41 research outputs found

    The HyVac4 Subunit Vaccine Efficiently Boosts BCG-Primed Anti-Mycobacterial Protective Immunity

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    BACKGROUND: The current vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), BCG, has failed to control TB worldwide and the protective efficacy is moreover limited to 10-15 years. A vaccine that could efficiently boost a BCG-induced immune response and thus prolong protective immunity would therefore have a significant impact on the global TB-burden. METHODS/FINDINGS: In the present study we show that the fusion protein HyVac4 (H4), consisting of the mycobacterial antigens Ag85B and TB10.4, given in the adjuvant IC31® or DDA/MPL effectively boosted and prolonged immunity induced by BCG, leading to improved protection against infection with virulent M. tuberculosis (M.tb). Increased protection correlated with an increased percentage of TB10.4 specific IFNγ/TNFα/IL-2 or TNFα/IL-2 producing CD4 T cells at the site of infection. Moreover, this vaccine strategy did not compromise the use of ESAT-6 as an accurate correlate of disease development/vaccine efficacy. Indeed both CD4 and CD8 ESAT-6 specific T cells showed significant correlation with bacterial levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: H4-IC31® can efficiently boost BCG-primed immunity leading to an increased protective anti-M.tb immune response dominated by IFNγ/TNFα/IL-2 or TNFα/IL2 producing CD4 T cells. H4 in the CD4 T cell inducing adjuvant IC31® is presently in clinical trials

    The identification of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans in archaeological human bones and teeth

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    Bone tissue is mineralized dense connective tissue consisting mainly of a mineral component (hydroxyapatite) and an organic matrix comprised of collagens, non-collagenous proteins and proteoglycans (PGs). Extracellular matrix proteins and PGs bind tightly to hydroxyapatite which would protect these molecules from the destructive effects of temperature and chemical agents after death. DNA and proteins have been successfully extracted from archaeological skeletons from which valuable information has been obtained; however, to date neither PGs nor glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains have been studied in archaeological skeletons. PGs and GAGs play a major role in bone morphogenesis, homeostasis and degenerative bone disease. The ability to isolate and characterize PG and GAG content from archaeological skeletons would unveil valuable paleontological information. We therefore optimized methods for the extraction of both PGs and GAGs from archaeological human skeleto ns. PGs and GAGs were successfully extracted from both archaeological human bones and teeth, and characterized by their electrophoretic mobility in agarose gel, degradation by specific enzymes and HPLC. The GAG populations isolated were chondroitin sulfate (CS) and hyaluronic acid (HA). In addition, a CSPG was detected. The localization of CS, HA, three small leucine rich PGs (biglycan, decorin and fibromodulin) and glypican was analyzed in archaeological human bone slices. Staining patterns were different for juvenile and adult bones, whilst adolescent bones had a similar staining pattern to adult bones. The finding that significant quantities of PGs and GAGs persist in archaeological bones and teeth opens novel venues for the field of Paleontology


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    Programa Embu Enxergando Melhor: uma proposta de atenção integral à saúde ocular em pré-escolares Embu Seeing Better: a complete eye health program proposal for preschool children

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    OBJETIVO: A visão desempenha um papel preponderante no desenvolvimento global da criança. A detecção e o tratamento precoce de problemas visuais são fundamentais para impedir a instalação de seqüelas sensório-motoras irreversíveis. Este estudo visou descrever um programa de atenção integral à saúde ocular de crianças, constituído por ações educativas, de prevenção, de assistência e de reabilitação. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal, no qual se utilizaram dados do treinamento dos professores, da triagem visual realizada na escola e do exame oftalmológico e ortóptico de 23.374 crianças, de cinco a sete anos de idade, matriculadas na rede municipal de educação infantil do município do Embu, no período de 1994 a 2002. RESULTADOS: Foram capacitados 600 professores e testados 22.118 (95%) pré-escolares. Destes, 4.553 (21%) precisavam de exame oftalmológico e, deles, 3.016 (66%) compareceram à consulta. Dos examinados, 1.389 (46%) receberam prescrição óptica, 477 (16%), foram encaminhadas para tratamento ortóptico e 1.601 (53%) receberam alta. CONCLUSÕES: A triagem visual é uma prática eficiente para promover a saúde ocular de pré-escolares, na qual o professor é o elemento chave. Para o êxito destas ações, é fundamental estruturar práticas educativas e de promoção da saúde ocular destinadas às crianças, às famílias e à sociedade.<br>OBJECTIVE: Early detection and prompt treatment of ocular disorders in children are important to avoid lifelong visual impairment. This study aimed to describe a comprehensive eye health care program for preschool children. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out focusing eye health conditions of 23,374 children, between five and seven years old, of the public preschool system of Embu, a municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1994 to 2002. Data were obtained from preschool vision screening programs performed by teachers and from ocular assessments of all children referred to ophatalmologic and orthoptic evaluation. RESULTS: 600 preschool teachers qualified for eye problems screening tested 22,118 (95%) preschool children out of 23,374 that attended the school during the study period. Among them, 4,553 (21%) needed an ophthalmologic exam and 3,016 (66%) were examined by the ophthalmologist. Of those examined, 1,389 (46%) neceived spectacles, 477 (16.8%) were referred to orthoptic care and 1,601 (53%) were discharged. CONCLUSIONS: Visual screening programs are successful for promoting eye health. Teachers, if appropriately trained, are helpful eye care partners. For effective preventive pediatric eye care, it is necessary to promote eye health education programs