8 research outputs found

    Predictors of health workers' knowledge about artesunate-based severe malaria treatment recommendations in government and faith-based hospitals in Kenya

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    BACKGROUND:Health workers' knowledge deficiencies about artesunate-based severe malaria treatment recommendations have been reported. However, predictors of the treatment knowledge have not been examined. In this paper, predictors of artesunate-based treatment knowledge among inpatient health workers in two hospital sectors in Kenya are reported. METHODS:Secondary analysis of 367 and 330 inpatient health workers randomly selected and interviewed at 47 government hospitals in 2016 and 43 faith-based hospitals in 2017 respectively, was undertaken. Multilevel ordinal and binary logistic regressions examining the effects of 11 factors on five knowledge outcomes in government and faith-based hospital sectors were performed. RESULTS:Among respective government and faith-based health workers, about a third of health workers had high knowledge of artesunate treatment policies (30.8% vs 32.9%), a third knew all dosing intervals (33.5% vs 33.3%), about half knew preparation solutions (49.9% vs 55.8%), half to two-thirds knew artesunate dose for both weight categories (50.8% vs 66.7%) and over three-quarters knew the preferred route of administration (78.7% vs 82.4%). Eight predictors were significantly associated with at least one of the examined knowledge outcomes. In the government sector, display of artesunate administration posters, paediatric ward allocation and repeated surveys were significantly associated with more than one of the knowledge outcomes. In the faith-based hospitals, availability of artesunate at hospitals and health worker pre-service training were associated with multiple outcomes. Exposure to in-service malaria case-management training and access to malaria guidelines were only associated with higher knowledge about artesunate treatment policy. CONCLUSION:Programmatic interventions ensuring display of artesunate administration posters in the wards, targeting of health workers managing adult patients in the medical wards, and repeated knowledge assessments are likely to be beneficial for improving the knowledge of government health workers about artesunate-based severe malaria treatment recommendations. The availability of artesunate and focus on improvements of nurses' knowledge should be prioritized at the faith-based hospitals

    Tobacco consumption and nicotine dependence in Bengo Province, Angola: A community-based survey.

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    There is concern about the potentially increasing use of tobacco in Angola. However, information on the frequency and determinants of this use is not systematised. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of tobacco consumption and nicotine dependence among smokers in an Angolan population and considering individual socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics. A community-based survey with 2,472 respondents (age range: 15-64 years) was conducted in 2013-2014 in the country's Bengo Province. The collection methodology for assessing each type of tobacco consumption and its daily quantification followed the World Health Organization STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance. The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence was also used to assess smokers. Mean values for prevalence of tobacco use and nicotine dependence were estimated by sex and by previously defined variables. Daily smoking (6.1%) was found to be higher for males (10.0%) them among females (2.6%), and the amount of ex-smokers (7.5%) was higher them smokers. Only 0.2% of those surveyed reported use of smokeless (chewing) tobacco. One-third of ever-smokers reported having started smoking daily before age 18. Nicotine dependence levels were classified as very low or low in 83.6% of the smokers. Daily smoking prevalence increased with age, and was higher in rural areas and among individuals with no formal education, lower incomes, and alcohol consumption. This population presented a low smoking prevalence, along with a low number of daily smoked cigarettes and low levels of nicotine dependency, despite the low prices of, and easy access to, manufactured cigarettes. These two factors conjugated with the current absence of an Angolan policy for tobacco control, enhance the susceptibility for rising overall tobacco use in the near future