1,559 research outputs found

    Search for exotic Higgs outside the MSSM

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    Search for exotic Higgs outside the MSSM

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    Recent preliminary results of searches for Higgs bosons outside the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) are summarised. These results are based on data from the four LEP experiments: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, at a centre-of-mass energies up to 189 GeV. Some new results from the two Tevatron experiments: CDF and D0, are also presented. Finally, the potential mass reach for exotic Higgs at future accelerators are discussed

    Modelling the relative velocities of isolated pairs of galaxies

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    We study the comoving relative velocities, v12, of model isolated galaxy pairs at z=0.5. For this purpose, we use the predictions from the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution based on a Lambda cold dark matter cosmology consistent with the results from WMAP7. In real space, we find that isolated pairs of galaxies are predicted to form an angle t with the line-of-sight that is uniformily distributed as expected if the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic. We also find that isolated pairs of galaxies separated by a comoving distance between 1 and 3 Mpc/h are predicted to have =0. For galaxies in this regime, the distribution of the angle t is predicted to change minimally from real to redshift space, with a change smaller than 5% in . However, the distances defining the comoving regime strongly depends on the applied isolation criteria.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, SF2A 2013 Proceedin

    Prospects for Dark Energy Evolution: a Frequentist Multi-Probe Approach

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    A major quest in cosmology is the understanding of the nature of dark energy. It is now well known that a combination of cosmological probes is required to break the underlying degeneracies on cosmological parameters. In this paper, we present a method, based on a frequentist approach, to combine probes without any prior constraints, taking full account of the correlations in the parameters. As an application, a combination of current SNIa and CMB data with an evolving dark energy component is first compared to other analyses. We emphasise the consequences of the implementation of the dark energy perturbations on the result for a time varying equation of state. The impact of future weak lensing surveys on the measurement of dark energy evolution is then studied in combination with future measurements of the cosmic microwave background and type Ia supernovae. We present the combined results for future mid-term and long-term surveys and confirm that the combination with weak lensing is very powerful in breaking parameter degeneracies. A second generation of experiment is however required to achieve a 0.1 error on the parameters describing the evolution of dark energy.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics 14 pages, 8 figure

    Catastrophic Photo-z Errors and the Dark Energy Parameter Estimates with Cosmic Shear

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    We study the impact of catastrophic errors occurring in the photometric redshifts of galaxies on cosmological parameter estimates with cosmic shear tomography. We consider a fiducial survey with 9-filter set and perform photo-z measurement simulations. It is found that a fraction of 1% galaxies at z_{spec}~0.4 is misidentified to be at z_{phot}~3.5. We then employ both chi^2 fitting method and the extension of Fisher matrix formalism to evaluate the bias on the equation of state parameters of dark energy, w_0 and w_a, induced by those catastrophic outliers. By comparing the results from both methods, we verify that the estimation of w_0 and w_a from the fiducial 5-bin tomographic analyses can be significantly biased. To minimize the impact of this bias, two strategies can be followed: (A) the cosmic shear analysis is restricted to 0.5<z<2.5 where catastrophic redshift errors are expected to be insignificant; (B) a spectroscopic survey is conducted for galaxies with 3<z_{phot}<4. We find that the number of spectroscopic redshifts needed scales as N_{spec} \propto f_{cata}\times A where f_{cata}=1% is the fraction of catastrophic redshift errors (assuming a 9-filter photometric survey) and A is the survey area. For A=1000 {deg}^2, we find that N_{spec}>320 and 860 respectively in order to reduce the joint bias in (w_0,w_a) to be smaller than 2\sigma and 1\sigma. This spectroscopic survey (option B) will improve the Figure of Merit of option A by a factor \times 1.5 thus making such a survey strongly desirable.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, as accepted for publication in Ap

    Jackknife resampling technique on mocks: an alternative method for covariance matrix estimation

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    We present a fast and robust alternative method to compute covariance matrix in case of cosmology studies. Our method is based on the jackknife resampling applied on simulation mock catalogues. Using a set of 600 BOSS DR11 mock catalogues as a reference, we find that the jackknife technique gives a similar galaxy clustering covariance matrix estimate by requiring a smaller number of mocks. A comparison of convergence rates show that \sim7 times fewer simulations are needed to get a similar accuracy on variance. We expect this technique to be applied in any analysis where the number of available N-body simulations is low.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    On the determination of the deceleration parameter from Supernovae data

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    Supernovae searches have shown that a simple matter-dominated and decelerating universe should be ruled out. However a determination of the present deceleration parameter q0q_0 through a simple kinematical description is not exempt of possible drawbacks. We show that, with a time dependent equation of state for the dark energy, a bias is present for q0q_0 : models which are very far from the so-called Concordance Model can be accommodated by the data and a simple kinematical analysis can lead to wrong conclusions. We present a quantitative treatment of this bias and we present our conclusions when a possible dynamical dark energy is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    On a weak Gauss law in general relativity and torsion

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    We present an explicit example showing that the weak Gauss law of general relativity (with cosmological constant) fails in Einstein-Cartan's theory. We take this as an indication that torsion might replace dark matter.Comment: 10 pages. Version 2 corrects a factor 3 in Cartan's equations to become

    Long Lasting Persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp. israelensis (Bti) in Mosquito Natural Habitats

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    Background: The detrimental effects of chemical insecticides on the environment and human health have lead to the call for biological alternatives. Today, one of the most promising solutions is the use of spray formulations based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) in insect control programs. As a result, the amounts of Bti spread in the environment are expected to increase worldwide, whilst the common belief that commercial Bti is easily cleared from the ecosystem has not yet been clearly established. Methodology/Main Findings: In this study, we aimed to determine the nature and origin of the high toxicity toward mosquito larvae found in decaying leaf litter collected in several natural mosquito breeding sites in the Rhône-Alpes region. From the toxic fraction of the leaf litter, we isolated B. cereus-like bacteria that were further characterized as B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis using PCR amplification of specific toxin genes. Immunological analysis of these Bti strains showed that they belong to the H14 group. We finally used amplified length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to show that the strains isolated from the leaf litter were closely related to those present in the commercial insecticide used for field application, and differed from natural worldwide genotypes. Conclusions/Significance: Our results raise the issue of the persistence, potential proliferation and environmental accumulation of human-spread Bti in natural mosquito habitats. Such Bti environmental persistence may lengthen th