55 research outputs found

    Automated protein resonance assignments of magic angle spinning solid-state NMR spectra of β1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB1)

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    Magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR (MAS SSNMR) represents a fast developing experimental technique with great potential to provide structural and dynamics information for proteins not amenable to other methods. However, few automated analysis tools are currently available for MAS SSNMR. We present a methodology for automating protein resonance assignments of MAS SSNMR spectral data and its application to experimental peak lists of the β1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB1) derived from a uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled sample. This application to the 56 amino acid GB1 produced an overall 84.1% assignment of the N, CO, CA, and CB resonances with no errors using peak lists from NCACX 3D, CANcoCA 3D, and CANCOCX 4D experiments. This proof of concept demonstrates the tractability of this problem

    Structure and Dynamics of the G121V Dihydrofolate Reductase Mutant: Lessons from a Transition-State Inhibitor Complex

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    It is well known that enzyme flexibility is critical for function. This is due to the observation that the rates of intramolecular enzyme motions are often matched to the rates of intermolecular events such as substrate binding and product release. Beyond this role in progression through the reaction cycle, it has been suggested that enzyme dynamics may also promote the chemical step itself. Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a model enzyme for which dynamics have been proposed to aid in both substrate flux and catalysis. The G121V mutant of DHFR is a well studied form that exhibits a severe reduction in the rate of hydride transfer yet there remains dispute as to whether this defect is caused by altered structure, dynamics, or both. Here we address this by presenting an NMR study of the G121V mutant bound to reduced cofactor and the transition state inhibitor, methotrexate. NMR chemical shift markers demonstrate that this form predominantly adopts the closed conformation thereby allowing us to provide the first glimpse into the dynamics of a catalytically relevant complex. Based on 15N and 2H NMR spin relaxation, we find that the mutant complex has modest changes in ps-ns flexibility with most affected residues residing in the distal adenosine binding domain rather than the active site. Thus, aberrant ps-ns dynamics are likely not the main contributor to the decreased catalytic rate. The most dramatic effect of the mutation involves changes in µs-ms dynamics of the F-G and Met20 loops. Whereas loop motion is quenched in the wild type transition state inhibitor complex, the F-G and Met20 loops undergo excursions from the closed conformation in the mutant complex. These excursions serve to decrease the population of conformers having the correct active site configuration, thus providing an explanation for the G121V catalytic defect

    Exploring Chromophore-Binding Pocket: High-Resolution Solid-State 1H–13C Interfacial Correlation NMR Spectra with Windowed PMLG Scheme

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    High-resolution two-dimensional (2D) 1H–13C heteronuclear correlation spectra are recorded for selective observation of interfacial 3–5.5 Å contacts of the uniformly 13C-labeled phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophore with its unlabeled binding pocket. The experiment is based on a medium- and long-distance heteronuclear correlation (MELODI–HETCOR) method. For improving 1H spectral resolution, a windowed phase-modulated Lee–Goldburg (wPMLG) decoupling scheme is applied during the t1 evolution period. Our approach allows for identification of chromophore–protein interactions, in particular for elucidation of the hydrogen-bonding networks and charge distributions within the chromophore-binding pocket. The resulting pulse sequence is tested on the cyanobacterial (Cph1) phytochrome sensory module (residues 1–514, Cph1Δ2) containing uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled PCB chromophore (u-[13C,15N]-PCB-Cph1Δ2) at 17.6 T

    Long-Range Intra-Protein Communication Can Be Transmitted by Correlated Side-Chain Fluctuations Alone

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    Allosteric regulation is a key component of cellular communication, but the way in which information is passed from one site to another within a folded protein is not often clear. While backbone motions have long been considered essential for long-range information conveyance, side-chain motions have rarely been considered. In this work, we demonstrate their potential utility using Monte Carlo sampling of side-chain torsional angles on a fixed backbone to quantify correlations amongst side-chain inter-rotameric motions. Results indicate that long-range correlations of side-chain fluctuations can arise independently from several different types of interactions: steric repulsions, implicit solvent interactions, or hydrogen bonding and salt-bridge interactions. These robust correlations persist across the entire protein (up to 60 Å in the case of calmodulin) and can propagate long-range changes in side-chain variability in response to single residue perturbations

    Changes in Lysozyme Flexibility upon Mutation Are Frequent, Large and Long-Ranged

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    We investigate changes in human c-type lysozyme flexibility upon mutation via a Distance Constraint Model, which gives a statistical mechanical treatment of network rigidity. Specifically, two dynamical metrics are tracked. Changes in flexibility index quantify differences within backbone flexibility, whereas changes in the cooperativity correlation quantify differences within pairwise mechanical couplings. Regardless of metric, the same general conclusions are drawn. That is, small structural perturbations introduced by single point mutations have a frequent and pronounced affect on lysozyme flexibility that can extend over long distances. Specifically, an appreciable change occurs in backbone flexibility for 48% of the residues, and a change in cooperativity occurs in 42% of residue pairs. The average distance from mutation to a site with a change in flexibility is 17–20 Å. Interestingly, the frequency and scale of the changes within single point mutant structures are generally larger than those observed in the hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) ortholog, which shares 61% sequence identity with human lysozyme. For example, point mutations often lead to substantial flexibility increases within the β-subdomain, which is consistent with experimental results indicating that it is the nucleation site for amyloid formation. However, β-subdomain flexibility within the human and HEWL orthologs is more similar despite the lowered sequence identity. These results suggest compensating mutations in HEWL reestablish desired properties

    Accessing ns–μs side chain dynamics in ubiquitin with methyl RDCs

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    This study presents the first application of the model-free analysis (MFA) (Meiler in J Am Chem Soc 123:6098–6107, 2001; Lakomek in J Biomol NMR 34:101–115, 2006) to methyl group RDCs measured in 13 different alignment media in order to describe their supra-τc dynamics in ubiquitin. Our results indicate that methyl groups vary from rigid to very mobile with good correlation to residue type, distance to backbone and solvent exposure, and that considerable additional dynamics are effective at rates slower than the correlation time τc. In fact, the average amplitude of motion expressed in terms of order parameters S2 associated with the supra-τc window brings evidence to the existence of fluctuations contributing as much additional mobility as those already present in the faster ps-ns time scale measured from relaxation data. Comparison to previous results on ubiquitin demonstrates that the RDC-derived order parameters are dominated both by rotameric interconversions and faster libration-type motions around equilibrium positions. They match best with those derived from a combined J-coupling and residual dipolar coupling approach (Chou in J Am Chem Soc 125:8959–8966, 2003) taking backbone motion into account. In order to appreciate the dynamic scale of side chains over the entire protein, the methyl group order parameters are compared to existing dynamic ensembles of ubiquitin. Of those recently published, the broadest one, namely the EROS ensemble (Lange in Science 320:1471–1475, 2008), fits the collection of methyl group order parameters presented here best. Last, we used the MFA-derived averaged spherical harmonics to perform highly-parameterized rotameric searches of the side chains conformation and find expanded rotamer distributions with excellent fit to our data. These rotamer distributions suggest the presence of concerted motions along the side chains