26 research outputs found

    Selective autophagy degrades DICER and AGO2 and regulates miRNA activity.

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) form a class of short RNAs (∌ 21 nucleotides) that post-transcriptionally regulate partially complementary messenger RNAs. Each miRNA may target tens to hundreds of transcripts to control key biological processes. Although the biochemical reactions underpinning miRNA biogenesis and activity are relatively well defined and the importance of their homeostasis is increasingly evident, the processes underlying regulation of the miRNA pathway in vivo are still largely elusive. Autophagy, a degradative process in which cytoplasmic material is targeted into double-membrane vacuoles, is recognized to critically contribute to cellular homeostasis. Here, we show that the miRNA-processing enzyme, DICER (also known as DICER1), and the main miRNA effector, AGO2 (also known as eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2C, 2 (EIF2C2)), are targeted for degradation as miRNA-free entities by the selective autophagy receptor NDP52 (also known as calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 2 (CALCOCO2)). Autophagy establishes a checkpoint required for continued loading of miRNA into AGO2; accordingly, NDP52 and autophagy are required for homeostasis and activity of the tested miRNAs. Autophagy also engages post-transcriptional regulation of the DICER mRNA, underscoring the importance of fine-tuned regulation of the miRNA pathway. These findings have implications for human diseases linked to misregulated autophagy, DICER- and miRNA-levels, including cancer

    Ecological strategy for soil contaminated with mercury

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    Aims The paper presents results from plot experiments aimed at the development of an ecological strategy for soil contaminated with mercury. Meadow grass (Poa pratensis) was tested on mercury contaminated soil in a former chlor-alkali plant (CAP) in southern Poland for its phytoremediation potential. Methods The stabilisation potential of the plants was investigated on plots without additives and after the addition of granular sulphur. Biomass production, uptake and distribution of mercury by plants, as well as leachates and rhizosphere microorganisms were investigated, along with the growth and vitality of plants during one growing season. Results The analysed plants grew easily on mercury contaminated soil, accumulating lower amounts of mercury, especially in the roots, from soil with additive of granular sulphur (0.5 % w/w) and sustained a rich microbial population in the rhizosphere. After amendment application the reduction of Hg evaporation was observed. Conclusions The obtained results demonstrate the potential of using Poa pratensis and sulphur for remediation of mercury contaminated soil and reduction of the Hg evaporation from soil. In the presented study, methods of Hg reduction on “hot spots” were proposed, with a special focus on environmental protection. This approach provides a simple remediation tool for large areas heavily contaminated with mercury

    Indole-3-butyric acid accelerates adventitious root formation and impedes shoot growth of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis cuttings

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    Many plantation tree species are cloned to achieve the growth, disease resistance and wood quality characteristics required for a successful economic venture. However, clonal propagation is limited by declines in adventitious root formation with increasing stock plant age. We examined the effects of immediate or delayed IBA application on adventitious root formation and subsequent root and shoot development of cuttings harvested from 8-year-old clonal hedge plants of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis. IBA applied at the time of setting accelerated root formation, elevating the percentage of cuttings with roots at 13 weeks post-setting from 45 to 78% and from 83 to 93% for a low- and a high-rooting clone, respectively. Final rooting percentages for the same treatments and clones (78 and 85%, and 88 and 100%, respectively, at 20 weeks post-setting) were not significantly affected by IBA application. IBA increased the root:shoot ratio of rooted cuttings by decreasing shoot weight compared with untreated cuttings, without affecting root weight, root length, root surface area or root volume. IBA was only effective when applied at the time of setting. A simple IBA treatment for cuttings from 8-year-old clonal hedges, by accelerating root production, has potential for reducing nursery costs and increasing the root system quality of containerised pine cuttings. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V