208 research outputs found

    Retrieval and analysis of land surface microwave emissivity from SSM/I data

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    The retrieval of land surface emissivity from microwave radiometric measurements is useful for monitoring the surface properties without being affected by the contribution of the atmosphere, which can be significant at higher frequencies. It is based on the inversion of the radiative transfer equation, assuming the absence of scattering phenomena. In this work, a method to improve the accuracy of the emissivity estimates through the removal of the effects of the atmosphere from the radiometric data and through the consideration of the surface elevation information is proposed. We have used the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) observations over Italy throughout 1995. The atmospheric parameters have been derived from the NCEP vertical profiles, whilst the presence of clouds has been detected through METEOSAT images co-located with the SSM/I ones. The data provided by a digital elevation model (DEM) have been also exploited. Monthly average maps of microwave emissivity relative to a geographical area including Italy have been produced to assess the whole estimation procedure, as well as to give examples of monitoring the seasonal trend of this parameter in a mountainous zone (Alps) and in a flat area (Po Plain)

    Clinical significance of endometrial abnormalities: an observational study on 1020 women undergoing hysteroscopic surgery

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    Background: The overall clinical significance of the finding of endometrial abnormalities in predicting premalignant/malignant endometrial lesions is still incompletely determined. For this reason the management, surgical or expectant, of women in which an endometrial abnormality has been detected is debated. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on 1020 consecutive women, 403 premenopausal and 617 postmenopausal, who underwent operative hysteroscopy in a University Hospital for suspected endometrial abnormalities, which were detected by transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) and/or office hysteroscopy. In these women, the clinical characteristics and findings at TVS and hysteroscopy were evaluated in relation to the presence/absence of premalignant/malignant endometrial lesions at pathology report. Results: The clinical characteristics considered were significantly different when the study women were compared according to their menopausal status. Premalignant/malignant lesions were found in 34/1020 (3.33%) women. Complex hyperplasia with atypia and endometrial cancer were detected in 22 (2.15%) and 12 (1.17%) cases, respectively. The postmenopausal women had a significantly higher risk of premalignant/malignant lesions than premenopausal women (O.R. = 5.098 [95% C.I.: 1.782–14.582], P < 0.005). This risk was even higher when abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) was present (O.R. = 5.20 [95% C.I.: 2.38–11.35], P < 0.0001). The most significant associations with premalignant/malignant endometrial lesions were BMI, AUB in postmenopause, overall polyp size, atypical aspect of endometrial polyps at hysteroscopy, postmenopausal status, diabetes mellitus and patient age. Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that the proper, aggressive or expectant, management of endometrial abnormalities should take into account both ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic findings together with the specific clinical characteristics of the patients

    Diagnostic factors for recurrent pregnancy loss: an expanded workup

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    Purpose: There is limited information on the risk factors for recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Methods: In this study, a patient-based approach was used to investigate the possible involvement and relative relevance of a large number of diagnostic factors in 843 women with RPL who underwent an extensive diagnostic workup including 44 diagnostic factors divided into 7 major categories. Results: The rates of abnormalities found were: (1) genital infections: 11.74%; (2) uterine anatomic defects: 23.72%; (3) endocrine disorders: 29.42%; (4) thrombophilias: 62%; (5) autoimmune abnormalities: 39.2%; (6) parental karyotype abnormalities 2.25%; (7) clinical factors: 87.78%. Six hundred and fifty-nine out of eight hundred and forty-three women (78.17%) had more than one abnormality. The mean number of pregnancy losses increased by increasing the number of the abnormalities found (r = 0.86949, P < 0.02). The factors associated with the highest mean number of pregnancy losses were cervical isthmic incompetence, anti-beta-2-glycoprotein-1 antibodies, unicornuate uterus, anti-prothrombin A antibodies, protein C deficiency, and lupus anticoagulant. The majority of the considered abnormalities had similar, non-significant prevalence between women with 2 versus ≥ 3 pregnancy losses with the exception of age ≥ 35 years and MTHFR A1298C heterozygote mutation. No difference was found between women with primary and secondary RPL stratified according to the number of abnormalities detected (Chi-square: 8.55, P = 0.07). In these women, the only factors found to be present with statistically different rates were age ≥ 35 years, cigarette smoking, and genital infection by Ureaplasma. Conclusion: A patient-based diagnostic approach in women with RPL could be clinically useful and could represent a basis for future research

    HLA-G and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

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    Placentation is an immunological compromise where maternal immune system cells and trophoblastic cells interact to reach an equilibrium condition. Although the cross talk between the two systems is complex and not completely understood, Human Leukocyte Antigen G (HLA-G), expressed on trophoblastic cell surfaces, seems to be one of the main molecules involved in the modulation of both local and systemic maternal immune response. The prevalence of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), probably underestimated, is 5% of all women who achieve pregnancy, and about 40–60% percent of RPL cases are unexplained. There is an immunological analogy between allograft rejection and miscarriage, and the purpose of this review is to describe how the HLA-G pathway alterations are involved in disrupting the immunologic balance and in increasing the risk of recurrent pregnancy loss

    Linking Metabolic QTLs with Network and cis-eQTLs Controlling Biosynthetic Pathways

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    Phenotypic variation between individuals of a species is often under quantitative genetic control. Genomic analysis of gene expression polymorphisms between individuals is rapidly gaining popularity as a way to query the underlying mechanistic causes of variation between individuals. However, there is little direct evidence of a linkage between global gene expression polymorphisms and phenotypic consequences. In this report, we have mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs)–controlling glucosinolate content in a population of 403 Arabidopsis Bay × Sha recombinant inbred lines, 211 of which were previously used to identify expression QTLs controlling the transcript levels of biosynthetic genes. In a comparative study, we have directly tested two plant biosynthetic pathways for association between polymorphisms controlling biosynthetic gene transcripts and the resulting metabolites within the Arabidopsis Bay × Sha recombinant inbred line population. In this analysis, all loci controlling expression variation also affected the accumulation of the resulting metabolites. In addition, epistasis was detected more frequently for metabolic traits compared to transcript traits, even when both traits showed similar distributions. An analysis of candidate genes for QTL-controlling networks of transcripts and metabolites suggested that the controlling factors are a mix of enzymes and regulatory factors. This analysis showed that regulatory connections can feedback from metabolism to transcripts. Surprisingly, the most likely major regulator of both transcript level for nearly the entire pathway and aliphatic glucosinolate accumulation is variation in the last enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway, AOP2. This suggests that natural variation in transcripts may significantly impact phenotypic variation, but that natural variation in metabolites or their enzymatic loci can feed back to affect the transcripts

    ESA's Ice Sheets CCI: validation and inter-comparison of surface elevation changes derived from laser and radar altimetry over Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland – Round Robin results

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    In order to increase the understanding of the changing climate, the European Space Agency has launched the Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI), a program which joins scientists and space agencies into 13 projects either affecting or affected by the concurrent changes. This work is part of the Ice Sheets CCI and four parameters are to be determined for the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), each resulting in a dataset made available to the public: Surface Elevation Changes (SEC), surface velocities, grounding line locations, and calving front locations. All CCI projects have completed a so-called Round Robin exercise in which the scientific community was asked to provide their best estimate of the sought parameters as well as a feedback sheet describing their work. By inter-comparing and validating the results, obtained from research institutions world-wide, it is possible to develop the most optimal method for determining each parameter. This work describes the SEC Round Robin and the subsequent conclusions leading to the creation of a method for determining GrIS SEC values. The participants used either Envisat radar or ICESat laser altimetry over Jakobshavn Isbræ drainage basin, and the submissions led to inter-comparisons of radar vs. altimetry as well as cross-over vs. repeat-track analyses. Due to the high accuracy of the former and the high spatial resolution of the latter, a method, which combines the two techniques will provide the most accurate SEC estimates. The data supporting the final GrIS analysis stem from the radar altimeters on-board Envisat, ERS-1 and ERS-2. The accuracy of laser data exceeds that of radar altimetry; the Round Robin analysis has, however, proven the latter equally capable of dealing with surface topography thereby making such data applicable in SEC analyses extending all the way from the interior ice sheet to margin regions. This shows good potential for a~future inclusion of ESA CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 radar data in the analysis, and thus for obtaining reliable SEC estimates throughout the entire GrIS

    Human papillomavirus type 18 infection in a female renal allograft recipient : a case report

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2016 The Author(s).Background: Human papillomavirus type 18 is the second most common cause of cervical cancer and is found in 7 to 20 % of cases of cervical cancer. The oncogenic potential of high-risk human papillomavirus is associated with expression of early proteins E6 and E7. Due to long-term immunosuppressive therapy, renal transplant recipients have a higher risk of developing persistent human papillomavirus infection. Case presentation: A 29-year-old white woman from Latvia with chronic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis received renal allograft transplantation and was prescribed immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine, prednisolone, and mycophenolate mofetil. Two weeks after renal transplantation, her cervical swab was positive for human papillomavirus consensus sequences. After 6 months, quantitative polymerase chain reaction showed a high viral load of 3,630,789 copies/105 cells of high-risk human papillomavirus type 18 and expression of E6 and E7 oncogenes in her cervical swab and urine sample. One year after renal transplantation, the viral load in her cervical swab increased significantly to 7,413,102 copies/105 cells. Messenger ribonucleic acid of human papillomavirus type 18 E6 and E7 oncogenes were also detected. Shortly after this, she had an unsuccessful pregnancy which resulted in a spontaneous abortion at 6/7 weeks. Two months after the abortion her viral load sharply decreased to 39 copies/105 cells. Oncogenes E6 and E7 messenger ribonucleic acid expression was not observed in this period. Conclusions: This case report represents data which show that immunosuppressive therapy may increase the risk of developing persistent high-risk human papillomavirus infection with expression of E6 and E7 oncogenes in renal transplant recipients. However, even during this therapy the immune status of a recipient can improve and contribute to human papillomavirus viral load reduction. Spontaneous abortion can be considered a possible contributory factor in human papillomavirus clearance.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    A Systems Biology Approach Identifies a R2R3 MYB Gene Subfamily with Distinct and Overlapping Functions in Regulation of Aliphatic Glucosinolates

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    BACKGROUND: Glucosinolates are natural metabolites in the order Brassicales that defend plants against both herbivores and pathogens and can attract specialized insects. Knowledge about the genes controlling glucosinolate regulation is limited. Here, we identify three R2R3 MYB transcription factors regulating aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis by combining several systems biology tools. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MYB28 was identified as a candidate regulator of aliphatic glucosinolates based on its co-localization within a genomic region controlling variation both in aliphatic glucosinolate content (metabolite QTL) and in transcript level for genes involved in the biosynthesis of aliphatic glucosinolates (expression QTL), as well as its co-expression with genes in aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis. A phylogenetic analysis with the R2R3 motif of MYB28 showed that it and two homologues, MYB29 and MYB76, were members of an Arabidopsis-specific clade that included three characterized regulators of indole glucosinolates. Over-expression of the individual MYB genes showed that they all had the capacity to increase the production of aliphatic glucosinolates in leaves and seeds and induce gene expression of aliphatic biosynthetic genes within leaves. Analysis of leaves and seeds of single knockout mutants showed that mutants of MYB29 and MYB76 have reductions in only short-chained aliphatic glucosinolates whereas a mutant in MYB28 has reductions in both short- and long-chained aliphatic glucosinolates. Furthermore, analysis of a double knockout in MYB28 and MYB29 identified an emergent property of the system since the absence of aliphatic glucosinolates in these plants could not be predicted by the chemotype of the single knockouts. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: It seems that these cruciferous-specific MYB regulatory genes have evolved both overlapping and specific regulatory capacities. This provides a unique system within which to study the evolution of MYB regulatory factors and their downstream targets