In order to eliminate troublesome symptoms and prevent long-term consequences in order to provide a good quality of life for menopausal women, it is nowadays unanimously recognized that hormonal therapy is necessary in the context of adhering to recognized indications and contraindications, also rigourosly following the effects of therapy


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Acneea afectează aproximativ 85% dintre adolescenți și poate continua până la vârsta adultă. Preparatele pe bază de plante sunt eficiente datorită unei bune toleranțe a pacientului cu mai puține efecte secundare. Unele plante cu proprietăți antiinflamatorii și antibacteriene sunt utilizate în tratamentul acneei. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea surselor bibliografice farmaceutice și medicale referitor la studiile realizate cu utilizarea plantelor în tratamentul acneei. Material și metode. Lucrările științifice publicate cu privire la tratamentul acneei, prezente în baze de date Google scholar, PubMed și Scopus. Rezultate. Sunt eficiente în tratamentul acneei produsele vegetale medicinale: scoarța de stejar alb, frunze de ceai verde, frunze de aloe etc. cu conținut în flavonoide, antracenozide. Conform studiilor planta Mătreața bradului (Usnea barbata) o combinație între ciuperci și alge, cu conținut de acid ursinic, tanin, polifenoli are o activitate antibacteriană cu efect de inhibiție asupra creșterii Propionibacterium (P) acnes, la concentrații ≥ 1 μg/ ml. Alt studiu a arătat că, rădăcina de berberină folosită în tratarea erupțiilor cutanate cronice, datorită prezenței alcaloizilor jatrorrhizine și berberina, inhibă creșterea in vitro a speciilor P. acnes și Candida. Berberina (100 μmol/ml) într-un model animal a inhibat producția de grăsime sebacee cu 63%. Concluzii. Unele plante au efecte inhibitoare asupra creșterii bacteriilor și ciupercilor in vitro, iar studiile clinice vin cu dovezi despre eficacitatea și siguranța plantelor în tratarea acneei.Introduction. Acne vulgaris (AV) affects about 85% of teenagers and can continue into adulthood. Herbal preparations are effective due to good patient tolerance with fewer side effects. Some plants with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are used in the treatment of acne. Objective of the study. Evaluation of pharmaceutical and medical bibliographic sources regarding studies conducted with the use of plants in the treatment of acne. Material and methods. Published scientific works on acne treatment, present in Google scholar, PubMed and Scopus databases, were used. Results. Medicinal plant products are effective in the treatment of acne: white oak bark, green tea leaves, aloe leaves, etc. with content in flavonoids, anthracenosides. Studies report that the plant Beard moss (Usnea barbata) a combination of mushrooms and algae, containing ursic acid, tannin, polyphenols has an antibacterial activity with an inhibitory effect on the growth of Propionibacterium (P) acnes, at concentrations ≥ 1 μg/ml . Another study showed that berberine root used in the treatment of chronic skin eruption, due to the presence of the alkaloids jatrorrhizine and berberine, inhibits the in vitro growth of P. acnes and Candida species. Berberine (100 μmol/ml) in an animal model inhibited sebaceous fat production by 63%. Conclusions. Some plants have inhibitory effects on the growth of bacteria and fungi in vitro, and clinical studies provide evidence of the efficacy and safety of plants in treating acne

    Opioids derivates, history and modern aspects of formulation

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    Catedra de tehnologie a medicamentelor, Catedra de farmacognozie și botanică farmaceutică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie“ Nicolae Testemițanu”, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Opioidele, evidențiază întreaga clasă de medicamente, substanțe chimice naturale sau sintetice ce sunt utilizate din timpuri străvechi pentru anihilarea durerii acute în infarct miocardic, fracturi, neoplazii, ș.a. Otrăvirile letale favorizate de abuzurile în uzaj, au indus pe plan internațional, începând cu anii ‘60 rigori privind controlul respectării regimului juridic al plantelor, substanţelor şi preparatelor stupefiante şi psihotrope opiacee. În prezent sunt documentate multiple studii cu privire la formularea unor produse cu cedare prelungită, susținută și controlată a derivaților de opiu din sisteme farmaceutice, atât pentru optimizarea terapeutică cât și pentru minimizarea fenomenului de dependență fizică și psihică. Scopul lucrării. Studiul istoricului de utilizare a opioidelor, prin evidențierea parametrilor de structură și a tehnologiei de formulare pentru produsele farmaceutice moderne. Material şi metode. Pentru realizarea studiului s-au abordat analitic surse bibliografice și informative din literatura de specialitate, manuale, articole și publicații periodice. Rezultate. Începând cu prima datare istorică a opiului în tăblițele sumeriene, cu 8000 de ani în urmă, grecii antici, romanii, egiptenii, indienii, chinezii, oamenii din Evul Mediu, europenii de la Renaștere până în prezent, utilizau opiul ca medicament pentru diverse afecțiuni. Obținerea opiului, prin tradiție antică, milenară, se realiza prin tăierea capsulelor imature a speciei macului-de-grădină (Papaver somniferum L.), plantă anuală, originară din Europa de Sud și Asia Mică. Latexul din capsule, conține peste 20 de alcaloizi izochinolinici din grupul morfinei, codeinei, tebainei și derivați ai benzilizochinolinei [1]. Izolarea morfinei din opiu de către Serterner în Germania în 1805, sinteza morfinei de către Tschudi în 1952 și fabricarea derivaților sintetici au facilitat amplificarea utilizărilor lor clinice cât și o creștere a responsabilității etice, sociale și juridice. Cercetările biofarmaceutice prin caracterizarea fizico-chimică și farmacocinetică a opioidelor (morfinei, hidromorfonei, fentanilului, metadonei, oxicodonei ș.a.) au constituit aspecte critice în determinarea căii de administrare și a formulării produselor farmaceutice. Încorporarea în matrițe polimerice, în sisteme cu cedare modificată și pompe osmotice au demonstrat o eficacitate mai bună a acestor compuși, reducerea efectelor adverse și a potențialului de abuz [2]. Concluzii. Rezultatele studiului au reliefat necesitatea cercetărilor biofarmaceutice ample în asociere cu un management clinic avansat, în vederea sporirii siguranței administrării și eliminării riscurilor posibile în urma terapiei cu opioide.Introduction. Opioids encompasses the whole class of drugs, chemicals (natural or synthetic), used since ancient times to annihilate acute pain in strokes, fractures, neoplasms, etc. The lethal poisonings, favored by the abuses of use, have induced internationally, since the ‘60s, the rigor of controlling the observance of the legal regime of narcotic and psychotropic plants, substances and preparations. Currently, multiple studies documented the formulation of products with prolonged, sustained and controlled release of opium derivatives from pharmaceutical systems, both for therapeutic optimization and for minimization the phenomenon of mental and physical dependence. Aim of work. Study of the history of opioid use, by highlighting the structural parameters and formulation technology for modern pharmaceuticals. Material and methods. In order to carry out the study, bibliographic and informative sources from the specialized literature, manuals, articles and periodicals were approached analytically. Results. Since the first historical dating of opium, in the Sumerian clay tablets, 8000 years ago, the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, people of the Middle Ages, Europeans from the Renaissance to the present, used opium as a medicine for various diseases. The opium, by ancient, millennial tradition, was obtained by cutting the immature capsules of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.), a annual plant native to Southern Europe and Asia. The latex in the capsules contains over 20 isoquinoline alkaloids from the group of morphine, codeine, thebaine and benzylisoquinoline derivatives [1]. The isolation of morphine from opium by Serterner in Germany in 1805, the synthesis of morphine by Tschudi in 1952 and the manufacture of synthetic derivatives facilitated the amplification of their clinical uses as well as the increase in ethical, social and legal responsibility. Biopharmaceutical research through the physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic characterization of opioids (morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, methadone, oxycodone, etc.) were critical aspects in determining the route of administration and formulation of pharmaceuticals. Incorporation into polymer matrix, modified-release systems and osmotic pumps has shown better efficacy of these compounds, reduced side effects and the potential for abuse [2]. Conclusions. The results of the study highlighted the need for extensive biopharmaceutical research in association with advanced clinical management, in order to increase the safety of administration and eliminate possible risks from opioid therapy


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    Currently, endometriosis is an important public health issue due to the increasing number of cases and the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial tumours(10% of ovarian endometrial carcinomas are associated with uterine endometrioid carcinomas), which has led to increased research into the mechanisms of appearance and progression of this condition.Although endometriosis is considered a benign chronic disease, it can show an invasive character causing severe symptoms. Endometriosis has an increasing incidence, affecting 2% of the general population, being the third gynecological cause of infertility, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea. Endometriosis affects 7-15% of women of childbearing age, with 25-30% of sterility cases having a significant social impact. Endometriomas are difficult to excise due to vascularization and increased adhesion of the cyst wall. Surgical treatment of endometriosis is effective in the short term. Surgery most often reduces ovarian reserve. The rate of recurrence after surgery can be reduced with the help of menstrual suppression medications such as hormonal contraceptives. Desogestrel treatment improves intraoperative conditions mainly by reducing bleeding and increasing laxity between cyst coat and normal ovarian tissue


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    Abstract. Through all the immediate and long-term consequences of estrogenic deprivation, menopause is an important public health issue with social, personal and economic impact. If immediate menopausal symptoms are sometimes noisy, the long-term, insidious consequences, especially cardiovascular and bone, are of major importance. In order to eliminate troublesome symptoms and prevent long-term consequences in order to provide a good quality of life for menopausal women, it is nowadays unanimously recognized that hormonal therapy is necessary in the context of adhering to recognized indications and contraindications, also rigourosly following the effects of therapy