37 research outputs found

    Evaluation of teaching forensic nursing course on undergraduate nursing student's forensic nursing knowledge

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    Background: The aim of the forensic nursing (FN) education is to provide nursing students with the basic knowledge of FN that they can use in the clinical area. Objective: The study evaluated the effect of integrating forensic nursing into the undergraduate nursing curriculum on 2nd- and 4th-year students’ knowledge level of FN. Participants: The target population of this study was composed of 2nd- and 4th-year students in the nursing department at a foundation university in Istanbul. The study was conducted with 95 nursing students who agreed to participate in the study. Methods: The research was planned as cross-sectional and descriptive. The questionnaire form was developed with the help of literature by experts in the field. Each correct answer was scored as 4 points, and the total score could range from 0 to 100. Results: The average age was 21.64 ± 1.16, and 66.3% (n = 63) was female. Out of the 95 students, 50.5% (n = 48) were in 2nd year, and 49.5% (n = 47) were in 4th year. A total of 47.4% (n = 45) of the students took a FN course, and 52.6% (n = 50) did not take FN course. The average level of knowledge for those who took FN course was 52.09 ± 12.31 and for those who did not take FN course was 46.16 ± 12.18. According to the status of taking FN course, a significant difference was found between the average level of knowledge (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These results emphasize the importance of integration of FN into the undergraduate nursing curriculum. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Effects of Chronic Oral Monosodium Glutamate Consumption on Naloxane-Induced Morphine Withdrawal in Infant Rats

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate chronic oral monosodium glutamate (MSG) consumption effects on symptoms of withdrawal, locomotor activity, and anxiety in morphine withdrawal syndrome induced by naloxone in infant rats. Materials and Methods: Twelve 21-day-old male Wistar rats used in the study. Infant rats were given unlimited access to saline (control group) or MSG (MSG group) added to drinking water for 32 days. Withdrawal was induced by naloxone in morphine-dependent rats. Evaluation of withdrawal symptoms and anxiety were performed simultaneously with locomotor activity measurements. Results: Withdrawal sings, such as jumping, wet dog shake, and weight loss; stereotypic, ambulatory, and vertical locomotor activity movements; central, peripheral, and total activities used in the assessment of anxiety in infant rats with naloxone-induced withdrawal syndrome that consumed oral MSG for 32 days were not different from the control group. Conclusion: These findings obtained in our study indicate that chronic consumption of oral MSG in infant rats whose blood-brain barrier has not yet developed does not affect morphine dependence and naloxone-induced withdrawal. Further studies are needed to investigate the mechanism of action of orally administered MSG

    Pendrin expression in nodular and non-nodular thyroid tissues

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    Introduction: Different mechanisms for the expression of pendrin which is an apical iodide transporter have been reported in nodular thyroid tissues compared to normal thyroid. The aim of the present study was to determine the alterations of pendrin expression in nodular and surrounding non-nodular thyroid tissues and clarify the role of pendrin in the functional behaviour of nodular lesions. Material and methods: Twenty-six nodular and paired non-nodular normal thyroid tissues were collected at the same centre. Patients were divided into two groups based on the function of the dominant thyroid nodule; hot nodules (n = 18) and cold nodules (n = 8). mRNA levels of pendrin were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR. Pendrin protein expression was determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Results of dominant nodules were compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patient. Results: No statistically significant difference was found with respect to qualitative and quantitative measurements of pendrin expression between hot and cold nodules. However, percent immunohistochemical staining of pendrin was significantly higher in both hot and cold nodules compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patients. RT-PCR revealed comparable mRNA levels of pendrin gene between hot nodules and corresponding normal thyroid tissues. However, in cold nodules, significantly decreased mRNA levels of pendrin were observed compared to normal thyroid tissue. mRNA levels of pendrin showed significant positive correlation with TSH in corresponding non-nodular thyroid tissues. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that expression of pendrin could not be influenced by TSH in thyroid nodules and expression level of pendrin seems not to have an effect on nodule function. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 208&#8211;214)Wstęp: W guzkowej tkance tarczycowej opisano odmienny od pozaguzkowej tkanki tarczycowej mechanizm ekspresji pendryny &#8212; transportera jodu zlokalizowanego w części szczytowej komórki. Celem badania było ustalenie zmian w ekspresji pendryny w guzkowej tkance tarczycowej i otaczającej ją pozaguzkowej tkance tarczycowej, aby wyjaśnić rolę pendryny w zachowaniu czynnościowym zmian guzkowych. Materiał i metody: W tym samym ośrodku pobrano 26 wycinków guzkowej tkanki tarczycowej i sparowanych wycinków pozaguzkowej prawidłowej tkanki tarczycowej. Pacjentów podzielono na dwie grupy w zależności od statusu czynnościowego guzka dominującego: grupę z guzkami gorącymi (n = 18) i grupę z guzkami zimnymi (n = 8). Poziom mRNA i pendryny oznaczono ilościowo metodą RT-PCR. Ekspresję białka pendryny oznaczono metodą immunohistochemiczną. Wyniki dla guzków dominujących porównano z wynikami dla tkanki pozaguzkowej u tego samego pacjenta. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono statystycznie znamiennych różnic pomiędzy guzkami gorącymi i zimnymi, jeżeli chodzi o wyniki oznaczenia ilościowego i jakościowego ekspresji pendryny. Procentowe barwienie immunohistochemiczne w kierunku pendryny było natomiast znamiennie większe zarówno w przypadku guzków gorących, jak i zimnych w porównaniu z tkanką pozaguzkową u tych samych pacjentów. RT-PCR wykazało porównywalne poziomy mRNA genu kodującego pendrynę w guzkach gorących i prawidłowej tkance tarczycowej u tych samych pacjentów. Z kolei w przypadku guzków zimnych stwierdzono znamiennie niższe poziomy pendryny w porównaniu z prawidłową tkanką tarczycową. Stwierdzono też korelację dodatnią poziomu mRNA pendryny i poziomu TSH w korespondujących tkankach pozaguzkowych. Wnioski: W przeprowadzonym badaniu wykazano, że na ekspresję pendryny nie może mieć wpływu TSH w guzkach tarczycy oraz że poziom ekspresji pendryny nie wydaje się wpływać na czynność guzków. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3):208&#8211;214

    A comparison of pelvic organ prolapse and sexual function after abdominal and laparoscopic hysterectomy

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    Objectives: Hysterectomy is one of the risk factors of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). There is no consensus on whether the route of hysterectomy affects the subsequent development of POP. The aim of the study was to assess POP and sexual function 1 year after a hysterectomy when comparing total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) with total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). The study applied the pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP-Q) as the measure of POP and a short-form of the POP/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Function Questionnaire (PISQ-12).Material and methods: All patients that underwent either TAH or TLH due to benign causes between March 2016 and March 2017 at the tertiary hospital used for the study were included in our prospective cohort study. POP-Q measurements and PISQ-12 scores were assessed 1 year postoperatively.Results: We included 182 patients in the clinical examinations. There were no statistically significant differences in demographic characteristics between the TAH and TLH groups. Also, there we no differences observed in the objective POP measurements between the two study groups. Results of the two groups’ PISQ-12 scores were also similar. However, postoperative vaginal lengths were found to be significantly shorter in the patients who had undergone TAH compared with those who had undergone TLH.Conclusions: TAH and TLH are comparable regarding short-term objective pelvic organ prolapse. Although we foundstatistically a significant difference in vaginal lengths between the two groups, no clinical significance was found in terms of sexual function

    Clinical significance of serum lncRNA H19, GAS5, HAR1B and linc01783 levels in Parkinson’s disease = A szérum lncRNS H19-, GAS5-, HAR1B- és LINC01783-szintjeinek klinikai jelentősége Parkinson-kórban

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    Background and purpose – Long noncod- ing RNAs (lncRNAs) are highly expressed in the brain and alterations in their levels have been shown in many neurodegenerative disorders. Evidence has shown that lncRNAs play role in the onset and progression of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and it can be used as a potential therapeutic target. Our purpose was to detect whether the serum levels of four candidate lncRNAs H19, GAS5, HAR1B and LINC01783 are related with the clinical findings and treatment of PD or not. Methods – 83 patients and 50 healthy controls were included in this study. We assessed how severe the disease is, by using Hoehn Yahr (HY) staging and Unified PD rating scale (UPDRS). Venous blood samples were taken from the participants. Serum samples were centrifuged and stored at -80°C until analysis. Expression levels of these lncRNAs were analyzed by a real-time PCR instrument after RNA isolation and com- plementary DNA synthesis in the laboratory. Results – There was no significant difference between PD patients and healthy controls in these lncRNAs’ serum levels. Just as socio- demographic characteristics, also onset type and right or left predominance of the disease, its duration and treatment did not differ in lncRNA levels. Solely, there was a sig- nificant negative correlation between GAS5 and HY and UPDRS scores. Patients with family history of PD had significantly higher levels of LINC01783. Conclusion – Serum lncRNA GAS5 level may be a possible biomarker for disease severity in PD patients. | Háttér és cél – A hosszú nem kódoló RNS-ek (lncRNS-ek) nagymértékben kifejeződnek az agyban, és szintjük változását számos neurodegeneratív betegségben kimutatták. Bizonyított, hogy az lncRNS-ek szerepet ját- szanak a Parkinson-kór (PD) kialakulásában és progressziójában, és potenciális terápiás célpontként használhatók. Célunk annak kimutatása volt, hogy a négy lncRNS, a H19, a GAS5, a HAR1B és a LINC01783 szérum- szintje összefügg-e a Parkinson-kór klinikai tüneteivel és kezelésével, vagy sem. Módszerek – A vizsgálatba 83 beteget és 50 egészséges kontrollt vontunk be. A betegség súlyosságát a Hoehn–Yahr- (HY-) stádium- beosztás és az egységes PD minősítési skála (UPDRS) segítségével vizsgáltuk. A résztve- vőktől vénás vérmintát vettünk. A szérum- mintákat centrifugáltuk és –80 °C-on tároltuk az elemzésig. Az lncRNS-ek expressziós szintjét valós idejű PCR-rel elemeztük az RNS izolálása és a laboratóriumban végzett komp lementer DNS-szintézis után. Eredmények – Nem volt szignifikáns kü- lönbség a Parkinson-kóros betegek és az egészséges kontrollok között ezeknek az lncRNS-eknek a szérumszintjében. A szocio- demográfiai jellemzőkhöz hasonlóan a be- tegségkezdet típusa, jobb vagy bal oldali túlsúlya, fennállásának időtartama és ke- ze lése sem különbözött az lncRNS-szintek ala pján. Egyedül a GAS5 és a HY, valamint az UPDRS-pontszámok között volt szignifikáns negatív korreláció. A családi anamnézisben PD-vel rendelkező betegeknél szignifikánsan magasabb volt a LINC01783 szintje. Következtetés – A szérum-lncRNS GAS5- szintje a betegségsúlyosság lehetséges biomarkere lehet Parkinson-kóros betegeknél

    Thyroid metastasis of endometrial carcinosarcoma associated with Graves' disease

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    A 54-year-old woman who had undergone total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral adnexial resection because of endometrial carcinosarcoma presented with thyrotoxicosis, rapidly enlarging neck mass, right cervical tenderness to the ears, palpitation, swelling and heat intolerance, 3 years after the operation. Her serum thyroid hormone levels confirmed hyperthyroidism. Triiodothyronine/thyroxine ratio was 18. The thyroid antibodies were markedly elevated. A thyroid scan showed a cold area corresponding to the thyroid nodule, with high radioiodine uptake in the remaining thyroid tissue. Antithyroid drugs were started to control the hyperthyroidism. In our patient, who had a history of malignancy, the rapidly enlarging neck mass was considered as metastasis to the thyroid gland. The patient underwent bilateral total thyroidectomy. Histopathological examination demonstrated findings compatible with Graves' disease on the left and a carcinosarcoma metastasis on the right thyroid lobe. We suggest that both destructive thyroiditis and Graves' disease contributed to our patient's thyrotoxicosis. Metastatic thyroid carcinoma and destructive thyroiditis should be considered in patients with rapidly enlarging neck mass and a prior history of visceral malignancy

    An unusual patient with hypercalciuria, recurrent nephrolithiasis, hypomagnesemia and G227R mutation of Paracellin-1. An unusual patient with hypercalciuria and hypomagnesemia unresponsive to thiazide diuretics

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    A 19-year-old female patient with hypercalciuria and recurrent nephrolithiasis/urinary tract infection unresponsive to thiazide type diuretics is presented. The patient first experienced nephrolithiasis at the age of 4 years. Afterwards, recurrent passages of stones and urinary tract infection occurred. On diagnostic evaluation at the age of 19 years, she also had hypocitraturia and hypomagnesemia. Her serum calcium concentrations were near the lower limit of normal (8.5-8.8 mg/dl; normal range: 8.5-10.5), her serum magnesium concentrations were 1.15-1.24 mg/dl (normal range: 1.4-2.5) and urinary calcium excretion was 900 mg/24 h. PTH concentrations were increased (110-156 pg/ml; normal range: 10-65). We tried to treat the patient with hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of 50 mg/day. During treatment with thiazide diuretics, PTH concentration remained high and the patient had recurrent urinary tract infections and passages of stones. Serum magnesium concentration did not normalize even under the parenteral magnesium infusion. Her mother had a history of nephrolithiasis 20 years ago. Severe hypomagnesemia in association with hypercalciuria/urinary stones is reported as a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired reabsorption of magnesium and calcium in the thick assending limp of Henle's loop. Recent studies showed that mutations in the CLDN16 gene encoding paracellin-1 cause the disorder. In exon 4, a homozygous nucleotide exchange (G679C) was identified for the patient. This results in a point mutation at position Glycine227, which is replaced by an Arginine residue (G227R). The mother was heterozygous for this mutation. G227 is located in the fourth transmembrane domain and is highly conserved in the claudin gene family. This case indicates the pathogenetic role of paracellin-1 mutation in familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and further underlines the risk of stone formation in heterozygous mutation carriers

    An unusual patient with hypercalciuria, recurrent nephrolithiasis, hypomagnesemia and G227R mutation of paracellin-1

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    A 19-year-old female patient with hypercalciuria and recurrent nephrolithiasis/urinary tract infection unresponsive to thiazide type diuretics is presented. The patient first experienced nephrolithiasis at the age of 4 years. Afterwards, recurrent passages of stones and urinary tract infection occurred. On diagnostic evaluation at the age of 19 years, she also had hypocitraturia and hypomagnesemia. Her serum calcium concentrations were near the lower limit of normal (8.5-8.8 mg/dl; normal range: 8.5-10.5), her serum magnesium concentrations were 1.15-1.24 mg/dl (normal range: 1.4-2.5) and urinary calcium excretion was 900 mg/24 h. PTH concentrations were increased (110-156 pg/ml; normal range: 10-65). We tried to treat the patient with hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of 50 mg/day. During treatment with thiazide diuretics, PTH concentration remained high and the patient had recurrent urinary tract infections and passages of stones. Serum magnesium concentration did not normalize even under the parenteral magnesium infusion. Her mother had a history of nephrolithiasis 20 years ago. Severe hypomagnesemia in association with hypercalciuria/urinary stones is reported as a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired reabsorption of magnesium and calcium in the thick assending limp of Henle's loop. Recent studies showed that mutations in the CLDN16 gene encoding paracellin-1 cause the disorder. In exon 4, a homozygous nucleotide exchange (G679C) was identified for the patient. This results in a point mutation at position Glycine227, which is replaced by an Arginine residue (G227R). The mother was heterozygous for this mutation. G227 is located in the fourth transmembrane domain and is highly conserved in the claudin gene family. This case indicates the pathogenetic role of paracellin-1 mutation in familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and further underlines the risk of stone formation in heterozygous mutation carriers. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel