1,337 research outputs found

    Uniformização dos zoneamentos ecológico-econÎmicos de åreas adjacentes.

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    O objetivo foi avaliar as diferenças de zoneamento na årea fronteiriça do ZEE da sub-bacia do Purus (COMISSÃO ESTADUAL..., 2011) e do ZEE do Acre (ACRE, 2010)

    Synthesis and characterization of thorium-bearing britholites

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    RADIOCHIn the field of the immobilization of tri- and tetravalent minor actinides, apatites and especially britholites were already proposed as good candidates. In order to simulate tetravalent minor actinides, the incorporation of thorium, through dry chemical routes, was studied in britholite samples of general formula Ca9Nd1−xThx(PO4)5−x(SiO4)1+xF2. The study showed that the incorporation of thorium was effective whatever the thorium reagent used or the grinding conditions considered. Nevertheless, it appeared necessary to use mechanical grinding (30 Hz, 15 min) before heating treatment (T = 1400 °C, 6 h) to improve the reactivity of powders and the sample homogeneity. In these conditions, the incorporation of thorium in the britholite structure occurred above 1100 °C. The heating treatment at 1400 °C led to single phase and homogeneous compounds. This work also underlined the necessity to prefer the coupled substitution Click to view the MathML source instead of (Nd3+, F−) left right double arrow (Th4+, O2−) in order to prepare pure and single phase samples in all the range of composition examined

    Reconstruction of sea surface temperatures from the oxygen isotope composition of fossil planktic foraminifera.

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    Knowledge of the historic surface temperature of sea water is of importance for the calibration of climate models. The oxygen isotope composition of the shells of several species of planktic foraminifera can be used as a measure for this sea surface temperature. In this paper we investigate how mathematical models can contribute to the process of extracting information about the temperature at which the foraminifera lived from measurement of the oxygen isotope composition of their shells. A simple model is proposed which captures both the average and the variability of the temperature. Preliminary findings suggest that this model forms a solid basis for future research

    The de novo centriole assembly pathway in HeLa cells: cell cycle progression and centriole assembly/maturation

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    It has been reported that nontransformed mammalian cells become arrested during G1 in the absence of centrioles (Hinchcliffe, E., F. Miller, M. Cham, A. Khodjakov, and G. Sluder. 2001. Science. 291:1547–1550). Here, we show that removal of resident centrioles (by laser ablation or needle microsurgery) does not impede cell cycle progression in HeLa cells. HeLa cells born without centrosomes, later, assemble a variable number of centrioles de novo. Centriole assembly begins with the formation of small centrin aggregates that appear during the S phase. These, initially amorphous “precentrioles” become morphologically recognizable centrioles before mitosis. De novo–assembled centrioles mature (i.e., gain abilities to organize microtubules and replicate) in the next cell cycle. This maturation is not simply a time-dependent phenomenon, because de novo–formed centrioles do not mature if they are assembled in S phase–arrested cells. By selectively ablating only one centriole at a time, we find that the presence of a single centriole inhibits the assembly of additional centrioles, indicating that centrioles have an activity that suppresses the de novo pathway

    Automatic differentiation of u- and n-serrated patterns in direct immunofluorescence images

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    Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a subepidermal autoimmune blistering disease of the skin. Manual u- and n-serrated patterns analysis in direct immunofluorescence (DIF) images is used in medical practice to differentiate EBA from other forms of pemphigoid. The manual analysis of serration patterns in DIF images is very challenging, mainly due to noise and lack of training of the immunofluorescence (IF) microscopists. There are no automatic techniques to distinguish these two types of serration patterns. We propose an algorithm for the automatic recognition of such a disease. We first locate a region where u- and n-serrated patterns are typically found. Then, we apply a bank of B-COSFIRE filters to the identified region of interest in the DIF image in order to detect ridge contours. This is followed by the construction of a normalized histogram of orientations. Finally, we classify an image by using the nearest neighbors algorithm that compares its normalized histogram of orientations with all the images in the dataset. The best results that we achieve on the UMCG publicly available data set is 84.6% correct classification, which is comparable to the results of medical experts

    Cell cycle progression and de novo centriole assembly after centrosomal removal in untransformed human cells

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    How centrosome removal or perturbations of centrosomal proteins leads to G1 arrest in untransformed mammalian cells has been a mystery. We use microsurgery and laser ablation to remove the centrosome from two types of normal human cells. First, we find that the cells assemble centrioles de novo after centrosome removal; thus, this phenomenon is not restricted to transformed cells. Second, normal cells can progress through G1 in its entirety without centrioles. Therefore, the centrosome is not a necessary, integral part of the mechanisms that drive the cell cycle through G1 into S phase. Third, we provide evidence that centrosome loss is, functionally, a stress that can act additively with other stresses to arrest cells in G1 in a p38-dependent fashion
