3,021 research outputs found

    Almost Perfect Privacy for Additive Gaussian Privacy Filters

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    We study the maximal mutual information about a random variable YY (representing non-private information) displayed through an additive Gaussian channel when guaranteeing that only ϵ\epsilon bits of information is leaked about a random variable XX (representing private information) that is correlated with YY. Denoting this quantity by gϵ(X,Y)g_\epsilon(X,Y), we show that for perfect privacy, i.e., ϵ=0\epsilon=0, one has g0(X,Y)=0g_0(X,Y)=0 for any pair of absolutely continuous random variables (X,Y)(X,Y) and then derive a second-order approximation for gϵ(X,Y)g_\epsilon(X,Y) for small ϵ\epsilon. This approximation is shown to be related to the strong data processing inequality for mutual information under suitable conditions on the joint distribution PXYP_{XY}. Next, motivated by an operational interpretation of data privacy, we formulate the privacy-utility tradeoff in the same setup using estimation-theoretic quantities and obtain explicit bounds for this tradeoff when ϵ\epsilon is sufficiently small using the approximation formula derived for gϵ(X,Y)g_\epsilon(X,Y).Comment: 20 pages. To appear in Springer-Verla

    Crohn's disease activity index and Vienna classification - Is it worthwhile to calculate before surgery?

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) patients with increased disease activity may reveal an increased risk for perioperative complications. The `Crohn's disease activity index' (CDAI) and the `Vienna classification' (VC) were developed for standardized disease activity estimations. The significance of these scores to predict extent, type and early outcome of surgery in CD patients was analyzed. Methods: In 179 surgically treated CD patients, the CDAI and VC were assessed from a prospective database. Relations of the scores with CD risk factors, type, number, location and complications of surgery were analyzed. Results: VC behavior and location subtypes were associated with distinct types of surgery (i.e. `strictureplasty' in `stricturing disease', `colon surgery' in `colon involvement'), but not with surgery type and extent or outcome. Surgery extent (i.e. with 5 vs. 3 `surgical sites' 425 +/- 25 vs. 223.3 +/- 25) and complications (357.1 +/- 36.9 (with) vs. 244.4 +/- 13 (without)) were associated with elevated CDAI levels; however, nicotine abuse remained the only significant risk factor for perioperative complications after multiple logistic regression. Conclusion: The significance of VC or CDAI for predicting the extent of surgery or complications is limited. None of the tested variables except preoperative nicotine abuse influenced the likelihood for perioperative complications. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Base

    The Rydberg-Atom-Cavity Axion Search

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    We report on the present progress in development of the dark matter axion search experiment with Rydberg-atom-cavity detectors in Kyoto, CARRACK I and CARRACK II. The axion search has been performed with CARRACK I in the 8 % mass range around 10μeV 10 \mu {\rm eV} , and CARRACK II is now ready for the search in the wide range 2μeV50μeV 2 \mu {\rm eV} - 50 \mu {\rm eV} . We have also developed quantum theoretical calculations on the axion-photon-atom system in the resonant cavity in order to estimate precisely the detection sensitivity for the axion signal. Some essential features on the axion-photon-atom interaction are clarified, which provide the optimum experimental setup for the axion search.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Invited talk presented at the Dark2000, Heidelberg, Germany,10-15 July, 200

    Selective expansion of viral variants following experimental transmission of a reconstituted feline immunodeficiency virus quasispecies

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    Following long-term infection with virus derived from the pathogenic GL8 molecular clone of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a range of viral variants emerged with distinct modes of interaction with the viral receptors CD134 and CXCR4, and sensitivities to neutralizing antibodies. In order to assess whether this viral diversity would be maintained following subsequent transmission, a synthetic quasispecies was reconstituted comprising molecular clones bearing envs from six viral variants and its replicative capacity compared in vivo with a clonal preparation of the parent virus. Infection with either clonal (Group 1) or diverse (Group 2) challenge viruses, resulted in a reduction in CD4+ lymphocytes and an increase in CD8+ lymphocytes. Proviral loads were similar in both study groups, peaking by 10 weeks post-infection, a higher plateau (set-point) being achieved and maintained in study Group 1. Marked differences in the ability of individual viral variants to replicate were noted in Group 2; those most similar to GL8 achieved higher viral loads while variants such as the chimaeras bearing the B14 and B28 Envs grew less well. The defective replication of these variants was not due to suppression by the humoral immune response as virus neutralising antibodies were not elicited within the study period. Similarly, although potent cellular immune responses were detected against determinants in Env, no qualitative differences were revealed between animals infected with either the clonal or the diverse inocula. However, in vitro studies indicated that the reduced replicative capacity of variants B14 and B28 in vivo was associated with altered interactions between the viruses and the viral receptor and co-receptor. The data suggest that viral variants with GL8-like characteristics have an early, replicative advantage and should provide the focus for future vaccine development

    The Founder’s Lecture 2009: advances in imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis

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    The objective of this review article is to provide an update on new developments in imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis over the past three decades. A literature review is presented that summarizes the highlights in the development of bone mineral density measurements, bone structure imaging, and vertebral fracture assessment in osteoporosis as well as MR-based semiquantitative assessment of osteoarthritis and quantitative cartilage matrix imaging. This review focuses on techniques that have impacted patient management and therapeutic decision making or that potentially will affect patient care in the near future. Results of pertinent studies are presented and used for illustration. In summary, novel developments have significantly impacted imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis over the past three decades

    TogoDoc Server/Client System: Smart Recommendation and Efficient Management of Life Science Literature

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    In this paper, we describe a server/client literature management system specialized for the life science domain, the TogoDoc system (Togo, pronounced Toe-Go, is a romanization of a Japanese word for integration). The server and the client program cooperate closely over the Internet to provide life scientists with an effective literature recommendation service and efficient literature management. The content-based and personalized literature recommendation helps researchers to isolate interesting papers from the “tsunami” of literature, in which, on average, more than one biomedical paper is added to MEDLINE every minute. Because researchers these days need to cover updates of much wider topics to generate hypotheses using massive datasets obtained from public databases or omics experiments, the importance of having an effective literature recommendation service is rising. The automatic recommendation is based on the content of personal literature libraries of electronic PDF papers. The client program automatically analyzes these files, which are sometimes deeply buried in storage disks of researchers' personal computers. Just saving PDF papers to the designated folders makes the client program automatically analyze and retrieve metadata, rename file names, synchronize the data to the server, and receive the recommendation lists of newly published papers, thus accomplishing effortless literature management. In addition, the tag suggestion and associative search functions are provided for easy classification of and access to past papers (researchers who read many papers sometimes only vaguely remember or completely forget what they read in the past). The TogoDoc system is available for both Windows and Mac OS X and is free. The TogoDoc Client software is available at http://tdc.cb.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/, and the TogoDoc server is available at https://docman.dbcls.jp/pubmed_recom

    Co-existence of a giant splenic hemangioma and multiple hepatic hemangiomas and the potential association with the use of oral contraceptives: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hepatic and splenic hemangiomas are common benign tumors that mainly affect female patients. Giant splenic hemangiomas are extremely rare, especially when correlated with multiple hepatic hemangiomas. Pathogenetic mechanisms between hemangiomas and oral contraceptives, as well as therapeutic approaches, are analyzed in this case report, in particular for the management of synchronous splenic and hepatic hemangiomas.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report here a 42-year-old woman with a giant splenic hemangioma, multiple hepatic hemangiomas and a history of oral estrogen intake for many years. At first it was difficult to determine the organ from which the giant hemangioma originated. Angiography proved extremely helpful in tracing its origin in the spleen. Hematomas in the giant hemangioma posed a significant threat of rupture and catastrophic hemorrhage. We left the small hepatic hemangiomas in place, and removed the spleen along with the giant splenic hemangioma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Diagnostic pitfalls in the determination of the origin of this giant hemangioma, attribution of its origin to the spleen angiographically, the unusual co-existence of the giant splenic hemangioma with multiple hepatic ones, and the potential threat of rupture of the giant hemangioma are some of the highlights of this case report. Estrogen administration represents a pathogenic factor that has been associated with hemangiomas in solid organs of the abdominal cavity. The therapeutic dilemma between resection and embolization of giant hemangiomas is another point of discussion in this case report. Splenectomy for the giant splenic hemangioma eliminates the risk of rupture and malignant degeneration, whereas observation for the small hepatic ones (<4 cm) was the preferable therapeutic strategy in our patient.</p

    Modulation of the virus-receptor interaction by mutations in the V5 loop of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) following in vivo escape from neutralising antibody

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    &lt;b&gt;BACKGROUND:&lt;/b&gt; In the acute phase of infection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), the virus targets activated CD4+ T cells by utilising CD134 (OX40) as a primary attachment receptor and CXCR4 as a co-receptor. The nature of the virus-receptor interaction varies between isolates; strains such as GL8 and CPGammer recognise a "complex" determinant on CD134 formed by cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) 1 and 2 of the molecule while strains such as PPR and B2542 require a more "simple" determinant comprising CRD1 only for infection. These differences in receptor recognition manifest as variations in sensitivity to receptor antagonists. In this study, we ask whether the nature of the virus-receptor interaction evolves in vivo.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;RESULTS:&lt;/b&gt; Following infection with a homogeneous viral population derived from a pathogenic molecular clone, a quasispecies emerged comprising variants with distinct sensitivities to neutralising antibody and displaying evidence of conversion from a "complex" to a "simple" interaction with CD134. Escape from neutralising antibody was mediated primarily by length and sequence polymorphisms in the V5 region of Env, and these alterations in V5 modulated the virus-receptor interaction as indicated by altered sensitivities to antagonism by both anti-CD134 antibody and soluble CD134.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;CONCLUSIONS:&lt;/b&gt; The FIV-receptor interaction evolves under the selective pressure of the host humoral immune response, and the V5 loop contributes to the virus-receptor interaction. Our data are consistent with a model whereby viruses with distinct biological properties are present in early versus late infection and with a shift from a "complex" to a "simple" interaction with CD134 with time post-infection.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt