
List-mode data acquisition based on digital electronics - State-of-the-art report


This report deals with digital radiation detection systems employing list-mode data collection, which improves data analysis capabilities. Future data acquisition systems shall also ultimately enable the movement of detection data from first responders electronically to analysis centres rather than the costly and time consuming process of moving experts and/or samples. This new technology is especially useful in crisis events, when time and resources are sparse and increased analysis capacity is required. In order to utilise the opportunities opened by these new technologies, the systems have to be interoperable, so that the data from each type of detector can easily be analysed by different analysis centres. Successful interoperability of the systems requires that European and/or international standards are devised for the digitised data format. The basis of such a format is a list of registered events detailing an estimate of the energy of the detected radiation, along with an accurate time-stamp for recorded events (and optionally other parameters describing each event).JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen

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