406 research outputs found

    A study of the pharmacology of the alimentary tract of the domestic fowl

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    IN VIVO STUDY OF THE UPPER ALIMENTARY TRACT OF THE FOWL 1. Vagal stimulation produoed contractions of the pre-orop oesophagus, crop and stomaohs (proventrlculus and gizzard) and a fall in arterial blood pressure. Stimulation of the descending oesophageal nerve produced contractions of the pre-orop oesophagus and crop but had no effect on the stomachs or blood pressure. 2. The residual response of the orop to high cervioal vagal stimulation after cutting the recurrent nerve was very small, suggesting that the reourrent nerve supplied the main efferent vagal fibres to the crop. The response of the blood pressure to high cervical vagal stimulation was not affected by cutting the reourrent branch of the vagus and stimulation of the cut reourrent nerve had no effect on the blood pressure, suggesting an absence of cardiac vagal fibres in the recurrent nerve. 3. The effects of stimulation of the vagus or descending oesophageal nerve were potentiated by physostigmine and abolished by hyoscine, suggesting that these nerves are cholinergic; but hexamethonium did not abolish responses to nerve stimulation. 4. In decerebrate chiokens not anaesthetized with pentobarbitone, Intravenous hyosoine abolished the contractions of the oesophagus to vagal or descending oesophageal nerve stimulationTHE CHICKEN ISOLATED OESOPHAGUS 1. Contractions of the ohicken isolated oesophagus produced by stimulation of the vagus and desoending oesophageal nerves were potentiated by physostigmine and abolished by hyoscine (1 to 100 pg/ml) if the duration of stimulation was less than 5 sec, but prolonged stimulation produced contractions not antagonized by hyoscine. The contractions were not abolished by hexaoethonium or tuboourarine even when the nerves were stimulated for less than 5 sec. 2. The oontraotions to nerve stimulation were abolished by oooaine and nerve section, showing that the plain musole was not stimulated directly. Bretylium, mepyramine and methysergide did not antagonize the contraction to nerve stimulation, however, suggesting a lack of involvement of noradrenaline, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine, respectively, in the transmission of Impulses producing the byoscine-resistant response. 3. Hyosoine-resistant contractions of the oesophagus to nerve stimulation were obtained from thin external muscle preparations, and previous intravenous injection of hyoscine into ohioks did not prevent subsequently isolated oesophageal preparations from contracting to nerve stimulation, nor did exposure to hyaluronidase modify the effect of hyoscine on the contractions to nerve stimulation, suggesting that resistance to complete block by hyoscine is probably not due to an inability of the drug to diffuse into the preparations. 4. Prolonged nerve stimulation of an isolated oesophagus preparation did not produce a contraction of a preparation of isolated guinea-pig ileum or post-orop chick oesophagus suspended in the same organ hath. 5. It seems possible that small amounts of a slow contracting substanoe were released from the stimulated nerves together with acetylcholine, although suoh a substanoe could not be pharmacologically detected in the bathing solution.SELECTION OF DRUGS FOR BLOCKING ADRENERGIC NEURONES AND A- AND B-RECEPTORS 1. Stimulation of the Remak nerve produced a contraction of the rectum but when the tone of the preparation was raised with acetyl-p-methylcholine, nerve stimulation produeed a transient oontraotion followed by a relaxation. Pharmacological characterisation of the relaxing fibres of the Remak nerve necessitated an in vitro evaluation of drugs which block adrenergic neurones and a- and {3-reoeptora. 2. Propranolol was 26 times as potent as MJ-1999 in blocking the hypogastric nerve of the guinea-pig, but it was 550 times as potent in antagonising the action of isoprenaline on the j3-reoeptors of the chick rectum, showing that propranolol was the drug which was most likely to block (3-reoeptors without producing a nerve block. Moreover, propranolol (0.05 pg/ml) did not antagonize contractions of the chlck rectum to acetylcholine or histamine whereas MJ-1999, at a concentration which was equipotent with propranolol (0.05 i^g/nil) in blocking isoprenaline, antagonized both agonists. Thus propranolol (0.05 jig/ml) was selected for experiments with the ohiok Remak nerve-reotum preparation. 3. Tolazoline, but not phentolamine, potentiated contractions of the guinea-pig vas deferens to hypogastric nerve stimulation, making it an unsuitable drug for antagonizing the action of a neurotransmitter at a-receptors. Furthermore, tolazoline (10 pg/ml) antagonized histamine acting on the chick rectum, whereas phentolamine (0,1 ng/ml), which was equipotent with tolazoline on the rat seminal vesicle, did not. Phentolamine (0,1 pg/ml) was therefore seleoted for blocking the a-receptors of the chick rectum, 4. Bretylium (10 pg/ml) blocked contractions of the guinea-pig vas deferens to hypogastric nerve stimulation, but it did not antagonize contractions of the guinea-pig oesophagus to vagal stimulation or contractions of the ohick rectum to acetylcholine or histamine. Thus bretylium (10 pg/ml) produced a specific block of adrenergic neurones and was used for this purpose in experiments with the ohick isolated Remak nerve-rectum preparation.THE CHICK ISOLATED REMAK NERVE-RECTUM PREPARATION 1. Contractions of the rectum to Remak nerve stimulation resisted complete block by hyosoine as did the contractions of the chick isolated oesophagus to vagal and descending oesophageal nerve stimulation, but the rectal contractions, unlike the oesophageal contractions, were usually abolished by hexamethonium and tubocurarine. 2, Phenylephrine, which typioally stimulates a-reoeptors, produced relaxations of the rectum which were greatly inhibited by propranolol but not phentolamine. A small residual relaxation to phenylephrine persisted in the presence of propranolol, and this was abolished by phentolamine. This suggests that nearly all of the sympathomimetic receptors of the chick rectum were stimulated by phenylephrine and blooked by propranolol, although these two drugs do not normally combine with the same reoeptor. 3. Propranolol only antagonized noradrenaline when isoprenaline and phenylephrine were tested on the same preparation. Furthermore, antagonism of the relaxation of the rectum to Reraak nerve stimulation by propranolol was greatest in experiments where isoprenaline and phenylephrine were tested. This suggests that isoprenaline and/or phenylephrine had an influence on the combination of noradrenaline and/or propranolol with the sympathomimetic receptors. 4. Relaxations of the reotum to Remak nerve stimulation were abolished by a combination of propranolol and phentolamine, and were inhibited by bretylium or by pretreatment with reserpine, suggesting the release of a noradrenaline-like substance from sympathetic fibres contributed by the coeliao plexus.Records obtained from the upper alimentary tract were of the circular muscles in vivo but of the longitudinal musoles in vitr

    Procjena anthelmintičke učinkovitosti pripravaka albendazola i ivermektina u magaraca u Darfuru u Sudanu

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    The therapeutic efficacies of albendazole and ivermectin drench formulation at the manufacturerā€™s recommended dose were evaluated in a controlled trial in Nyala town, South Darfur State, Sudan. The study involved 24 donkeys naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes; they were divided into four groups of equal size. Albendazole was administered orally once at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg body mass, or twice, 14 days apart at dose rate of 10 mg/kg body mass. Ivermectin was administered orally as a single dose at 200 Ī¼g/kg body mass. Treatment efficacy was based on the mean faecal egg count reduction 14 days post treatment. A faecal egg count reduction of 100% was found after treatment with albendazole and ivermectin. In addition efficacy percentages of albendazole and ivermectin against immature and adult nematodes were as follows: Trichostrongylus axei 67.09% and 100%, Parascaris equorum 100% and 100%, Oxyuris equi 100% and 100%, Strongylus sp. 98.4% and 100%; and small strongyles 100% and 100%. Albendazole single and twice and ivermectin with the single dose showed moderate efficacy (33%, 59.08% and 62.71%, respectively) against larvae found in the cranial mesenteric artery aneurisms. No adverse reactions were observed in treated donkeys during the experiment period.Učinkovitost pripravaka albendazola i ivermektina u preporučenoj dozi istražena je u kontroliranom pokusu provedenom na magarcima u gradu Nyala u južnom Darfuru u Sudanu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 24 magarca prirodno invadirana želučanocrijevnim oblićima. Magarci su bili ravnomjerno raspoređeni u četiri skupine te peroralno liječeni albendazolom u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase jednokratno ili dvokratno u razmaku od dva tjedna. Ivermektinom su liječeni peroralno i to jednokratno u dozi od 200 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Ljekovit učinak bio je određen na temelju smanjenja broja jaja u izmetu dva tjedna nakon liječenja. Dokazano je bilo 100%-tno smanjenje broja jaja nakon liječenja obama pripravcima. Učinkovitost je bila dokazana i postmortalnom parazitoloÅ”kom pretragom i to prebrojavanjem nezrelih i odraslih oblića. U liječenih životinja ustanovljeno je 67,9% manje nezrelih te 100% manje odraslih oblića Trichostrongylus axei. Stopostotna učinkovitost bila je dokazana za nezrele i za zrele obliće Parascaris equorum, Oxyuris equi te male strongilide. NeÅ”to manja učinkovitost (98,4%) bila je dokazana za nezrele obliće Strongylus sp. Kombinacija jednokratnoga i dvokratnoga davanja albendazola s jednokratnim davanjem ivermektina pokazala je prosječno dobru učinkovitost (33%, 59,08% i 62,71%) protiv ličinki u aneurizmama na području kranijalne mezenterijske arterije. U magaraca nisu bile primijećene nikakve nuspojave nakon primjene lijekova

    Can Interfaith Research Resolve the Global Conflicts Based on Faith?

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    Interfaith issues are quite central in the contemporary life as they had often been in ancient times. In the light of political striving, violence, and deep global concerns for the world order and peace, a great many people have been increasingly inspired to know about religions of the world, their similarities and differences, the roles they may play in conflict and conflict resolution, and the ways most desirable to get their members to know one another in justice and peace, regardless of the size of followers a religion enjoys or the tenets of faith they enjoin. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam maintain ancestral ties with a unique origin, namely the Abrahamic scriptural and spiritual heritages the Talmud, the Bible, and the Qurā€™an literally contained. These holy books contain a great wealth of knowledge about God and His messengers who enlightened mankind with the wisdom of religion to pursue the good life with perseverance and moral values. The discourse of interfaith ideals and practices has been in great demand globally, despite a few endeavors to enhance authentic knowledge about religion, in general, and the monotheistic religions, in particular. The need of the world is largely felt to appreciate the true meanings of religious life for individuals and social groups in order to advance the cause of peaceful co-existence between peoples of the world, especially in areas suffering deep ideological hostilities or prolonged violence through the negative influences of religious intolerance

    Africa: Neo-Capitalism Neo-Colonialism Neo-National Liberation Movement

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    Africa entered the twenty-first century 'saddled with brain drain, political violence, repression of human rights and the lack of a productive professional and technological environment.' African armies continued to seize the political power taking advantage of a massive civilian movement motivated by experienced professional and worker trades unions supporting millions of aspiring patriotic youths in need of education, job opportunities, and organizational training. While the glorious legacies of the older generations of DuBois, Nkrumah, Nasir, Mandela, and many other liberal leaderships passed away, a new wave of predominantly youth populations has exceedingly taken the lead, defying neo-capitalism and escalating confrontation with neo-colonialism free of underdevelopment exploitation and abuse of authority, foreign investors from all corners of the planet must salvage the indigenous farmers productive force and the impoverished low-income workers and professionals from long-lasting deprivations

    Pan-African Judgments on the Gulf Investments in Oppressive Governments

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    The African ancient civilizations played influential roles in global trade and power relations; in recent histories and contemporary times, persistent failures of dependent economies and political leaderships underdeveloped the continent by oppression and manipulative investments. Focusing on the African Charter on Human and Peoplesā€™ Rights, our paper applied a Pan-Africanist framework to assess the impact of Gulf Statesā€™ investments on the African setting. The paper stressed the predetermined cycle of investments that exchanged massive flows of the collected and/or accumulated surpluses into the Gulf, Chinese, and other foreign investors, whereas the poorest African most targeted recipients were the least benefitted. Despite the ambiguity and scarcity of accessible information on the Gulf/African businesses, we have heavily drawn available facts from United Nations and international sources, as well as critical views by Pan- African scholars, human rightsā€™ activists, and political opponents. To ensure sustainable development free of exploitation and abuse of authority for the African peoples, foreign investors should avoid the past colonial and/or neocolonial ventures that dispossessed the land and manpower of the Continent, reinstated wealth-and-power thirst rulers in authoritative systems of rule, and impoverished indigenous farmers and the low-income workers and professionals with lasting poverty

    Procjena anthelmintičke učinkovitosti pripravaka albendazola i ivermektina u magaraca u Darfuru u Sudanu

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    The therapeutic efficacies of albendazole and ivermectin drench formulation at the manufacturerā€™s recommended dose were evaluated in a controlled trial in Nyala town, South Darfur State, Sudan. The study involved 24 donkeys naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes; they were divided into four groups of equal size. Albendazole was administered orally once at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg body mass, or twice, 14 days apart at dose rate of 10 mg/kg body mass. Ivermectin was administered orally as a single dose at 200 Ī¼g/kg body mass. Treatment efficacy was based on the mean faecal egg count reduction 14 days post treatment. A faecal egg count reduction of 100% was found after treatment with albendazole and ivermectin. In addition efficacy percentages of albendazole and ivermectin against immature and adult nematodes were as follows: Trichostrongylus axei 67.09% and 100%, Parascaris equorum 100% and 100%, Oxyuris equi 100% and 100%, Strongylus sp. 98.4% and 100%; and small strongyles 100% and 100%. Albendazole single and twice and ivermectin with the single dose showed moderate efficacy (33%, 59.08% and 62.71%, respectively) against larvae found in the cranial mesenteric artery aneurisms. No adverse reactions were observed in treated donkeys during the experiment period.Učinkovitost pripravaka albendazola i ivermektina u preporučenoj dozi istražena je u kontroliranom pokusu provedenom na magarcima u gradu Nyala u južnom Darfuru u Sudanu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 24 magarca prirodno invadirana želučanocrijevnim oblićima. Magarci su bili ravnomjerno raspoređeni u četiri skupine te peroralno liječeni albendazolom u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase jednokratno ili dvokratno u razmaku od dva tjedna. Ivermektinom su liječeni peroralno i to jednokratno u dozi od 200 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Ljekovit učinak bio je određen na temelju smanjenja broja jaja u izmetu dva tjedna nakon liječenja. Dokazano je bilo 100%-tno smanjenje broja jaja nakon liječenja obama pripravcima. Učinkovitost je bila dokazana i postmortalnom parazitoloÅ”kom pretragom i to prebrojavanjem nezrelih i odraslih oblića. U liječenih životinja ustanovljeno je 67,9% manje nezrelih te 100% manje odraslih oblića Trichostrongylus axei. Stopostotna učinkovitost bila je dokazana za nezrele i za zrele obliće Parascaris equorum, Oxyuris equi te male strongilide. NeÅ”to manja učinkovitost (98,4%) bila je dokazana za nezrele obliće Strongylus sp. Kombinacija jednokratnoga i dvokratnoga davanja albendazola s jednokratnim davanjem ivermektina pokazala je prosječno dobru učinkovitost (33%, 59,08% i 62,71%) protiv ličinki u aneurizmama na području kranijalne mezenterijske arterije. U magaraca nisu bile primijećene nikakve nuspojave nakon primjene lijekova

    Between Secularist and Jihadist Bodes, Egypt and Sudan in Crossroads

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    The societal conflicts between Secularist groups and Jihadist militants on the role religious orientations played in the state democratization, social justice, human rights, and population development posited national exigencies un-decisively met by governments of the African and Arab regions. Part one of our research theorized three typologies shaping the challenges of similar conflicts in the Arab-African states of Egypt and Sudan. The typologies symbolized a Sufi culture perpetuating Muslimsā€™ humanitarian relations; Secularist thought excluding the politics of faith; and Jihadist reactionaries manipulating symbolic representation of religion in the striving for power domains. Lacking in serenity the Sufi culture maintained for ages by popular prevalence, the Jihadist reactionaries sponsored a theocratic militancy that generated instability by excessive violence. Entrenched in non-democratic authoritative systems, the state failed in both countries to end peacefully the deepened tensions of the ongoing contradictions. Preserving the popular culture and supporting democratic governance, the Sufi/Secularist groups would probably continue to resist the theocratic dogma that evidently penetrated the region. Part two of the research proposed a study on the typologiesā€™ dynamics to project the extent of political integrity in the future of Sudan and Egypt. This paper comprised a brief summary of part one of the analysis

    Comparative Research on the Zahir and Batin Thought

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    This research paper makes an attempt to expound the Muslim concepts of al-zahir [the evident] and the al-batin [the intrinsic] which touch deeply upon both spiritual and secular practices to ascertain possible similarities and differences between the Muslim and the non-Muslim realms. Despite centuries of economic and cultural relationships, recent times have been loaded with political and media stereotyping of Islam as a ā€œwarringā€ religion whose militants ā€œthreatenā€ the regional peace and international order. Almost nothing is mentioned about the ā€œintrinsicā€ motives that underlie ā€œevidentā€ dictions of all parties of the conflict. To establish corrective understanding between the Muslims and the non-Muslims as a unified human family, comparative research is critically needed to educate and to disseminate the facts about Islam and the Muslim heritage to expand the peaceful co-existence and the full enjoyment of freedoms and human rights to all humans. In this context, the paper analyzes key concepts of the al-zahir and al-batin to appreciate the meanings of the Muslim Truth and the Hikmat al-Taā€™aruf teachings, in comparison with non-Muslim beliefs and secular thought. To conclude, systematic research is crucial to help reconcile the parties by the establishment of comparable ontologies for the Muslim and non-Muslim thought

    Stages of development in Arabic philosophical nomenclature: emergence, progression and stability

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    The study of the creation of a technical language within an existing natural language reveals to us both the internal and external dynamics of this complex phenomenon. The history of Arabic lexical definitions of different disciplines in the historical Islamic civilization provides us with a wealth of information on how these processes take place at each level of development. In this article while we will be highlighting on the history of Arabic intellectual lexical definitions we will focus on the development of the disciplines that constitute the Arabic philosophical technical languages i.e. Kalām and falsafah. In each discipline we closely followed the three conventional phases of development i.e. emergence, progression and stability. It should be remarked that though there are distinctive features of each phase, yet there are equally overlaps among these phases. This study brought to our attention the significant place of al-Ta rifat of al-Jurjānī as the most sophisticated dictionary of sciences in the historical Islamic civilization
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