15 research outputs found

    Bioactive compounds in tomatoes: effect of organic vs conventional management in Parma in 2006

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    External and internal factors such as variety, season, location, ripening, growing conditions, technological and domestic processes could affect the content of bioactive compounds in food. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different agronomical practices (organic vs conventional) on the nutritional quality of tomatoes. Fresh tomatoes (cv. Perfectpeel), cultivated under organic and conventional practices were analysed for vitamin C, lycopene, -carotene, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, naringenin, rutin, quercetin, Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) and Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP). CaCO2 monolayer cell cultures were used for testing membrane damage by Trans Epithelial Electrical Resistance(TEER). Results showed that for lycopene, naringenin and rutin no significant differences were observed. For -carotene and coumaric acid significantly higher values were found in organic samples. Values of vitamin C, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, quercetin and TAC were significantly higher in conventional tomato, but the FRAP values were significantly higher in organic tomato. The observed TEER values were not significant different between organic and conventional tomato

    Casi di studio

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    L'analisi attraverso lo studio di casi aziendali ha comportato qualche rischio per il buon esito della ricerca. Come \ue8 noto, infatti, le analisi qualitative in genere e quelle condotte attraverso casi di studio in particolare consentono un maggiore approfondimento nell\u2019analisi, ma al tempo stesso soffrono di una scarsa estendibilit\ue0 dei risultati. Il riferimento ad un numero ridotto di casi aziendali e la loro selezione con metodiche non riconducibili ad un processo di campionamento statistico impediscono, in effetti, che le informazioni acquisite sui soggetti osservati possano essere estese anche agli altri soggetti della medesima popolazione. E' pur vero, tuttavia, che lo studio approfondito di un\u2019azienda, della sua storia, del suo essere e del suo fare consente di comprendere appieno quali siano i fattori che ne hanno determinato il successo ed anche i limiti che ne condizionano lo sviluppo, fino a minacciarne, talvolta, l\u2019esistenza futura

    Epoca de Colheita e Qualidade das Sementes da Cultivar de Arroz Irrigado 'IAC-444'.

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    A epoca de colheita e um dos mais importantes fatores que influenciam as caracteristicas da semente de arroz, seja para plantio ou consumo. Com o objetivo de determinar uma faixa adequada de colheita do arroz (Oryza sativa L.) irrigado 'IAC-4440', sementes dessa cultivar foram colhidas aos 15, 22, 29, 36, 43 e 50 dias apos o florescimento e avaliadas quanto a umidade, viabilidade, peso seco de 100 sementes, peso hectolitrico, rendimento de graos inteiros, producao e armazenabilidade. O material obtido aos 15 e 22 dias revelou-se deficiente em todas as variaveis estudadas. As sementes colhidas aos 29 dias mostraram boa qualidade, porem, a producao foi inferior a dos periodos subsequentes. Aquelas provenientes da colheita aos 50 dias exibiram bom comportamento, exceto no rendimento de graos inteiros. A melhor faixa de colheita foi a de 36 a 43 dias apos o florescimento, quando as sementes apresentaram indices superiores de qualidade, producao a armazenabilidade

    Beyond Rebellion of the Net: Infrastructural Commoning as Critical Cultural Literacy

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    This article offers a critical interpretation of the recent cultural and political history of artistic engagements with digital technologies in contemporary Mexico, considering some of them in relation to changing notions of cultural literacy under neoliberal globalization. While educational social research in Latin America has its own critical traditions for studying literacy as a social practice embedded in power relations, art theory and criticism in Mexico and abroad have barely raised the question of new media art’s specific relevance to questions of literacy. Through a cultural and media studies lens acting as a bridge between art theory and criticism on the one hand, and educational research on literacy on the other hand, this article shows how, during the neoliberal conjuncture, artistic engagements with digital technologies articulated cultural experimentation with grassroots political struggles and mediated wider processes of economic and technological transformation. We suggest that new media art, as a post-autonomous practice in times of transition, introduced questions of digital commoning as concerns for cultural literacy in a broad sense. We argue, however, for a non-instrumental and open-ended infrastructural understanding of art’s educational role in relation to ongoing historical conjunctures