1,242 research outputs found

    Motivation and Experience of Sacred Tomb Pilgrimage: Learnings from the Sasak Tribe Lombok

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    This study analyses the motivations and experiences that drive the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs of the Lombok Sasak Tribe. This sacred graves pilgrimage is a tradition that has survived from the past and a heritage that passes from generation to generation. The study uses a constructivist paradigm with a phenomenological qualitative approach. The research locations are at the tomb of Almagfurlah TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, in Pancor East Lombok; The Batu Layar Tomb in West Lombok; The Ketaq Tomb, Central Lombok; Bintaro Tomb in Mataram City and; the Tomb at the Bayan Beleq, Bayan in North Lombok. The analysis shows that the pilgrimage motivation to the sacred tombs is that of high religiosity. A high level of religiousness indicates gratitude for God’s tremendous and enormous blessings. It is such a great pleasure for pilgrims to have the opportunity to perform this Hajj safely. The pilgrimage experience to the sacred tombs means remembering death, remembering struggles, preserving purity or cleanliness, and strengthening brotherhood. The synergy between motivation and experience makes the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs sustainable and continues from generation to generation

    Analisis Implementasi Kompensasi Karyawan PT. Lotte Shopping Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru

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    Compensation is one of the important functions of Human Resource Management. Because compensation is the most sensitive aspects of the employment relationship. Cases occurring in the employment relationship and the compensation issue contains a variety of related terms, such as benefits, compensation increases, compensation structure, and the scale of compensation. Compensation system is helpful in strengthening the key values of the organization and facilitate the achievement of organizational goals.This research was conducted at PT. Lotte Shopping Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch. Located on Jl. Soekarno Hatta 50. The purpose of this research was conducted to analyze the implementation of compensation kryawan PT. Lotte Shopping Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch. In this research methodology used is descriptive analysis where the sample used is an employee of PT. Lotte Shopping Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch. The technique of collecting data through questionnaires and interviews.Implementation and Analysis of the results of Employee Compensation in PT. Lotte Shopping Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch which includes salary, benefits and incentives, stating that compensation has been applied are in either category.Keyword: salaries, benefits, incentive

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dengan Model Tipe Stad Pembelajaran Matematika Sdn 09 Pontianak Utara

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    Aktivitas belajar di Kelas VI SDN 09 Pontianak Utara masih rendah mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Dalam pembelajaran guru masih menggunakan metode konvensional, yaitu metode ceramah, pembelajaran matematika masih bersifat verbal, tanpa disertai contoh konkrit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran model kooferatif tipe Stad tentang FPB dan KPK; mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kooferatif tipe Stad dan mendeskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas fisik, mental dan emosional peserta didik dalam belajar. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, dalam bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Prosedur penelitian mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD hasilnya meningkatan aktivitas belajar peserta didik, baik aktifitas fisik, mental, maupun emosional dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik, siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 63,4 dan meningkat sebesar 68,2 pada siklus II. Kata Kunci: Model Kooperatif Tipe STAD, Peningkatan, Aktivitas Belajar Abstrack: Study activity at slass VI SDN 09 North Pontianak is still low affect student study result. In learning teacher is still use conventional method, mathematic learning still verbaly, without concrete example. This research is purpose to describe mathematic lesson plan cooperative model type STAD about GCD and LCM; describe cooperative learning implementation type STAD and describe physical activy improvement, mental and emotional of student and study. The reserch use descriptive method, in from in classrom action reserct. Research procedure including plan, implementatio, observation and reflection. The result of the use cooperative learning method type style STAD are increasing student study activy, either phicycal activy, mental, or emotional and also able to increase student study activy, cycle I class average score 63,4 and increase 68,2 cycle II

    Thermal Testing and Model Correlation of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observatories

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    International Conference on Envronmental Systems (ICES), Seattle WA NCTS 20964-15. The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is a Solar Terrestrial Probes mission comprising four identically instrumented spacecraft that will use Earths magnetosphere as a laboratory tostudy the microphysics of three fundamental plasma processes: magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence. This paper presents the complete thermal balance (TB) test performed on the first of four observatories to go through thermal vacuum (TV) and the minibalance testing that was performed on the subsequent observatories to provide a comparison of all four. The TV and TB tests were conducted in a thermal vacuum chamber at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C. with the vacuum level higher than 1.3 x 10-4 Pa (10-6 torr)and the surrounding temperature achieving -180 C. Three TB test cases were performed that included hot operational science, cold operational science and a cold survival case. In addition to the three balance cases a two hour eclipse and a four hour eclipse simulation was performed during the TV test to provide additional transient data points that represent the orbit in eclipse (or Earth's shadow) The goal was to perform testing such that the flight orbital environments could be simulated as closely as possible. A thermal model correlation between the thermal analysis and the test results was completed. Over 400 1-Wire temperature sensors, 200 thermocouples and 125 flight thermistor temperature sensors recorded data during TV and TB testing. These temperatureversus time profiles and their agreements with the analytical results obtained using Thermal Desktop and SINDAFLUINT are discussed. The model correlation for the thermal mathematical model (TMM) is conducted based on the numerical analysis results and the test data. The philosophy of model correlation was to correlate the model to within 3 C of the test data using the standard deviation and mean deviation error calculation. Individual temperature error goal is to be within 5 C and the heater power goal is to be within 5 of test data. The results of the model correlation are discussed and the effect of some material and interface parameters on the temperature profiles are presented

    Thermal Testing and Model Correlation of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observatories

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    The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is a Solar Terrestrial Probes mission comprising four identically instrumented spacecraft that will use Earth's magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the microphysics of three fundamental plasma processes: magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence. This paper presents the complete thermal balance (TB) test performed on the first of four observatories to go through thermal vacuum (TV) and the minibalance testing that was performed on the subsequent observatories to provide a comparison of all four. The TV and TB tests were conducted in a thermal vacuum chamber at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C. with the vacuum level higher than 1.3 x 10 (sup -4) pascals (10 (sup -6) torr) and the surrounding temperature achieving -180 degrees Centigrade. Three TB test cases were performed that included hot operational science, cold operational science and a cold survival case. In addition to the three balance cases a two hour eclipse and a four hour eclipse simulation was performed during the TV test to provide additional transient data points that represent the orbit in eclipse (or Earth's shadow) The goal was to perform testing such that the flight orbital environments could be simulated as closely as possible. A thermal model correlation between the thermal analysis and the test results was completed. Over 400 1-Wire temperature sensors, 200 thermocouples and 125 flight thermistor temperature sensors recorded data during TV and TB testing. These temperature versus time profiles and their agreements with the analytical results obtained using Thermal Desktop and SINDA/FLUINT are discussed. The model correlation for the thermal mathematical model (TMM) is conducted based on the numerical analysis results and the test data. The philosophy of model correlation was to correlate the model to within 3 degrees Centigrade of the test data using the standard deviation and mean deviation error calculation. Individual temperature error goal is to be within 5 degrees Centigrade and the heater power goal is to be within 5 percent of test data. The results of the model correlation are discussed and the effect of some material and interface parameters on the temperature profiles are presented

    Efek Fermentasi dengan Saccharomyces Cerevisiae terhadap Karakteristik Biokimia Tapioka

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae diketahui sebagai khamir penghasil enzim ekstraseluler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan enzim ektraseluler S. cereviciae dalam pembuatan tapioka dengan mengamati Perubahan biokimia pati. Sebanyak 1010 sel ml-1 inokulum S.cerevisiae diinokulasikan ke dalam suspensi tapioka, kemudian difermentasi selama 12 jam, 36 jam, dan 48 jam pada suhu ruang (30oC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa S.cerevisiae mampu tumbuh selama fermentasi dan memperbaiki sifat biokimia tapioka. Tapioka hasil fermentasi dengan S.cerevisiae memiliki kadar protein (2,17%) secara signifikan lebih tinggi dari kadar protein tapioka alami (0,28%). Sementara itu, kadar amilosa tapioka terfermentasi (24,83%) lebih rendah dari amilosa tapioka alami (28,57%). Dilain pihak, penambahan S.cerevsiae meningkatkan kadar Fe, Mg, dan Ca tapioka, tetapi kadar Zn nya menurun. Struktur granula pati tapioka terfermentasi juga menunjukkan adanya erosi di bagian tepi granula. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan S.cerevisiae dapat digunakan sebagai agensia modifikasi tapioka untuk meningkatkan kadar protein dan daya kelarutan


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    Creating review texts that analyze and evaluate both literary and non-literary works. At the junior high school level, review text learning—which provides reviews and evaluations of literary or non-literary works—is studied. However, it occurs from the review text learning activities based on observations made during field experience practice that composing review texts is still done conventionally, necessitating the need for innovative learning strategies involving applications. The discovery learning methodology, supported by the Canva application, is one of them. The goal of this study was to ascertain how students responded and what they learned when they used the discovery learning methodology with the Canva software to write review texts. A program called Canva that supports learning has tools for making review texts more creative. The technique employed is a descriptive qualitative method, and tests and questionnaires are used to collect the data. The outcomes of assessments and questionnaires that use average values and satisfy the achievement markers can be used to determine whether learning has been successful. The test scores were 78.8 and the questionnaire was 63%, according to the research findings. So, the discovery learning paradigm supported by the Canva application can enhance students' learning to create review texts, based on student learning outcomes and student response results

    Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Modal USAha antara Pt.bank Perkreditan Rakyat Unisritama dengan Nasabah di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Banking is a source of funds in the form of the granting of credit facilities for the community of individuals or business entities to meet the needs business so his business is increasing and evolving. The granting of credit facilities capital stock Of PT. Bank Rakyat Unisitama Soweto to the customer is done through a credit agreement by applying the precautionary principle and risk management credit, but in practice not everything runs smoothly in accordance with the exchanged so that these conditions cause the onset of the credit issues that must be resolved by PT. Bank people's Unisitama Of Pekanbaru.As for the purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the agreement between venture capital credit Pt. Bank Rakyat Unisritama Of Pekanbaru with customers in the city of Pekanbaru 2014 , to know the obstacles the implementation of the venture capital credit agreement between PT. Bank Rakyat Unisritama Of Pekanbaru with customers in the city of Pekanbaru 2014 and the efforts made in addressing the the barriers such.This type of research is sociological research i.e. Research directly on a location or place that is examined with primary and secondary data sources, data collection techniques by conducting interviews and literature review dan descriptive qualitative data analysis as well as methods of deductive conclusions made in withdrawal.Research results showed the execution of the agreement credit business capital between pt. Bank Of Unisritama the people of Soweto dengan customers in the city of Pekanbaru 2014, starting with the application for credit, checks, file verification, on the sport, credit analysis, credit decisions, credit administration, credit disbursements and obligations of the customer. Barriers to the implementation of the Covenant, namely venture capital credit application process takes a long time, installment credit not everything smoothly, construction and supervision of the customer less, socializing less credit. The effort of overcoming the the resistance that is increasing resources account officer, increases the prospective customer knowledge, coaching and supervision insufficient.Pt. Bank Rakyat Unisritama Of Pekanbaru we recommend that you increase the number of qualified accounts officer recruitment through objective and transparent to the customer credit employee venture capital, pt. Bank Rakyat Unisritama Of Soweto helped implementation of credit business capital. Pt. Bank Rakyat Unisritama Of Pekanbaru the budget provides for special credit promotions business capital cost in order for the community who have a small business and micro know about venture capital credit

    Optimizing 3d printed metallic object’s postprocessing : a case of gamma‐tial alloys

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    Gamma‐TiAl (γ‐TiAl) alloys can be used in high‐end products relevant to the aerospace, defense, biomedical, and marine industries. Fabricating objects made of γ‐TiAl alloys needs an additive manufacturing process called Electron Beam Melting (EBM) or other similar processes because these alloys are difficult‐to‐cut materials. An object fabricated by EBM exhibits poor surface finish and must undergo postprocessing. In this study, cylindrical specimens were fabricated by EBM and post‐processed by turning at different cutting conditions (cutting speed, depth of cut, feed rate, insert radius, and coolant flowrate). The EBM conditions were as follows: average powder size 110 μm, acceleration voltage 60 kV, beam current 10 mA, beam scanning speed 2200 mm/s, and beam focus offset 0.20 mm. The surface roughness and cutting force were recorded for each set of cutting conditions. The values of the cutting conditions were set by the L36 Design of Experiment approach. The effects of the cutting conditions on surface roughness and cutting force are elucidated by constructing the possibility distributions (triangular fuzzy numbers) from the experimental data. Finally, the optimal cutting conditions to improve the surface finish of specimens made of γ‐TiAl alloys are determined using the possibility distributions. Thus, this study’s outcomes can be used to develop intelligent systems for optimizing additive manufacturing processes. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengevaluasi kinerja pegawai melalui konflik peran ganda dan job stress pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Kualitatif dan Studi Pustaka (Literature Review) teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara secara langsung dengan narasumber. Dan dengan penelitian ini hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa adanya pengaruh antara Konflik Peran Ganda terhadap Kinerja Pegawai, yang artinya Ha1 dapat diterima dan menolak Ho1. Hasil tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor dukungan keluarga dan juga lingkungan pekerjaan. Job Stress memiliki pengaruh terhadap Kinerja Pegawai, yang artinya Ha2 dapat diterima dan menolak Ho2. Hasil ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor beban pekerjaan dan juga kerja sama tim. Serta Konflik Peran Ganda dan Job Stress memiliki pengaruh terhadap Kinerja Pegawai, yang artinya Ha3 dapat diterima dan menolak Ho3. Hasil tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lain diantaranya adalah dengan kemampuan pegawai dalam mengatur waktu dan perannya dengan sangat baik dan beban pekerjaan yang dapat diatasi dengan tepat