10 research outputs found

    The use of a DNA stabilizer in human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals

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    Objective: The present study evaluated the use of a reagent to stabilize the DNA extracted from human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals. Material and Methods: A total of 161 teeth were divided into two distinct groups: intact teeth and isolated dental pulp tissue. The samples were stored with or without the product at different time intervals and temperature. After storage, DNA extraction and genomic DNA quantification were performed using real-time PCR; the fragments of the 32 samples that represented each possible condition were analyzed to find the four pre-selected markers in STR analysis. Results: The results of the quantification showed values ranging from 0.01 to 10,246.88 ng/μL of DNA. The statistical difference in the quantity of DNA was observed when the factors related to the time and temperature of storage were analyzed. In relation to the use of the specific reagent, its use was relevant in the group of intact teeth when they were at room temperature for 30 and 180 days. The analysis of the fragments in the 32 selected samples was possible irrespective of the amount of DNA, confirming that the STR analysis using an automated method yields good results. Conclusions: The use of a specific reagent showed a significant difference in stabilizing DNA in samples of intact human teeth stored at room temperature for 30 and 180 days, while the results showed no justification for using the product under the other conditions tested

    Casuistry study and diagnoses concordance in Death Verification Service - Interior (DVSi), of Ribeirão Preto,SP, from 2008 to 2012

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    Os Serviços de Verificação de Óbitos fornecem informações complementares para a epidemiologia e políticas de saúde pública que servem de instrumentos para medir a situação da saúde de uma comunidade e também para a elaboração e avaliação dos programas de saúde. A comparação entre o diagnóstico clínico de causa mortis e o diagnóstico após a autópsia é uma ferramenta utilizada para a auditoria de serviços médicos, e apesar dos avanços tecnológicos as discrepâncias ainda continuam altas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a casuística do Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos do Interior (SVOi), localizado no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, no período de 2008 a 2012 e compará-la com as estatísticas gerais de mortalidade do município, disponibilizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Além disso, foi feita a classificação das discrepâncias diagnósticas entre os diagnósticos anotados nos pedidos de necropsias e laudos finais do exame nos óbitos ocorridos utilizando o critério Goldman modificado e a partir dos dados obtidos a fim de realizar uma análise crítica do impacto do SVOi no esclarecimento diagnóstico e sua importância nas estatísticas de mortalidade. Para a aplicação do critério foram utilizados dados secundários do encaminhamento de solicitação da necropsia, dos relatórios finais e dos dados sobre as estatísticas de mortalidade do Município obtidos do Ministério da Saúde, sendo que a análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de análise estatística descritiva. Os resultados evidenciaram que nos períodos do estudo foram realizadas 4464 necropsias no serviço, com predomínio de pacientes do sexo masculino e faixa etária dos 51 aos 90 anos. As doenças do aparelho circulatório foram as mais prevalentes registradas como causas de óbitos, seguidas das doenças respiratórias e neoplasias. Dentre todos os casos necropsiados, foi possível a aplicação do critério Goldman modificado em 3895 (83,28%) deles e as discrepâncias maiores foram atribuídas em 26,39% após o uso de critérios de analise, o que sugere a existência de alto grau de discrepâncias entre a hipótese diagnóstica e a real causa do óbito. Pode-se concluir que o SVOi desempenha um importante papel na auditoria diagnóstica, fato esse evidenciado pelos casos que não apresentaram correlação entre hipótese no encaminhamento e relatório final da necropsia. Além disso, 1228 (31,53%) casos foram encaminhados sem a hipótese, ou seja, sem suspeita da causa básica de morte, destacando a importância do SVOi para a sua definição. Ademais, a causa básica foi solucionada após a realização da necropsia em 99,54% do total dos casos analisados nesse estudo, o que revela a importância desse serviço para a elucidação dos casos e para a contribuição dos dados para as estatísticas de mortalidade.The Death Verification Service provides complementary information for public epidemiology services and public health policies that are useful as tools for measuring the health status of a community and for the elaboration and evaluation of health programs. Diagnostic comparison between cause of death clinical diagnosis and the autopsy is a tool used for auditing medical services, and despite technological advances, discrepancies are still high. The present study sought to evaluate the casuistry in the Death Verification Service - Interior (DVSi) from 2008 to 2012 and to compare them with the general mortality statistics of the Ribeirão Preto municipality, which were made available by the Ministry of Health. In addition, it aimed to classify the diagnostic discrepancies between the requests for autopsies and final results of examinations in deaths using the Goldman revised criteria and, from the obtained data, to make a critical analysis of the DVSi impact on diagnostic clarification and its importance in mortality statistics. For the application of the criteria, secondary data from the cadaver referral, final reports and mortality data of the Ministry of Health were used, and data analysis was performed through descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that during the study periods, 4464 autopsies were performed in the service, with a predominance of male patients and age range from 51 to 90 years. Circulatory system diseases were the most prevalent causes of death, followed by respiratory diseases and neoplasms. Among all autopsied cases, it was possible to apply the Goldman revised criteria in 3895 (83.28%) cases and large discrepancies were attributed in 26.39% cases after the use of analysis filter criteria, which suggests the existence of discrepancies between the diagnostic hypothesis and the actual cause of death. It can be concluded that the local DVSi plays an important role in the diagnostic audit, evidenced by the cases that did not present a correlation between the hypothesis in the referral and the final autopsy report. In addition, 1228 (31.53%) cases were referred without hypothesis, that is, without suspicion of the underlying cause of death, highlighting the importance of the DVSi for its definition. Furthermore, the basic cause was solved after performing the autopsy in 99.54% of the total cases analyzed in this study, which reveals the importance of this service for clarification of the cases and its contribution to mortality statistics

    Casuistry study and diagnoses concordance in Death Verification Service - Interior (DVSi), of Ribeirão Preto,SP, from 2008 to 2012

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    Os Serviços de Verificação de Óbitos fornecem informações complementares para a epidemiologia e políticas de saúde pública que servem de instrumentos para medir a situação da saúde de uma comunidade e também para a elaboração e avaliação dos programas de saúde. A comparação entre o diagnóstico clínico de causa mortis e o diagnóstico após a autópsia é uma ferramenta utilizada para a auditoria de serviços médicos, e apesar dos avanços tecnológicos as discrepâncias ainda continuam altas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a casuística do Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos do Interior (SVOi), localizado no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, no período de 2008 a 2012 e compará-la com as estatísticas gerais de mortalidade do município, disponibilizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Além disso, foi feita a classificação das discrepâncias diagnósticas entre os diagnósticos anotados nos pedidos de necropsias e laudos finais do exame nos óbitos ocorridos utilizando o critério Goldman modificado e a partir dos dados obtidos a fim de realizar uma análise crítica do impacto do SVOi no esclarecimento diagnóstico e sua importância nas estatísticas de mortalidade. Para a aplicação do critério foram utilizados dados secundários do encaminhamento de solicitação da necropsia, dos relatórios finais e dos dados sobre as estatísticas de mortalidade do Município obtidos do Ministério da Saúde, sendo que a análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de análise estatística descritiva. Os resultados evidenciaram que nos períodos do estudo foram realizadas 4464 necropsias no serviço, com predomínio de pacientes do sexo masculino e faixa etária dos 51 aos 90 anos. As doenças do aparelho circulatório foram as mais prevalentes registradas como causas de óbitos, seguidas das doenças respiratórias e neoplasias. Dentre todos os casos necropsiados, foi possível a aplicação do critério Goldman modificado em 3895 (83,28%) deles e as discrepâncias maiores foram atribuídas em 26,39% após o uso de critérios de analise, o que sugere a existência de alto grau de discrepâncias entre a hipótese diagnóstica e a real causa do óbito. Pode-se concluir que o SVOi desempenha um importante papel na auditoria diagnóstica, fato esse evidenciado pelos casos que não apresentaram correlação entre hipótese no encaminhamento e relatório final da necropsia. Além disso, 1228 (31,53%) casos foram encaminhados sem a hipótese, ou seja, sem suspeita da causa básica de morte, destacando a importância do SVOi para a sua definição. Ademais, a causa básica foi solucionada após a realização da necropsia em 99,54% do total dos casos analisados nesse estudo, o que revela a importância desse serviço para a elucidação dos casos e para a contribuição dos dados para as estatísticas de mortalidade.The Death Verification Service provides complementary information for public epidemiology services and public health policies that are useful as tools for measuring the health status of a community and for the elaboration and evaluation of health programs. Diagnostic comparison between cause of death clinical diagnosis and the autopsy is a tool used for auditing medical services, and despite technological advances, discrepancies are still high. The present study sought to evaluate the casuistry in the Death Verification Service - Interior (DVSi) from 2008 to 2012 and to compare them with the general mortality statistics of the Ribeirão Preto municipality, which were made available by the Ministry of Health. In addition, it aimed to classify the diagnostic discrepancies between the requests for autopsies and final results of examinations in deaths using the Goldman revised criteria and, from the obtained data, to make a critical analysis of the DVSi impact on diagnostic clarification and its importance in mortality statistics. For the application of the criteria, secondary data from the cadaver referral, final reports and mortality data of the Ministry of Health were used, and data analysis was performed through descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that during the study periods, 4464 autopsies were performed in the service, with a predominance of male patients and age range from 51 to 90 years. Circulatory system diseases were the most prevalent causes of death, followed by respiratory diseases and neoplasms. Among all autopsied cases, it was possible to apply the Goldman revised criteria in 3895 (83.28%) cases and large discrepancies were attributed in 26.39% cases after the use of analysis filter criteria, which suggests the existence of discrepancies between the diagnostic hypothesis and the actual cause of death. It can be concluded that the local DVSi plays an important role in the diagnostic audit, evidenced by the cases that did not present a correlation between the hypothesis in the referral and the final autopsy report. In addition, 1228 (31.53%) cases were referred without hypothesis, that is, without suspicion of the underlying cause of death, highlighting the importance of the DVSi for its definition. Furthermore, the basic cause was solved after performing the autopsy in 99.54% of the total cases analyzed in this study, which reveals the importance of this service for clarification of the cases and its contribution to mortality statistics

    Use of the product Allprotect Tissue Reagent® in the stabilization of DNA extracted from human dental tissues at different storage conditions.

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    A metodologia genético-molecular destaca-se como uma técnica apurada para os processos de identificação humana e, dentre as fontes de evidência biológica, o uso de elementos dentais é de grande interesse. A manutenção da integridade do material enviado ao laboratório é imprescindível para o sucesso dos resultados obtidos e uma das principais dificuldades encontradas é com relação ao armazenamento da amostra, que geralmente é realizado em baixas temperaturas. O presente trabalho avaliou a eficácia do produto Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) na estabilização do DNA extraído de tecidos dentais humanos armazenados em diferentes condições. Para tal, foram utilizados 165 elementos dentais, os quais foram distribuídos em dois grupos distintos: dente íntegro e tecido pulpar dental isolado. As amostras foram armazenadas com ou sem a utilização do referido produto, variando o período de tempo (1, 7, 30 e 180 dias) e temperatura (ambiente e refrigeração). Além desses grupos, foi formado um grupo controle positivo composto por cinco elementos dentais armazenados a -20ºC durante 180 dias. Após o armazenamento foi realizada extração do DNA, eletroforese em gel de agarose, quantificação do DNA genômico por PCR Tempo Real e análise de fragmentos de 37 amostras. Os fragmentos de 32 amostras que representavam cada condição possível e as cinco amostras do grupo controle positivo foram analisados, a fim de verificar quatro marcadores pré-selecionados. O gel de agarose mostrou evidências da presença de DNA genômico. Os valores da quantificação foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes Kruscal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Os resultados mostraram valores que variaram de 0,01 a 10246,88ng/L de DNA. Houve diminuição da concentração de DNA nas amostras de dente armazenadas em temperatura ambiente por 30 e 180 dias em relação às que ficaram armazenadas por 1 e 7 dias. Além do fator tempo, a temperatura também influenciou na concentração de DNA, sendo maior nos dentes que ficaram por 30 dias e na polpa dental mantida por 180 dias, quando refrigerados. Em relação à utilização do produto Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), o mesmo mostrou diferença significativa na estabilização dos dentes que foram armazenados em temperatura ambiente durante 30 e 180 dias. A análise de fragmentos foi possível nas 37 amostras selecionadas, independente da quantidade de DNA, confirmando a importância das reações de amplificação e da análise de STR utilizando método automático. Conclui-se que a utilização do produto Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) mostrou diferença significativa na estabilização do DNA das amostras de dentes íntegros armazenadas em temperatura ambiente durante 30 e 180 dias, enquanto que nas demais condições testadas, os resultados não evidenciaram justificativas para o uso do produto.The genetic-molecular methodology stands out as an accurate technique for human identification process and among the sources of biological evidence, the use of teeth is of great interest in Forensic Dentistry. Maintaining integrity of the material sent to laboratory is essential for success of the analysis, and one of the main difficulties is related to sample storage, which is usually carried out at low temperatures. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) in stabilizing DNA extracted from human dental tissues stored under different conditions. In this study were used 165 teeth, distributed in two groups: intact teeth and isolated pulp tissue. The samples were stored with or without the product and varying the storage time (1, 7, 30 and 180 days) and temperature (room temperature and under refrigeration). In addition to these groups, was formed a positive control group, composed by five teeth, which was stored at -20ºC for 180 days. After storage, DNA extraction, electrophoresis on agarose gel and genomic DNA quantification by Real-Time PCR and fragments of 37 samples were performed. The fragments of 32 samples representing every possible condition and five positive control group samples were analyzed to verify four pre-selected markers. The agarose gel showed evidences of genomic DNA presence. Quantification results were statistically analyzed with the tests Kruscal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney. Quantification results showed values ranging from 0.01 to 10,246.88 ng/L of DNA. There was a decrease in DNA concentration in stored tooth samples at room temperature for 30 and 180 days compared to those stored for 1 and 7 days. Besides the time factor, temperature also influenced the DNA concentration, being higher in teeth that remained for 30 days and in tooth pulp maintained for 180 days, under refrigeration. Regarding the use of Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) it showed a significant difference in stabilization of stored teeth at room temperature for 30 and 180 days. The analysis of fragments was possible in 37 selected samples, regardless of the DNA quantity variation, confirming that amplification reactions and STR analysis using automated methods provides good results. It was concluded that the use of Allprotect Tissue Reagent® (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) showed a significant difference in stabilizing DNA samples of intact human teeth stored at room temperature for 30 and 180 days, while in the other test conditions the results showed no justification for using this product

    Image driven analysis of plates coated by cold spray coating process using a layerwise approach

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    Functionally graded materials are characterized by its continuous spatial properties' variation which provides them a better behaviour concerning strain and stress transition, hence avoiding the abrupt changes typical of composite fibre reinforced laminates. Although manufacturing systems and techniques used in the production of such materials has evolved significantly, porosities may arise as non-desirable characteristic. Other situations exist where pores are desirable as they may contribute to a specific better performance. Regardless the specific application, it is expected that mechanical properties of graded material will be affected by the existence of porosities. This work presents a study on the static and free vibrations behaviour of plates constituted by a substrate coated by the cold spray coating process. This coating presents inherent porosities which distribution matters to characterize in order to assess its influence on the plate behaviour. To this purpose, a layerwise approach considering the first order shear deformation theory was used, in order to be able to carry out a more representative study of the system substrate-coating. The results obtained show that for a small relation between the coating thickness and the plate's total thickness, the relative deviations obtained, considering the porosity-free coating plate as reference, denotes no evidence of significant influence of the number of terms on the volume fraction approximation, for the static and free vibrations results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of a DNA stabilizer in human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals

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    Objective: The present study evaluated the use of a reagent to stabilize the DNA extracted from human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals. Material and Methods: A total of 161 teeth were divided into two distinct groups: intact teeth and isolated dental pulp tissue. The samples were stored with or without the product at different time intervals and temperature. After storage, DNA extraction and genomic DNA quantification were performed using real-time PCR; the fragments of the 32 samples that represented each possible condition were analyzed to find the four pre-selected markers in STR analysis. Results: The results of the quantification showed values ranging from 0.01 to 10,246.88 ng/μL of DNA. The statistical difference in the quantity of DNA was observed when the factors related to the time and temperature of storage were analyzed. In relation to the use of the specific reagent, its use was relevant in the group of intact teeth when they were at room temperature for 30 and 180 days. The analysis of the fragments in the 32 selected samples was possible irrespective of the amount of DNA, confirming that the STR analysis using an automated method yields good results. Conclusions: The use of a specific reagent showed a significant difference in stabilizing DNA in samples of intact human teeth stored at room temperature for 30 and 180 days, while the results showed no justification for using the product under the other conditions tested


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    <p>The increase in the number of civil liability lawsuits against dentists and dental clinics is evident. Due to this, it is necessary for the professional to keep informed about the laws, especially about the means of protection in civil lawsuits. This study verified the procedural reality of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil through a quantitative descriptive study, of reading and interpretation of legal proceedings related to dental surgeon civil liability, and entities with activities in the context of odontology in notaries of ten Civil Courts and the six Special Courts of Londrina County. The procedural steps of n=69 cases found were analyzed, verifying that the most frequent specialty was prosthodontics. Discrepancies were found between compensation being claimed and granted, and that a very small number of lawsuits had liability insurance. According to the analysis of the lawsuits, it was verified that a considerable number of judicial proceedings involving dental surgeons and entities concerning Dentistry.</p

    Sex Determination of Adult Human Maxillary Sinuses on Panoramic Radiographs

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate dimensions of adult human maxillary sinuses on panoramic radiographs and their possible application on the sex determination for forensic purposes. The sample comprised 64 database panoramic radiographs from individuals aged 20 years or older (32 male and 32 female subjects), with complete permanent dentition (or absence of third molars). One examiner measured the width and height of the right and left maxillary sinuses using the software Image J 1.47v (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA). Measurements were repeated to calculate intra-observer agreement. Chi-Square test, Kappa, ANOVA and T-Student were used for results analysis for p≤ 0.05. Intra-observer agreement with correlation Kappa ranged between 0.38 and 0.96. For female subjects, the mean height and width of the left maxillary sinus were 28.7856mm and 44.6178mm, respectively. And right maxillary sinus was 27.7163mm for height and 45.1850mm for width. Male subjects were found to have the mean height and width of the left maxillary sinus 30.9981mm and 48.7753mm, respectively. And right maxillary sinus was 30.7403mm for height and 48.5753mm for width. There was a statistically significant difference in the height and width of maxillary sinuses between males and females. It can be concluded that maxillary sinuses height and width on panoramic radiographs can be used to determine the gender of adult human subjects