Retrieval and analysis of land surface microwave emissivity from SSM/I data
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The retrieval of land surface emissivity from microwave radiometric measurements is useful
for monitoring the surface properties without being affected by the contribution of the atmosphere,
which can be significant at higher frequencies. It is based on the inversion of the radiative
transfer equation, assuming the absence of scattering phenomena. In this work, a method
to improve the accuracy of the emissivity estimates through the removal of the effects of the
atmosphere from the radiometric data and through the consideration of the surface elevation
information is proposed. We have used the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) observations
over Italy throughout 1995. The atmospheric parameters have been derived from
the NCEP vertical profiles, whilst the presence of clouds has been detected through METEOSAT
images co-located with the SSM/I ones. The data provided by a digital elevation model
(DEM) have been also exploited. Monthly average maps of microwave emissivity relative
to a geographical area including Italy have been produced to assess the whole estimation
procedure, as well as to give examples of monitoring the seasonal trend of this parameter in a
mountainous zone (Alps) and in a flat area (Po Plain)