438 research outputs found

    Killing spinors in supergravity with 4-fluxes

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    We study the spinorial Killing equation of supergravity involving a torsion 3-form \T as well as a flux 4-form \F. In dimension seven, we construct explicit families of compact solutions out of 3-Sasakian geometries, nearly parallel \G_2-geometries and on the homogeneous Aloff-Wallach space. The constraint \F \cdot \Psi = 0 defines a non empty subfamily of solutions. We investigate the constraint \T \cdot \Psi = 0, too, and show that it singles out a very special choice of numerical parameters in the Killing equation, which can also be justified geometrically

    Unit Killing Vector Fields on Nearly Kahler Manifolds

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    We study 6-dimensional nearly Kahler manifolds admitting a Killing vector field of unit length. In the compact case it is shown that up to a finite cover there is only one geometry possible, that of the 3--symmetric space S3×S3S^3 \times S^3

    Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with recurrent spinor fields

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    The existence of a recurrent spinor field on a pseudo-Riemannian spin manifold (M,g)(M,g) is closely related to the existence of a parallel 1-dimensional complex subbundle of the spinor bundle of (M,g)(M,g). We characterize the following simply connected pseudo-Riemannian manifolds admitting such subbundles in terms of their holonomy algebras: Riemannian manifolds; Lorentzian manifolds; pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with irreducible holonomy algebras; pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of neutral signature admitting two complementary parallel isotropic distributions.Comment: 13 pages, the final versio

    Kinetics of the Multiferroic Switching in MnWO4_4

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    The time dependence of switching multiferroic domains in MnWO4_4 has been studied by time-resolved polarized neutron diffraction. Inverting an external electric field inverts the chiral magnetic component within rise times ranging between a few and some tens of milliseconds in perfect agreement with macroscopic techniques. There is no evidence for any faster process in the inversion of the chiral magnetic structure. The time dependence is well described by a temperature-dependent rise time suggesting a well-defined process of domain reversion. As expected, the rise times decrease when heating towards the upper boundary of the ferroelectric phase. However, switching also becomes faster upon cooling towards the lower boundary, which is associated with a first-order phase transition

    On the characteristic connection of gwistor space

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    We give a brief presentation of gwistor space, which is a new concept from G_2 geometry. Then we compute the characteristic torsion T^c of the gwistor space of an oriented Riemannian 4-manifold with constant sectional curvature k and deduce the condition under which T^c is \nabla^c-parallel; this allows for the classification of the G_2 structure with torsion and the characteristic holonomy according to known references. The case with the Einstein base manifold is envisaged.Comment: Many changes since first version, including title; Central European Journal of Mathematics, 201

    Large-Scale Outflows in Edge-on Seyfert Galaxies. III. Kiloparsec-Scale Soft X-ray Emission

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    We present ROSAT PSPC and HRI images of eight galaxies selected from a distance-limited sample of 22 edge-on Seyfert galaxies. Kiloparsec-scale soft X-ray nebulae extend along the galaxy minor axes in three galaxies (NGC 2992, NGC 4388 and NGC 5506). The extended X-ray emission has 0.2-2.4 keV X-ray luminosities of 0.43.5×1040ergs10.4-3.5 \times 10^{40} erg s^{-1}. The X-ray nebulae are roughly co-spatial with the large-scale radio emission, suggesting that both are produced by large-scale galactic outflows. Assuming pressure balance between the radio and X-ray plasmas, the X-ray filling factor is \gapprox 10^4 times larger than the radio plasma filling factor, suggesting that large-scale outflows in Seyfert galaxies are predominantly winds of thermal X-ray emitting gas. We favor an interpretation in which large-scale outflows originate as AGN-driven jets that entrain and heat gas on kpc scales as they make their way out of the galaxy. AGN- and starburst-driven winds are also possible explanations in cases where the winds are oriented along the rotation axis of the galaxy disk.Comment: 24 pages, 7 ps figures, AASTEX 4.0, accepted for ApJ April 1, 199

    K\"ahlerian Twistor Spinors

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    On a K\"ahler spin manifold K\"ahlerian twistor spinors are a natural analogue of twistor spinors on Riemannian spin manifolds. They are defined as sections in the kernel of a first order differential operator adapted to the K\"ahler structure, called K\"ahlerian twistor (Penrose) operator. We study K\"ahlerian twistor spinors and give a complete description of compact K\"ahler manifolds of constant scalar curvature admitting such spinors. As in the Riemannian case, the existence of K\"ahlerian twistor spinors is related to the lower bound of the spectrum of the Dirac operator.Comment: shorter version; to appear in Math.

    Formation of PAHs and Carbonaceous Solids in Gas-Phase Condensation Experiments

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    Carbonaceous grains represent a major component of cosmic dust. In order to understand their formation pathways, they have been prepared in the laboratory by gas-phase condensation reactions such as laser pyrolysis and laser ablation. Our studies demonstrate that the temperature in the condensation zone determines the formation pathway of carbonaceous particles. At temperatures lower than 1700 K, the condensation by-products are mainly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), that are also the precursors or building blocks for the condensing soot grains. The low-temperature condensates contain PAH mixtures that are mainly composed of volatile 3-5 ring systems. At condensation temperatures higher than 3500 K, fullerene-like carbon grains and fullerene compounds are formed. Fullerene fragments or complete fullerenes equip the nucleating particles. Fullerenes can be identified as soluble components. Consequently, condensation products in cool and hot astrophysical environments such as cool and hot AGB stars or Wolf Rayet stars should be different and should have distinct spectral properties.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Z_2-Bi-Gradings, Majorana Modules and the Standard Model Action

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    The action functional of the Standard Model of particle physics is intimately related to a specific class of first order differential operators called Dirac operators of Pauli type ("Pauli-Dirac operators"). The aim of this article is to carefully analyze the geometrical structure of this class of Dirac operators on the basis of real Dirac operators of simple type. On the basis of simple type Dirac operators, it is shown how the Standard Model action (STM action) may be viewed as generalizing the Einstein-Hilbert action in a similar way the Einstein-Hilbert action is generalized by a cosmological constant. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the geometrical scheme presented allows to naturally incorporate also Majorana mass terms within the Standard Model. For reasons of consistency these Majorana mass terms are shown to dynamically contribute to the Einstein-Hilbert action by a "true" cosmological constant. Due to its specific form, this cosmological constant can be very small. Nonetheless, this cosmological constant may provide a significant contribution to dark matter/energy. In the geometrical description presented this possibility arises from a subtle interplay between Dirac and Majorana masses