4 research outputs found

    Absence Of Nocturnal Dipping Is Associated With Stroke And Myocardium Infarction [la Ausencia De Descenso Nocturno De La Presión Arterial Se Asocia A Accidente Cerebrovascular E Infarto De Miocardio]

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    Background: The arterial hypertension varies in according to the circadian cycle, presenting physiologic fall of blood pressure (BP) during sleep (dipping). The absence of this fall or its increase associates to higher incidence of target-organ damages. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of dipping in hypertensive individuals, to correlate dipping to the blood pressure levels, clinic, and socio-demographic factors, and biochemical characteristics and to associate it cardiovascular events (stroke and myocardial infarction). Methods: Hypertensive individuals were submitted to the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Presence of dipper was defined as fall ≥10% of the systolic BP of the day for sleep. Results: 163evaluated patients were divided in dippers (D, n=53) and nondippers (ND, n=110). Between the groups there was not significant difference to the age, sex, race, time of hypertension, glycemia, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, schooling, smoking, and history of diabetes. D presented BP higher than the ND during the day and lower during sleep. ND had higher body mass index (BMI) (p=0.0377), lower level of HDL-cholesterol (p=0.0189), and higher pulse pressure during sleep (p=0.0025). History of stroke alone (p=0,046) and combined with myocardial infarction (p=0.032) were more frequent in nondippers individuals. In the logistic regression, only ND was associated independently with stroke or myocardial infarction. Conclusion: ND was associated in an independent way with the target-organ damages analyzed, what demonstrates its importance and strengthens the necessity of more aggressive treatment with objective to reach BP goals e, consequently, to prevent the development of new cardiologic and cerebrovascular events.9417480IV Diretriz para uso da monitorização ambulatorio da presión arterial - II Diretriz para uso da monitorização residencial da presión arterial IV MAPA / II MRPA (2005) Arq Bras Cardiol, 85 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 1-18. , Sociedade Brasileira de CardiologiaClement, D.L., De Buvzere, M.L., De Bacquer, D.A., De Leeuw, P.W., Duprez, D.A., Fagard, R.H., Office versus Ambulatory Pressure Study Investigators. 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    Oogram studies in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with dexamethasone Oograma em camundongos infectados com Schistosoma mansoni e tratados com dexametasona

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    Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously), starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.<br>Camundongos infectados com cerca de 90 cercárias da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni foram tratados durante 5 dias consecutivos com dexametasona (50mg/ Kg, subcutaneamente) a partir do 42º dia de infecção. Grupos de cinco camundongos foram sacrificados diariamente após o primeiro dia do início do tratamento até o primeiro dia após o término. A perfusão do sistema porta foi feita e fragmentos do intestino foram processados para a realização de oogramas qualitativos e quantitativos. O tratamento leva a um maior número de ovos nos tecidos dos camundongos tratados, se comparado com os grupos não tratados. Nenhuma mudança foi observada na cinética de oviposição, e ovos viáveis em todos os estádios evolutivos foram observados nos tecidos de camundongos tratados e controles. Estes dados reforçam a hipótese de um bloqueio parcial na saída de ovos dos tecidos do intestino para o lúmem intestinal em camundongos imunossuprimidos