612 research outputs found
Computing inbreeding coefficients in large populations
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The use of marker haplotypes in animal breeding schemes
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Microarray resources for genetic and genomic studies in chicken: a review
Advent of microarray technologies revolutionized the nature and scope of genetic and genomic research in human and other species by allowing massively parallel analysis of thousands of genomic sites. They have been used for diverse purposes such as for transcriptome analysis, CNV detection, SNP and CNV genotyping, studying DNA-protein interaction, and detection of genome methylation. Microarrays have also made invaluable contributions to research in chicken which is an important model organism for studying embryology, immunology, oncology, virology, evolution, genetics, and genomics and also for other avian species. Despite their huge contributions in life science research, the future of microarrays is now being questioned with the advent of massively parallel next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, which promise to overcome some of the limitations of microarray platforms. In this article we review the various microarray resources developed for chicken and their past and potential future applications. We also discuss about the future of microarrays in the NGS era particularly in the context of livestock genetics. We argue that even though NGS promises some major advantages-in particular, offers the opportunity to discover novel elements in the genome-microarrays will continue to be major tools for research and practice in the field of livestock genetics/genomics due to their affordability, high throughput nature, mature established technologies and ease of application. Moreover, with advent of new microarray technologies like capture arrays, the NGS and microarrays are expected to complement each other in future research in life science
Genotype imputation for the prediction of genomic breeding values in non-genotyped and low-density genotyped individuals
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is wide interest in calculating genomic breeding values (GEBVs) in livestock using dense, genome-wide SNP data. The general framework for genomic selection assumes all individuals are genotyped at high-density, which may not be true in practice. Methods to add additional genotypes for individuals not genotyped at high density have the potential to increase GEBV accuracy with little or no additional cost. In this study a long haplotype library was created using a long range phasing algorithm and used in combination with segregation analysis to impute dense genotypes for non-genotyped dams in the training dataset (S1) and for non-genotyped or low-density genotyped individuals in the prediction dataset (S2), using the 14<sup>th</sup> QTL-MAS Workshop dataset. Alternative low-density scenarios were evaluated for accuracy of imputed genotypes and prediction of GEBVs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In S1, females in the training population were not genotyped and prediction individuals were either not genotyped or genotyped at low-density (evenly spaced at 2, 5 or 10 Mb). The proportion of correctly imputed genotypes for training females did not change when genotypes were added for individuals in the prediction set whereas the number of correctly imputed genotypes in the prediction set increased slightly (S1). The S2 scenario assumed the complete training set was genotyped for all SNPs and the prediction set was not genotyped or genotyped at low-density. The number of correctly imputed genotypes increased with genotyping density in the prediction set. Accuracy of genomic breeding values for the prediction set in each scenario were the correlation of GEBVs with true breeding values and were used to evaluate the potential loss in accuracy with reduced genotyping. For both S1 and S2 the GEBV accuracies were similar when the prediction set was not genotyped and increased with the addition of low-density genotypes, with the increase larger for S2 than S1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genotype imputation using a long haplotype library and segregation analysis is promising for application in sparsely-genotyped pedigrees. The results of this study suggest that dense genotypes can be imputed for selection candidates with some loss in genomic breeding value accuracy, but with levels of accuracy higher than traditional BLUP estimated breeding values. Accurate genotype imputation would allow for a single low-density SNP panel to be used across traits.</p
Genetic support for a quantitative trait nucleotide in the ABCG2 gene affecting milk composition of dairy cattle
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our group has previously identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) affecting fat and protein percentages on bovine chromosome 6, and refined the QTL position to a 420-kb interval containing six genes. Studies performed in other cattle populations have proposed polymorphisms in two different genes (<it>ABCG2 </it>and <it>OPN</it>) as the underlying functional QTL nucleotide. Due to these conflicting results, we have included these QTNs, together with a large collection of new SNPs produced from PCR sequencing, in a dense marker map spanning the QTL region, and reanalyzed the data using a combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results clearly exclude the <it>OPN </it>SNP (<it>OPN_3907</it>) as causal site for the QTL. Among 91 SNPs included in the study, the <it>ABCG2 </it>SNP (<it>ABCG2_49</it>) is clearly the best QTN candidate. The analyses revealed the presence of only one QTL for the percentage traits in the tested region. This QTL was completely removed by correcting the analysis for <it>ABCG2_49</it>. Concordance between the sires' marker genotypes and segregation status for the QTL was found for <it>ABCG2_49 </it>only. The C allele of <it>ABCG2_49 </it>is found in a marker haplotype that has an extremely negative effect on fat and protein percentages and positive effect on milk yield. Of the 91 SNPs, <it>ABCG2_49 </it>was the only marker in perfect linkage disequilibrium with the QTL.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on our results, OPN_3907 can be excluded as the polymorphism underlying the QTL. The results of this and other papers strongly suggest the [A/C] mutation in <it>ABCG2_49 </it>as the causal mutation, although the possibility that <it>ABCG2_49 </it>is only a marker in perfect LD with the true mutation can not be completely ruled out.</p
Within- and across-breed genomic prediction using whole-genome sequence and single nucleotide polymorphism panels
International audienceBackground Currently, genomic prediction in cattle is largely based on panels of about 54k single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However with the decreasing costs of and current advances in next-generation sequencing technologies, whole-genome sequence (WGS) data on large numbers of individuals is within reach. Availability of such data provides new opportunities for genomic selection, which need to be explored.MethodsThis simulation study investigated how much predictive ability is gained by using WGS data under scenarios with QTL (quantitative trait loci) densities ranging from 45 to 132 QTL/Morgan and heritabilities ranging from 0.07 to 0.30, compared to different SNP densities, with emphasis on divergent dairy cattle breeds with small populations. The relative performances of best linear unbiased prediction (SNP-BLUP) and of a variable selection method with a mixture of two normal distributions (MixP) were also evaluated. Genomic predictions were based on within-population, across-population, and multi-breed reference populations.ResultsThe use of WGS data for within-population predictions resulted in small to large increases in accuracy for low to moderately heritable traits. Depending on heritability of the trait, and on SNP and QTL densities, accuracy increased by up to 31 %. The advantage of WGS data was more pronounced (7 to 92 % increase in accuracy depending on trait heritability, SNP and QTL densities, and time of divergence between populations) with a combined reference population and when using MixP. While MixP outperformed SNP-BLUP at 45 QTL/Morgan, SNP-BLUP was as good as MixP when QTL density increased to 132 QTL/Morgan.ConclusionsOur results show that, genomic predictions in numerically small cattle populations would benefit from a combination of WGS data, a multi-breed reference population, and a variable selection method
Using the Pareto principle in genome-wide breeding value estimation
Genome-wide breeding value (GWEBV) estimation methods can be classified based on the prior distribution assumptions of marker effects. Genome-wide BLUP methods assume a normal prior distribution for all markers with a constant variance, and are computationally fast. In Bayesian methods, more flexible prior distributions of SNP effects are applied that allow for very large SNP effects although most are small or even zero, but these prior distributions are often also computationally demanding as they rely on Monte Carlo Markov chain sampling. In this study, we adopted the Pareto principle to weight available marker loci, i.e., we consider that x% of the loci explain (100 - x)% of the total genetic variance. Assuming this principle, it is also possible to define the variances of the prior distribution of the 'big' and 'small' SNP. The relatively few large SNP explain a large proportion of the genetic variance and the majority of the SNP show small effects and explain a minor proportion of the genetic variance. We name this method MixP, where the prior distribution is a mixture of two normal distributions, i.e. one with a big variance and one with a small variance. Simulation results, using a real Norwegian Red cattle pedigree, show that MixP is at least as accurate as the other methods in all studied cases. This method also reduces the hyper-parameters of the prior distribution from 2 (proportion and variance of SNP with big effects) to 1 (proportion of SNP with big effects), assuming the overall genetic variance is known. The mixture of normal distribution prior made it possible to solve the equations iteratively, which greatly reduced computation loads by two orders of magnitude. In the era of marker density reaching million(s) and whole-genome sequence data, MixP provides a computationally feasible Bayesian method of analysis
The importance of identity-by-state information for the accuracy of genomic selection
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is commonly assumed that prediction of genome-wide breeding values in genomic selection is achieved by capitalizing on linkage disequilibrium between markers and QTL but also on genetic relationships. Here, we investigated the reliability of predicting genome-wide breeding values based on population-wide linkage disequilibrium information, based on identity-by-descent relationships within the known pedigree, and to what extent linkage disequilibrium information improves predictions based on identity-by-descent genomic relationship information.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was performed on milk, fat, and protein yield, using genotype data on 35 706 SNP and deregressed proofs of 1086 Italian Brown Swiss bulls. Genome-wide breeding values were predicted using a genomic identity-by-state relationship matrix and a genomic identity-by-descent relationship matrix (averaged over all marker loci). The identity-by-descent matrix was calculated by linkage analysis using one to five generations of pedigree data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We showed that genome-wide breeding values prediction based only on identity-by-descent genomic relationships within the known pedigree was as or more reliable than that based on identity-by-state, which implicitly also accounts for genomic relationships that occurred before the known pedigree. Furthermore, combining the two matrices did not improve the prediction compared to using identity-by-descent alone. Including different numbers of generations in the pedigree showed that most of the information in genome-wide breeding values prediction comes from animals with known common ancestors less than four generations back in the pedigree.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that, in pedigreed breeding populations, the accuracy of genome-wide breeding values obtained by identity-by-descent relationships was not improved by identity-by-state information. Although, in principle, genomic selection based on identity-by-state does not require pedigree data, it does use the available pedigree structure. Our findings may explain why the prediction equations derived for one breed may not predict accurate genome-wide breeding values when applied to other breeds, since family structures differ among breeds.</p
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