641 research outputs found

    Is Migration Feminized?

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    In the context of Turkey’s accession to the EU, the issue of potential migration from Turkey and its impact upon European labor markets became one of the concerns of the EU, considering Turkey’s growing population and young labor force. In 2011, half a century after the bi-lateral agreement between Turkey and Germany on labor recruitment in 1961, migration plays a key role in relations of Turkey with the EU and will even increase its significance – not necessarily for the next fifty years but certainly for the next decade. This book touches upon various aspects of the ongoing debate about the effects of Turkey’s accession to the EU upon the migration flows and sheds light on various dimensions of current panorama, addresses policy implications as well as future challenges and opportunities.In the context of Turkey’s accession to the EU, the issue of potential migration from Turkey and its impact upon European labor markets became one of the concerns of the EU, considering Turkey’s growing population and young labor force. In 2011, half a century after the bi-lateral agreement between Turkey and Germany on labor recruitment in 1961, migration plays a key role in relations of Turkey with the EU and will even increase its significance – not necessarily for the next fifty years but certainly for the next decade. This book touches upon various aspects of the ongoing debate about the effects of Turkey’s accession to the EU upon the migration flows and sheds light on various dimensions of current panorama, addresses policy implications as well as future challenges and opportunities

    Tarihi Kırkpınar’da Uygulanan Bazı Tekniklerin Analizine Biyomekanik Yaklaşım

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    DergiPark: 246033trakyafbdBu çalışmada, güreşin otantik uygulamalarından ve Yağlı güreşte de en çok kullanılan tekniklerden olan ‘İç Kazık’’ “Dış Kazık’ ve “Kaz Kanadı”nın denge merkezli biyomekanik yaklaşımla tanımlama ve analizi yapılmıştır. Bu branşta 10 yıllık spor yaşı olan, beden eğitimi ve spor yükseköğrenimi gören sporcuların bu teknikleri uygulamaları video ile kayıt edilerek tekniğe giriş, uygulama ve bitirişten oluşan üç fazının tanımlanması ile, bu branşın teknik eğitim metodolojisine katkı sağlanma amaçlandı. Bu çalışma da incelenen branş (yağlı güreş), müsabaka giysisi (kıspet) ve tüm vücudun teknikler sırasında yağlı olarak bulunuyor olması ve üç tekniğin de üç fazlı incelenmesi yeni kayıt olarak değerlendirildiThis study investigates the characterization and analysis of the most used technics of the authentic Turkish Oil Wrestling. The balance-centered biomechanical techniques of “Ic Kazik”, “Dis Kazik” and “Kaz Kanadi” were used in this study. The subjects, who are active wrestlers for the last 10 years and students of the school of Physical Education and Sport of Trakya Kirkpinar University, were analyzed by the video camera usage. The analysis was made in three phases of the oil wrestling techniques: the “entrance”, “performance” and “finishing” phases. The main purpose of the study was the contribute to the coaching techniques methodology of the sport; including the wrestling suit (called kispet), and greasing the total body with oil and three phases of the competition were examine

    Postmodern World, Postmodern Relationships: the Artist and Society Relationship in Barthelme’s Fiction

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    Bu makalede Amerikalı postmodern roman ve öykü yazarı Donald Barthelme’nin Sırça Dağ, Balon, ve Daumier isimli kısa öyküleri tek ölçünün para olduğu günümüz kitle toplumundaki sanatçı toplum ilişkileri açısından incelenmiş ve bu sistemden tek kaçışın sanat olduğu vurgulanmıştır.In this article, postmodern American fictionist Donald Barthelme's three short stories The Glass Mountain, The Balloon, and Daumier are analysed in terms of the artist and society relationship in today's mass society where the only criterion is money and the only escape from it is art

    Postmodern World, Postmodern Relationships: the Artist and Society Relationship in Barthelme’s Fiction

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    Bu makalede Amerikalı postmodern roman ve öykü yazarı Donald Barthelme’nin Sırça Dağ, Balon, ve Daumier isimli kısa öyküleri tek ölçünün para olduğu günümüz kitle toplumundaki sanatçı toplum ilişkileri açısından incelenmiş ve bu sistemden tek kaçışın sanat olduğu vurgulanmıştır.In this article, postmodern American fictionist Donald Barthelme's three short stories The Glass Mountain, The Balloon, and Daumier are analysed in terms of the artist and society relationship in today's mass society where the only criterion is money and the only escape from it is art


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    dis/cord is an experiment in reading sound. Embarking from Karen Barad’s early work on agential realism, it diffracts quantum physics through sound art, finding the sympathetic resonances that allow them to speak together. dis/cord believes in the materialism of sound, and strives not to understand it, but to become entangled with it. It asserts that impartial observation is impossible and understands immersion as a participatory and collaborative act. Sound art pieces provide the backdrop for a series of reflections on space, time, and matter. They trace the “marks on bodies” that sound leaves behind in its ephemeral vibration, finding new forms of sensation and interpretation through the pain and hearing loss that a life devoted to sound can cause. Drifting between sound studies, artistic research, musicology, and craftsmanship, dis/cord uses agential realism as a platform to approach thinking with, through, and about sound. Following Barad’s commitment to diffraction as a form of critique, it superposes a variety of sounds and ideas in the hope that their consonances and dissonances can provoke new ways of engaging with sound as a cultural and material agent. It is neither an appeal to scientist positivism nor a mystical immersion in listening. Rather, it builds from the intertwined physical and metaphysical curiosities that characterize Barad’s work, proposing a corporeal engagement with the disjointed temporal and spacial (dis)continuities that sonic materialism helps to build, understand, and create

    Badminton Dersi Alan Erkek Öğrencilerin Patlayıcı Güç Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    DergiPark: 246068trakyafbdBu çalışmanın amacı Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulu’nda badminton dersi alan erkek öğrencilerin patlayıcı güç özelliklerinin incelenmesi, badminton dersi almayan grupla karşılaştırılması ve olası farklılıkların nedenlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla yaşları 19 – 22 arasında değişen 2008–2009 eğitim-öğretim döneminde badminton dersini alan tüm öğrenciler (n=12) ile aynı sınıfta olup, badminton dersi almayan (n=16), toplam 28 erkek öğrencinin bazı biyolojik (yaş, boy, kilo) ve biyomotor özelliklerinin (sürat, dikey sıçrama, adım alma, hamle, durarak uzun atlama) değerleri alınarak elde edilen veriler karşılaştırılmıştır.The aim of this study is comparative assessment of rapidness of male students who took up Badminton course, with the group who didn’t take up badminton course and the determination of the reasons of possible differences between the two groups at Physical Education and Sport Academy. With that aim, some measurements such as motorik features(velocity, vertical jumping, stepping, attack, static jumping) and some biological features (age, height, kilo) of 28 male students that are in the same class between 19-22 were recorded who took up (n=12) badminton course and who didn’t (n=16) in 2008-2009 academic yearAccording to the measurement results, while there has been statistically, significant differences (p0,05) in terms of the averages of biological age(year), height(cm), kilo(kg), 10 meter(sec.), attack test between the students who voluntarily took the badminton course and who didn’t

    Source-mechanism from spectra of long-period seismic surface waves. 3. The Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958

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    Source-mechanism is derived from amplitude and phase spectra of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves of the Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958. The signals R_2, R_3, G_2, G_4, G_5 recorded on the Gilman 80–90 and the Press-Ewing 30–90 seismograph systems at Pasadena, California, are separated, digitized, filtered and Fourier-analyzed. An agreement between theory and observations is obtained for a unilateral fault of 300–350 km, which ruptured with a speed of 3-3.5 km/sec in the direction N40°W. Fault length is in good agreement with the extent of aftershock distribution in the month of July, 1958, and the time of rupture checks with the duration of an impressive T-phase recorded at Hawaii. The phases of the signals are corrected for propagation, instrumental shift and the source finiteness. Initial phases thus obtained agree on a mechanism of a right double-couple with a unit step-function in time

    Velocities of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves over multiple paths

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    Phase velocities of Love waves from five major earthquakes are measured over six great circle paths in the period range of 50 to 400 seconds. For two of the great circle paths the phase velocities of Rayleigh waves are also obtained. The digitized seismograph traces are Fourier analyzed, and the phase spectra are used in determining the phase velocities. Where the great circle paths are close, the phase velocities over these paths are found to be in very good agreement with each other indicating that the measured velocities are accurate and reliable. Phase velocities of Love waves over paths that lie far from each other are different, and this difference is consistent and much greater than the experimental error. From this it is concluded that there are lateral variations in the structure of the earth's mantle. One interpretation of this variation is that the mantle under the continents is different from that under the oceans, since the path with the highest phase velocities is almost completely oceanic. This interpretation, however, is not unique and variations under the oceans and continents are also possible. Group velocities are computed from the phase velocities and are also directly measured from the seismograms. The group-velocity curve of Love waves has a plateau between periods of 100 and 300 seconds with a shallow minimum at about 290 seconds. The sources of error in both Fourier analysis and direct time domain methods of phase velocity measurement are discussed

    Generalized Two-Dimensional Model Seismology with Application to Anisotropic Earth Models

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    The theory of two-dimensional seismic modeling is generalized to include the effect of anisotropy. The elastic coefficient matrix for a plate with orthorhombic symmetry is derived and is used to convert three-dimensional anisotropic problems into corresponding two-dimensional model problems. This is equivalent to replacing directional body velocities by the directional plate velocities. In addition to the application to seismic modeling, this can be considered a contribution to the basic theory of long waves in anisotropic plates. As such it has application to such problems as long waves in floating ice sheets. A model consisting of an anisotropic layer over an anisotropic half-space is constructed using a formica layer and a grooved aluminum plate. It is shown that rolled metal sheets can be made appreciably anisotropic by machining grooves in the surface. The experimental Rayleigh wave phase velocities are compared with the theoretical dispersion curves computed using isotropic and anisotropic theories. Two-layer circular models of the earth, one with an isotropic and the other with an anisotropic upper mantle, are fabricated, and a comparative study of body and surface waves is made. It is found that the relative effect of anisotropy is greater on surface waves than on body waves