330 research outputs found

    Wie es zur Wirtschafts-, Währungs- und Sozialunion kam : Wirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen und politische Vorbedingungen

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    Es gab, so verkünden seit nunmehr zwei Jahrzehnten die bundesdeutschen Medien, zum Zeitpunkt und zur Art und Weise, wie die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion vollzogen wurde, keine Alternative. «Ich kenne keine ernsthafte Betrachtung, wie man es hätte anders machen können», äußerte sich der Chefunterhändler des Einigungsvertrages Wolfgang Schäuble in einem Interview im «Neuen Deutschland» im Mai 2009. Bezogen auf jene programmatischen Konzepte, die die Währungsunion im Transformationsprozess der DDR-Wirtschaft bzw. im Einigungsprozess anders platzieren wollten, stimmt Schäubles Aussage offensichtlich nicht. Doch siegte mit dem «Stichwortkonzept: Schritte zur deutschen Wirtschaftseinheit » das bessere Programm? Welche Motive hatten Kanzler Kohl bzw. Finanzminister Waigel die Währungsunion an den Beginn des wirtschaftpolitischen Transformationsprozesses in der DDR zu setzen? Glaubten beide wirklich, sich für das bessere, d. h. für die DDR-Bürger und für das Zusammenwachsen von DDR und BRD günstigere Konzept entschieden zu haben? Warum verweigerten sie sich so vehement jedem Vorschlag ausgewiesener Experten, die Transformation von der Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft in Ostdeutschland über mehrere Jahre statt über einige Monate zu vollziehen? Vermutlich ging es dem Bundeskanzler nur um eins – um den Machterhalt. Nur als «Kanzler der Einheit», hatte er alle Chancen im Herbst 1990 die anstehenden Bundestagswahlen zu gewinnen. So hat er das natürlich in seinen Memoiren nicht formuliert

    Multi-particle emission from 31Ar at IDS

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    XXXV Bienal de la RSEF, Gijón (España), 13-17 de Julio de 2015; http://bienalrsef-gijon2015.org/web/Acknowledge the support received from the Spanish research council under project FPA2012-32443 and FPI 2013 grant BES-2013-066348.Peer Reviewe

    After-action Analysis of the Magic Maggiore Workshop on Expert Support and Reachback

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    The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) organized a two and a half-day workshop on expert support and reachback entitled Magic Maggiore at the JRC Ispra, Italy in 28-30 March 2017. Through a series of presentations, case studies, panel discussions, and a demonstration exercise, Magic Maggiore helped raise awareness and build commitment towards technical reachback. Furthermore, the workshop presented best practices to address key challenges, and identified areas for future work in this field. The workshop included a real-time detection and reachback exercise of a hypothetical nuclear security incident, put on between the JRC (Ispra) and France (Paris). The demonstration focused on core components of alarm adjudication and information exchange between front line officers, a national reachback centre, and an advanced centralised reachback centre located in Paris. A list of concrete post-workshop activities has been generated. The purpose of the list is to pave the way for the identification of the next steps towards development of European capabilities for nuclear security and in more general, for CBRNE security. Reachback is necessary for alarm adjudication to provide timely information for a balanced response. Information sharing between competent authorities is of vital importance for nuclear security. Due to the variety of responsibilities, Technical, Scientific and Operational support needs to be defined. The Member States should consider developing joint protocols on data structures and data handling to ease the information flow and so the response time.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    List-mode data acquisition based on digital electronics - State-of-the-art report

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    This report deals with digital radiation detection systems employing list-mode data collection, which improves data analysis capabilities. Future data acquisition systems shall also ultimately enable the movement of detection data from first responders electronically to analysis centres rather than the costly and time consuming process of moving experts and/or samples. This new technology is especially useful in crisis events, when time and resources are sparse and increased analysis capacity is required. In order to utilise the opportunities opened by these new technologies, the systems have to be interoperable, so that the data from each type of detector can easily be analysed by different analysis centres. Successful interoperability of the systems requires that European and/or international standards are devised for the digitised data format. The basis of such a format is a list of registered events detailing an estimate of the energy of the detected radiation, along with an accurate time-stamp for recorded events (and optionally other parameters describing each event).JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen

    Reactions induced by 11Be beam at Rex-Isolde

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    The collision induced by the three Beryllium isotopes, 9,10,11Be, on a 64Zn target were investigated at Ec.m. ≈ 1.4 the Coulomb barrier. The experiments with the radioactive 10,11Be beams were performed at the Rex-Isolde facility at CERN. In the case of 9,10Be, elastic scattering angular distributions were measured whereas, in the 11Be case, the quasielastic scattering angular distribution was obtained. A strong damping of the quasielastic cross-section was observed in the 11Be case, in the angular range around the Coulomb-nuclear interference peak. In this latter case a large total-reaction cross-section is found. Such a cross-section is more than a factor of two larger than the ones extracted in the reactions induced by the non-halo Beryllium isotopes. A large contribution to the total-reaction cross-section in the 11Be case could be attributed to transfer and/or break-up event

    Clarification of the low-lying states of Be-9

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    5 pages, 1 table, 2 figures.-- Presented at the International Conference on Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 years (Lund University, Sweden, June 14–18, 2005).-- PACS nrs.: 23.40.Hc, 27.20.+n, 24.80.+y.A newly developed technique for dealing with three-body decays of broad isolated levels is extended to deal with the broad, overlapping levels found at 2-9 MeV excitation energy in Be-9. The levels are populated through beta-decay of Li-9. The method gives firm evidence for the existence of several levels. Angular correlation studies allow spin values to be assigned.Peer reviewe

    MAGISOL plug-in Set-up Status

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    Presentación en Power Point de 18 diapositivas; CERN, Meyrin, Suiza, 28-29 April 2014Peer Reviewe

    Clarification of the low-lying states of Be-9

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    5 pages, 1 table, 2 figures.-- Presented at the International Conference on Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 years (Lund University, Sweden, June 14–18, 2005).-- PACS nrs.: 23.40.Hc, 27.20.+n, 24.80.+y.A newly developed technique for dealing with three-body decays of broad isolated levels is extended to deal with the broad, overlapping levels found at 2-9 MeV excitation energy in Be-9. The levels are populated through beta-decay of Li-9. The method gives firm evidence for the existence of several levels. Angular correlation studies allow spin values to be assigned.Peer reviewe

    Critical parameters and performance tests for the evaluation of digital data acquisition hardware

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    Recent developments of digital data acquisition systems allow real-time pre-processing of detector signals at a high count rate. These so-called pulse processing digitizers are powerful and versatile instruments offering techniques which are important for nuclear security, critical infrastructure protection, nuclear physics and radiation metrology. Certain aspects of digital data acquisition affect the performance of the total system in a critical way and therefore require special attention. This report presents a short introduction to digital data acquisition, followed by a discussion of the critical parameters which affect the performance in the lab and in the field. For some of the parameters, tests are proposed to assess the performance of digital data acquisition systems. Good practices are offered to guide the selection and evaluation of digital data acquisition systems. More general performance criteria which are not specifically related to digital data acquisition systems are discussed separately.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Evidence of strong effects of the 11Be halo structure on reaction processes at energies around the Coulomb barrier

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    The collision induced by the three Beryllium isotopes, 9,10,11Be, on 64Zn target were investigated at Ec.m. ¿ 1.4 the Coulomb barrier. Elastic scattering angular distributions were measured for the 9,10Be collisions whereas, in the 11Be case the quasielastic scattering angular distribution was obtained. A strong damping of the quasielastic cross-section was observed in the 11Be case, especially in the angular range around the Coulomb-nuclear interference peak. In this latter case a large total-reaction cross-section is found, more than a factor of two larger than the ones extracted in the reactions induced by the non-halo Beryllium isotopes. A large contribution to the total-reaction cross-section in the 11Be case could be attributed to transfer and/or break-up events