18 research outputs found

    A flexible framework for sparse simultaneous component based data integration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>1 Background</p> <p>High throughput data are complex and methods that reveal structure underlying the data are most useful. Principal component analysis, frequently implemented as a singular value decomposition, is a popular technique in this respect. Nowadays often the challenge is to reveal structure in several sources of information (e.g., transcriptomics, proteomics) that are available for the same biological entities under study. Simultaneous component methods are most promising in this respect. However, the interpretation of the principal and simultaneous components is often daunting because contributions of each of the biomolecules (transcripts, proteins) have to be taken into account.</p> <p>2 Results</p> <p>We propose a sparse simultaneous component method that makes many of the parameters redundant by shrinking them to zero. It includes principal component analysis, sparse principal component analysis, and ordinary simultaneous component analysis as special cases. Several penalties can be tuned that account in different ways for the block structure present in the integrated data. This yields known sparse approaches as the lasso, the ridge penalty, the elastic net, the group lasso, sparse group lasso, and elitist lasso. In addition, the algorithmic results can be easily transposed to the context of regression. Metabolomics data obtained with two measurement platforms for the same set of <it>Escherichia coli </it>samples are used to illustrate the proposed methodology and the properties of different penalties with respect to sparseness across and within data blocks.</p> <p>3 Conclusion</p> <p>Sparse simultaneous component analysis is a useful method for data integration: First, simultaneous analyses of multiple blocks offer advantages over sequential and separate analyses and second, interpretation of the results is highly facilitated by their sparseness. The approach offered is flexible and allows to take the block structure in different ways into account. As such, structures can be found that are exclusively tied to one data platform (group lasso approach) as well as structures that involve all data platforms (Elitist lasso approach).</p> <p>4 Availability</p> <p>The additional file contains a MATLAB implementation of the sparse simultaneous component method.</p

    Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept

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    Although parenting styles constitute a well-known concept in parenting research, two issues have largely been overlooked in existing studies. In particular, the psychological control dimension has rarely been explicitly modelled and there is limited insight into joint parenting styles that simultaneously characterize maternal and paternal practices and their impact on child development. Using data from a sample of 600 Flemish families raising an 8-to-10 year old child, we identified naturally occurring joint parenting styles. A cluster analysis based on two parenting dimensions (parental support and behavioral control) revealed four congruent parenting styles: an authoritative, positive authoritative, authoritarian and uninvolved parenting style. A subsequent cluster analysis comprising three parenting dimensions (parental support, behavioral and psychological control) yielded similar cluster profiles for the congruent (positive) authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles, while the fourth parenting style was relabeled as a congruent intrusive parenting style. ANOVAs demonstrated that having (positive) authoritative parents associated with the most favorable outcomes, while having authoritarian parents coincided with the least favorable outcomes. Although less pronounced than for the authoritarian style, having intrusive parents also associated with poorer child outcomes. Results demonstrated that accounting for parental psychological control did not yield additional parenting styles, but enhanced our understanding of the pattern among the three parenting dimensions within each parenting style and their association with child outcomes. More similarities than dissimilarities in the parenting of both parents emerged, although adding psychological control slightly enlarged the differences between the scores of mothers and fathers

    Principal Covariates Clusterwise Regression (PCCR): Accounting for Multicollinearity and Population Heterogeneity in Hierarchically Organized Data

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    In the behavioral sciences, many research questions pertain to a regression problem in that one wants to predict a criterion on the basis of a number of predictors. Although in many cases ordinary least squares regression will suffice, sometimes the prediction problem is more challenging, for three reasons: First, multiple highly collinear predictors can be available, making it difficult to grasp their mutual relations as well as their relations to the criterion. In that case, it may be very useful to reduce the predictors to a few summary variables, on which one regresses the criterion and which at the same time yields insight into the predictor structure. Second, the population under study may consist of a few unknown subgroups that are characterized by different regression models. Third, the obtained data are often hierarchically structured, with for instance, observations being nested into persons or participants within groups or countries. Although some methods have been developed that partially meet these challenges (i.e., Principal Covariates Regression –PCovR–, clusterwise regression –CR–, and structural equation models), none of these methods adequately deals with all of them simultaneously. To fill this gap, we propose the Principal Covariates Clusterwise Regression (PCCR) method, which combines the key idea’s behind PCovR (de Jong & Kiers, 1992) and CR (Späth, 1979). The PCCR method is validated by means of a simulation study and by applying it to cross-cultural data regarding satisfaction with life.Multivariate analysis of psychological dat

    Презентация «Завершение Великой Отечественной войны и Второй мировой войн»

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    <p><b>A</b>: Proteins interact at different levels, from the low level of stable complex cores to the high level of temporarily interacting complexes. The different interaction types lead to different protein similarity levels in the context of the IP/MS data. Proteins of complex cores have a high similarity, while proteins of higher interaction levels have a lower similarity to each other. <b>B</b>: Two independent protein assemblies (depicted as green and yellow) and how they split in lower interaction levels. Protein complexes at different interaction levels can have the same similarity level. The clusters from a clustering method at one level (left) can represent complexes of different types for this reason, and it is unclear what each cluster represents. Our strategy (right) captures complexes at different similarity levels for this reason and creates trees that allow for predicting the interaction level.</p